Implementasi Metodologi Extreme Programming Pada Sistem Informasi Sekolah Dan Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web

  • Saffana Assani' Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Hermanto Hermanto Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Muhammad Daviq Romadlon Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Rizkiyatul Hurriyah Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Muhammad Rizqi Hildani Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Ahmad Ryan Al Baihaqy Universitas Qomaruddin


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum III is a basic-level educational institution that requires a school information system and a new student admission system to be used in managing its school. In developing this system, a simple and fast system development methodology was chosen, namely extreme programming. The analysis used is functional and non-functional system analysis. For design, there are several types of design, namely database design using conceptual data models and physical data models, as well as system design using a unified modeling language. The research results at this stage are in the form of analysis documents and design documents that will be used for the implementation and testing stages


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How to Cite
Assani’, S., Hermanto, H., Romadlon, M. D., Hurriyah, R., Hildani, M. R., & Al Baihaqy, A. R. (2023). Implementasi Metodologi Extreme Programming Pada Sistem Informasi Sekolah Dan Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web. Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika, 8(2), 89-97.
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