• Muhamad Yasin Mahasiswa Prodi Hukum
  • Heriyanto Heriyanto Universitas Ibrahimy
  • Fathorrahman Fathorrahman Universitas Ibrahimy
Kata Kunci: Narcotics Abusers, Restorative Justice


Narcotics abuse in Indonesia has increased every year, which raises questions for young people whether from methods of handling that are less attentive then result in more abusers, because this affects social, cultural, educational and several other aspects, this is due to BNN data references in 2010. 2020-2021, however, it turns out that in his decision the judge imposed a prison sentence, this is one of the factors for the increase in narcotics abusers because abusers have experienced addiction and so if the criminal sanction is in the form of imprisonment then it will not be a solution because researchers use normative juridical analysis with a restorative approach to acts narcotics criminals who have rehabilitation sanctions if they meet the requirements according to restorative justice guidelines. In fact, researchers conducted the formulation of a first study on how to use restorative methods in narcotics crimes, while later in terms of how to apply the restorative principle to narcotics abusers. making fatal for the defendant is more real in cases of narcotics users but examined using the approach of the principle of restorative justice has the meaning of returning to its original state because narcotics are used in ways that violate the law are dangerous for the consequences of experiencing addiction and affecting the soul and psyche.


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