Author Guidelines
- Article systematic consists of title, author's name, abstract in Indonesian and English, keywords, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, bibliography.
- Each sub-chapter is in bold, without numbering or symbols
- The title describes the contents of the text briefly and clearly. The title in Indonesian cannot be more than 14 words, in English it cannot be more than 10 words. The title is printed with capital letters in the middle with 14 highlight letters
- The author's name is entered without a title, along with the name of the institution and its address and address of the correspondence (email)
- Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (Indonesian and English). The maximum length of each abstract is 200 words, 1 space with a size of 10. The abstract contains the title, purpose, method and research results
- keywords (keywords) can be in the form of words or phrases and consist of 3-7 words / phrases, where keywords are the words that appear most often in research
- The introduction contains the background, research context, results of the literature review and research objectives. All introductory sections are presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs
- The research method contains paragraphs about the research design, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis that are actually carried out by the researcher. The research methods section also includes the ethical eligibility certificate number.
- The results and discussion contain exposure to the results of the analysis related to the research objectives. Every research result must be discussed. The discussion contains the meaning of results and comparison with theories and or similar research results. The use of supporting instruments (tables, diagrams, pictures) is supplemented by sources of reference or information if it is not from primary data. Simply include the necessary supporting instruments. The table uses two horizontal lines above and below. The title of the table is placed on top of the table, the title of the picture / diagram is placed below the picture / diagram.
- Conclusions contain research findings in the form of answers to research objectives. Suggestions contain solutions from research findings. Conclusions and suggestions are presented in paragraph form
- The bibliography only contains the sources referenced and all sources referenced must be listed in the bibliography. Primary sources are recommended. Bibliography contains libraries of the last 10 years. Reconciliation and citation using caged referral techniques (last name, year). Example: (Armstrong, 1995). Writing a bibliography using Harvard styles.
- The reference list is compiled in this manner and arranged alphabetically.