The Manuscripts 

The submitted manuscript should be the result of original research that is good enough to make a new contribution to the world of English language education. Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically using the online submission procedure at JOEY: Journal of English Ibrahimy. The corresponding author should also state that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication in any other journal. Please note that the editors will ignore manuscripts that do not follow this procedure.

General Instructions 

  1. JOEY: Journal of English an original scientific work and has never been published in any media before.
  2. Articles are written using standard Indonesian language rules (for Indonesian-language manuscripts) or standard English language rules (for English-language manuscripts) with a scientific writing style, not popular scientific writing style and oral communication.
  3. The length of the article is between 15 - 20 pages (between 4,000 - 6,000 words), typed in Microsoft Word program with Cambria font size 12 (abstract 10) with single spacing and using A4 paper size (3-3-3-3).
  4. Articles are submitted in print and soft copy.
  5. Manuscript submissions can also be made in the form of e-mail attachments to the address: or

Structure of the manuscripts 

  1. The title of the article should not exceed 12 words. The title of the article should be in lowercase with a capital letter at the beginning (center), with a font size of 14 points.
  2. The names of the authors of the article are listed without academic titles, accompanied by the name and address of the institution of origin and email. The first author, second author, third author, and so on are written sequentially from name, institution of origin to email, and for all authors.
  3. Abstracts and keywords are written in English (and attached in Indonesian). The length of each abstract is 200-250 words. The abstract contains the essence of the entire content of the paper which is presented clearly, fully and completely. Abstract is not a copy of the conclusion. The components contained in the abstract are IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Introduction is an explanation of the main reason for conducting research. Method is an explanation of how the research was conducted. Results are an explanation of the results obtained in the study. Discussion is the conclusion of the research. Keywords should be in the form of words or phrases consisting of 4-6 words/phrases.
  4. The introductionsection contains the background, research context, and the results of the library study. Provide an introduction to the substance of the manuscript according to the topics and reasons of both theoretical and practical behind the writing of the script. Contains explicitly with a brief and clear direction, intent, purpose, novelty, and usefulness of the manuscript. A brief description of what other researchers have done/discovered before. Then the description of the problem to be examined. Antacids on other research related to results and it is better to postpone in Discussion.
  5. The methodsection contains exposure in the form of paragraphs about the approach or type of research, data source, data collection techniques, and data analysis that is manifestly performed by researchers, with a length of 5-10% of the total length of the article. Any measurement results reported in the Results section should be known the method used to obtain those results. The use of standard procedures can be referred to only. The description of the method is written in this Methods section. Describe the statistical analysis procedure used. The use of supporting instruments (table, diagram) is equipped with reference sources or information.
  6. The research of resultssection contains exposure to the results of the analysis related to research questions. Any research results should be discussed. The discussion contains the meaning of results and comparison with the theory and/or the results of similar research. Length of exposure to results and discussion of 75-85% of the total length of the article. If results are separate from the discussion, the Results section only presents the results of research without having to discuss, new discussions are conducted in Discussion. Start systematically writing results. Do not present images from table data (use only one). The information presented must be arranged in sequence and accordance with the hierarchy of the theory. If you want to emphasize the results obtained, it should be presented in the form of other numbers for example in the form of percentages or differences. If you want to show the number in question, just refer to the table that contains the number. Discussions need to be written in clear language and do not use sentences which are too long. Similar research groups can be referred to in groups. Discussion presentation should also have a systematic flow, do not discuss an aspect over and over again. Use a systematic frame of mind so that the discussion will end to a point that will support the conclusion. The implications of research (theoretical and application) need to be emphasized in the discussion. In tables, 11  font sizes can be used (or adjusted) and vertical lines should not be drawn. The number of tables and headings must be written above the table. The use of supporting instruments (tables, diagrams) is accompanied by a source of reference or information. In pictures, the number of images and titles must be written below the image.
  7. The conclusion/closingsection contains research findings in the form of answers to research questions or the form of the essence of the discussion results. Infers are presented in paragraph form. The conclusion is not the "copy" of the discussion. In taking conclusions do not speculate. Conclusions should be based on the facts of the research results.
  8. An acknowledgementis a placed before the library list. It is necessary to mention the granting institution (along with the contract number) as documentation. Recognition of contributions of individuals or institutions that are meaningful in the implementation of research and writing.
  9. The biography and referencedsources must be consistent. This means that the reference contains only referenced sources which from cited or was cited. The reference used are primary sources in the form of research articles in journals or research reports (including thesis, thesis, dissertation).
  10. As for citations and reference management, it is mandatory to use the Mendeley applicationor Zotero application. Items in the reference list must be organized according to the APA 7.0 style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). Composition of citations or references, as much as 80% comes from journals; the remaining 20% can be from books, magazines, or something similar. There are at least 27 references.
  11. Copyright Transfer Form JOEY can be downloaded on the dashboard in the Copyright Notice