Author Fee(s)

The Lisan Al-Hal: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan published all its articles in full open access. Thus, an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 350.000 IDR* will be applied starting in 2024 to the manuscript accepted after peer-review. Author(s) or their institutions pay this fee to provide free access to readers, improve our journal management system, and cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, long-term archiving, and journal management.
(*) Based on The Details of the Expenditure Budget for 2024/2025, Decree of the Caretaker of the Sukorejo Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School, Number: 0828/30/M.4/1.03/VII/2024
(Berdasarkan Rincian Anggaran Belanja Tahun Anggaran 2024/2025, Surat Keputusan Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo, Nomor: 0828/30/M.4/1.03/VII/2024).
(*) Article Processing Charge (APC) for Internal Lecturers of 100.000 IDR*