• Ach. Firman Ilahi Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
  • Moh. Hafid Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo


Islamic boarding schools as traditional Islamic educational institutions have an important
role in shaping the character of students. However, so far attention to the development of psy
chological aspects and mental well-being of students is still less than optimal, even though
this is very important to support the students’ learning process. Therefore, to face the com
plex challenges of a rapidly developing era, it is necessary to revitalize guidance and counse
ling services. The aim of this research is to describe the revitalization of guidance and coun
seling services in Islamic boarding schools. This research uses the library research method.
This research produces an elaboration on the vital and integral role of counseling guidance
services in Islamic boarding schools. That counseling guidance services must be a consulta
tion service for students, as a reactive measure for violations committed by students, and co
unseling guidance services as an evaluative action to measure the level of success of the ser
vices provided. This has implications for the psychological, emotional, spiritual, intellectual
and social aspects of the lives of students in Islamic boarding schools.

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