About the Journal

Oksitosin : Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan  is a journal published by Midwifery Study Program at the Faculty of Health, Ibrahimy University, which was previously named the IBRAHIMY MIDWIFERY ACADEMY and has been published since 2014. Online journal version since 2017. 

Oksitosin :  Jurnal Imiah Kebidanan was published twice, namely February and August.

The editor invited academics, lecturers and practitioners to contribute their articles, consisting of the results of field research or systematic reviews in accordance with the discipline and the provisions of our journal. 

The focus of scientific disciplines  about Midwifery. The scope of scientific disciplines includes: Clinical midwifery, community midwifery, maternal and child health, maternal and child nutrition, adolescent health & nutrition, health promotion, health and midwifery services, health information systems, maternal and child health program, maternal and child health policy, woman Health throughout the life cycle.

Articles sent are original and have never been published in other media.

p-ISSN: 2354-9653 | e-ISSN: 2597-6524