Studi Interaksi Obat Antihiperlipidemia Pada Pasien Rawat Jalan RSUD Dr. M.M. Dunda Limboto

  • Rahma Hasan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Ibrahimy
Keywords: drug interactions, antihyperlipidemic, prescriptions


Hyperlipidemia is an abnormal lipid condition of metabolism which is
characterized by increasing the level of blood lipid. Hyperlipidemia is often
followed by other diseases. Therefore, the treatment of hyperlipidemia is often
combined with other drugs and potentially increases the occurrence of drugs
interactions. This study aimed to identify the severity of antihyperlipidemic drugs
interactions to the outpatients at Dr. M.M Dunda Limboto Regional Public
Hospital on January to March 2018.This research was included in the observation
(survey) research, the type of research was the analytic survey and the data was
obtained retrospectively. The type of data analysis was univariate analysis and the
data was managed theoretically using the guidelines of Stockley Drug Interaction
and application review. Of the 170 prescription sheets that met the
inclusion criteria, 67.65 % were potentially triggered the drugs interactions and
32.35 % had no drugs interactions. One of Antihyperlipidemic drug was often
prescribed and mostly generated the interactions was simvastatin (64.12 %). Of
the 170 prescriptions, 209 cases of severity of drugs interactions were found, with
minor severity of 27.27 %, moderate severity of 47.85 % and major severity of
24.88 %.

Hiperlipidemia merupakan suatu keadaan ketidaknormalan metabolisme lipid
yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan kadar lipid dalam darah. Hiperlipidemia
sering diikuti dengan penyakit lain. Sehingga pengobatan hiperlipidemia sering
dikombinasikan bersama obat lain dan berpotensi meningkatkan terjadinya
interaksi obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat keparahan
interaksi obat antihiperlipidemia pada pasien rawat jalan RSUD Dr. M.M Dunda
Limboto periode Januari sampai Maret 2018. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian
observasi (survei), jenis penelitian survei analitik dan data diambil secara
retrospektif. Jenis analisis data adalah analisis univariat dan data dikelola secara
teoritik menggunakan Stockley Drug Interaction dan review aplikasi
Dari 170 lembar resep yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, diperoleh 67,65 %
berpotensi mengalami interaksi obat dan 32,35 % tidak mengalami interaksi obat.
Antihiperlipidemia yang sering diresepkan dan paling besar menimbulkan
interaksi obat adalah simvastatin (64,12 %). Dari 170 lembar resep, ditemukan
209 kasus tingkat keparahan interaksi obat, dengan tingkat keparahan minor
sebesar 27,27 %, tingkat keparahan moderat sebesar 47,85% dan tingkat
keparahan mayor sebesar 24,88 %.

How to Cite
Hasan, R. (2021). Studi Interaksi Obat Antihiperlipidemia Pada Pasien Rawat Jalan RSUD Dr. M.M. Dunda Limboto . Jurnal Farmasi Tinctura, 3(1), 15-22.
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