Author Guidelines
(1) Articles submitted to the journal Lisan Al-Hal : Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan are original scientific papers and have never been published in any media.
(2) Articles are written using standard Indonesian/English rules with a variety of scientific writings, not a variety of popular scientific works and oral communication.
(3) The length of the writing is between 10-25 pages (between 5,000-6,000 words), typed in the Microsoft Word program, using Cambria font size 12 (abstract 10) with single spacing and using A4 paper size.
(4) Articles are submitted in the form of print outs and soft copies.
(5) Manuscripts can also be sent as e-mail attachments to or
(6) All manuscripts are reviewed by editors according to their field of expertise. Article authors are given the opportunity to make improvements (revisions) to the manuscript on the basis of recommendations/suggestions from the editor. Confirmation of loading or rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing.
(7) Everything related to permission to quote or use computer software for making manuscripts or other things related to "IPR" carried out by the author of the article, along with the legal consequences that may arise because of this, is the full responsibility of the author.
Article titles in Indonesian should not exceed 15 words, and article titles in English should not exceed 12. The title is printed in capital letters in the middle, with a font size of 14 points.
The abstract and keywords are written in English. The length of each abstract is 100-200 words. The abstract contains the essence of the entire writing, which is explained in a clear, complete, and complete manner. The abstract is not a copy of the conclusion. The introduction is an explanation of the main reasons for conducting research. Methods is an explanation of how to work in research. The result is an explanation of the results obtained in the study. Discussion is the conclusion of the investigation.
The introductory section contains the background, research context, literature review results, and research objectives. Gives an introduction to the substance of the manuscript according to the topic and the theoretical and practical reasons behind the writing of the manuscript. The manuscript's direction, intent, purpose, novelty, and usability are explained. A brief description of what has been done/found by other researchers before. Then a description of the problem to be studied. All introductory sections are presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs, with a length of 10-15% of the article's total length.
The method section contains an explanation in the form of paragraphs about the approach or type of research, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis that the researcher carried out, with a length of 5-10% of the total length of the article. Each measurement result reported in the Results section must know the method used to obtain the result. The use of standard procedures can only be referred to. The description of the method is written in this Methods section. Describe the statistical analysis procedure used. Using supporting instruments (tables, diagrams) is equipped with reference sources or information.
The research results section explains the analysis results related to the research questions. Each research result should be discussed. The discussion contains the meaning of the results and comparisons with theories and/or similar research results. The length of exposure to results and discussion is 75-85% of the article's total length. If the results are separate from the Discussion, the Results section presents the research results without having to discuss them; then the discussion will be carried out in the Discussion. Start systematically writing results. Do not serve images from table data (use only one).
The information presented must be neatly arranged sequentially and under the theoretical hierarchy. If you want to emphasize the results obtained, give them in other numbers, for example, a percentage or difference. If you will show the number in question, refer to the table. Discussions need to be written in clear language and not use too long sentences.
A collection of similar studies can be referred to as a group. Discussion presentations should also have a systematic flow, do not discuss an aspect repeatedly. Use a systematic frame of mind so that the discussion will end at a point supporting the conclusion. The discussion needs to emphasize research implications (theoretical and application).
In tables, a font size 12 may be used (or adjusted), and no vertical lines may be drawn. The number of tables and titles must be written above the table. Using supporting instruments (Tables, Diagrams) is equipped with reference sources or information.
The conclusion/closing section contains research findings in the form of answers to research questions or a summary of the discussion results. Conclusions are presented in the form of paragraphs. The decision is not a "copy and paste" of the discussion. When concluding, do not speculate. Conclusions must be based on the facts of the research results.
Acknowledgments are placed before the bibliography. In the thank-you note, it is necessary to mention the funding agency (along with the contract number) as documentation. Recognition of significant contributions of individuals or institutions in conducting research and writing.
The bibliography and referenced sources must be consistent. The bibliography only contains the referenced sources and vice versa. The libraries are primary sources in the form of research articles in journals or research reports (including theses, theses, and dissertations).
Writing a list of references according to the rules of the Turabian Style. Space 1, between references, there is a distance. (Each Reference must be footnoted in Turabian 8th style) ( Please click here for the footnote style (Modern Humanities research association) and bibliography.