• Syahrul Ibad Prodi Hukum, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, Universitas Ibrahimy, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: Constitutional Political Law, Political Configuration, Legal Products


This political and legal conception is important as a framework in viewing the direction of state policy towards regulating believers in the context of the rule of law in Indonesia. From the perspective of "das sollen" there is the view that politics must be subject to legal provisions, but this is more seen from the perspective of "das sein" or experience that the law is in reality determined by the political configuration behind it, so it is interesting to discuss. This research is normative law, or what is often known as library research. Currently, the political configuration and legal products used or used by Indonesia are democratic political configurations and responsive legal products which give the public the right to freedom of expression or discretion. The public is required to participate actively in determining policies in the Government. "But also that the political configuration and legal products in Indonesia have the same vision, namely creating prosperity for the general public in accordance with the goals of the state.


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