Each manuscript on tinctura will go through the administration review with the rules that apply to the tinctura by author guidelines and templates. If the manuscripts do meet the requirements, then the manuscripts will be conducting a peer review and will be examined by the section editor, if it does not fit into the scope of tinctura (Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi) then the manuscripts will be rejected. The authenticity of its contribution in the field of scientific publishing, methodological and theoretical reliability is taken according to the topic, coherence analysis, grammar, and writing in accordance with the templates.

Each manuscript that can meet the requirements at the administrative and editorial review section, the manuscript will be sent to the reviewers. The process of reviewing manuscripts will be reviewed by double blind method who have been selected by editor. Review process will take 21 days. If the reviewers have finished the review process, then results of the review will be sent to the author(s) for correction and improvement. Editor will also add or put any recommendations if needed.