
The first Scientific Informatics Journal was made and published at the end of 2016 by LPPM AMIK Ibrahimy. This journal runs in the management of LPPM AMIK Ibrahimy ± 3 years, from the first edition to volume 3 number 2. After the merger of universities under the auspices of the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Situbondo became Ibrahimy University, journal management was taken over by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Ibrahimy University, with a different composition of managers. Thus, all editions from volume 1 to volume 3 number 2 are re-uploaded to the new OJS using quick submit.
Since management was taken over with the composition of the new Journal manager, articles published began to be registered to obtain DOI from CrossReff by affiliating with Indonesian Journal Volunteers through the Institute of Research and Community Service (LP2M) Ibrahimy University. The writing rules are also adjusted so that they remain consistent, especially in terms of citing references that are currently changed following the IEEE rules. So far, the Scientific Journal of Informatics has been indexed in PKP Index, Google Scholar, Garuda, Science and Technology Index (Sinta), One Search, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), WorldCat, Copernicus Index, Scilit, EuroPub and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) since 2021.
We need to say that at the first release of the journal, the Scientific Journal of Informatics used OJS version and continued to be upgraded until version when it was managed by LP2M AMIK Ibrahimy. After the merger became a university, there was a tug of war for journal management, finally it was decided for all to be combined using one OJS. So for articles that have been published before the merger and manager of the new journal we re-upload it to the new OJS. After the merger, we continued using OJS and upgraded to version at this time.
Scientific informatics journal has been indexed in Sinta 4 based on the decision of the minister of research and technology/head of the national research and innovation agency number 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/2022. The profile of this journal can be accessed via the link: http://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/detail?id=6637
We continue to make improvements to improve the quality of the journals we manage, one of which is by making management improvements and also updating article templates which can be accessed via the link: http://bit.ly/JIMIv2