Journal History

Oksitosin : Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan  is a journal published by the D III Midwifery Study Program at the Faculty of Health, Ibrahimy University, which was previously named the IBRAHIMY MIDWIFERY ACADEMY and has been published since 2014. Online journal version since 2017 on (off since Juni 2019)

Since August 2019, web Oksitosin: Jurnal Imiah Kebidanan accessed in  because IBRAHIMY MIDWIFERY ACADEMY merged being Ibrahimy University, so all of jurnals in Ibrahimy University must move to new campus web OJS. 
So that, all of articles from first issue till February 2019  (Vol.6. No.1) was reupload one by one from old web to new web. Unfortunately, old website had expired per Juni 2019 and campus policy decided to did not extend the old website.