• Kenya Nayaka Radya Universitas Muhammdiyah Gresik
  • Dodi Jaya Wardana Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
Kata Kunci: Transportation, community, illegal parking


Parking issues in major urban areas, such as Gresik Regency, are becoming increasingly complex due to the rising number of motorized cars and the demand for community mobility. Irregularities in parking, particularly unlawful parking activities executed without official permits, adversely affect traffic, public convenience, and local revenue. This study seeks to examine the impact of unlawful parking activities in Gresik Regency and the measures implemented by the Transportation Agency to mitigate these issues. In accordance with Gresik Regency Regional Regulation Number 03 of 2020 and Regent Regulation Number 14 of 2023, the Transportation Agency has implemented administrative sanctions to mitigate illegal parking practices. This study employs normative legal methodologies alongside conceptual and statutory techniques. Data is sourced from legal documents, theses, scientific articles, and other pertinent materials. Findings indicate that despite the presence of legislation, the enforcement and oversight of illegal parking practices encounter several obstacles, such as insufficient supervision and limited public knowledge. Imposed measures, including fines and vehicle confiscation, are intended to maintain order. Nonetheless, its efficacy requires enhancement through improved socialization and coordination with pertinent stakeholders. Implementation of these fines is anticipated to enhance public awareness of the significance of adhering to parking restrictions, hence fostering a more organized and secure transportation environment. This study advocates for enhanced surveillance and intensified community education to mitigate the adverse effects of unlawful parking practices and elevate the quality of life in Gresik District. These steps are anticipated to establish a robust framework for improved parking management in the future.


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