Ginger syrup, Emesis Gravidarum.Abstract
Common complaints that occur in pregnant women aged 0-12 weeks is Emesis Gravidarum. The cause of emesis is the increase of estrogen and progesterone hormone produced by HCG. Treatment of nausea and vomiting can be done with medication and non-pharmacology therapy. One of the recommended non-pharmacological treatments is ginger. Ginger class of rhizoma, family Zingiberaceae. Ginger contains chemical compounds such as gingerols, shogaols, bisapolene, zingiberene, zingiberol, sesquiphellandrene, essential oils and resins. The design of this research using quasi experiment with research design that is Non-Equivalent control Group. Sampling with Quota sampling with 20 pregnant women aged 0-12 weeks old with emesis gravidarum 10 for intervention group (ginger syrup) and 10 control groups (sugar water). Ginger syrup given for 4 days twice daily. The result of statistic test using Mann Whitney between ginger syrup and sugar water was statistically significant with p = 0.0005 (p<0,05), which means that drinking of ginger syrup is better than sugar water. Conclusion there was influence of ginger syrup beverage to decrease emesis gravidarum complaints.
Keywords : Ginger syrup, Emesis Gravidarum.
Keluhan umum yang terjadi pada wanita hamil usia 0–12 minggu adalah Emesis Gravidarum. Penyebab emesis yaitu meningkatnya hormon estrogen dan progesteron yang di produksi oleh HCG. Penanganan mual muntahbisa dengan terapi obat-obatan dan non-farmakologi. Salah satu terapi non-farmakologi yang direkomendasikan adalah jahe. Jahe golongan rhizoma, family Zingiberaceae. Jahe memiliki kandungan senyawa kimiawi yaitu gingerols, shogaols, bisapolene, zingiberene, zingiberol, sesquiphellandrene, minyak atsiri dan resin. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan rancangan penelitian yaitu Non-Equivalent control Group. Pengambilan sampelsecara Quota sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 20 wanita hamil usia 0-12 minggu yang mengalami emesis gravidarum yaitu 10 untuk kelompok intervensi (sirup jahe) dan 10 kelompok kontrol (air gula). Sirup jahe diberikan selama 4 hari sebanyak 2x sehari. Hasil penelitian uji statistik menggunakan Mann Whitney antara pemberian sirup jahe dan air gula secara statistik bermakna dengan nilai p=0,0005(p<0,05) yang artinya pemberian minuman sirup jahe lebih baik daripada pemberian air gula. Simpulan terdapat pengaruh pemberian minuman sirup jahe terhadap penurunan keluhan emesis gravidarum.
Kata kunci : Sirup Jahe Emprit (Zingiber officinale rosc), Emesis Gravidarum.