Call for Paper | 2024


Journal of Community Service: Sinta 4
As-Sidanah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

(1) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): APRIL (Deadline Submission: February 20, 2024)

(2) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): OKTOBER  (Deadline Submission: July 15, 2024)
Hurry up….. “Before the Publication Fee is Paid

Terms of submission (Ketentuan submission):
(1) The submitted manuscript must comply with the As-Sidanah Journal Template (Naskah yang disubmit harus sudah sesuai dengan Template Jurnal As-Sidanah);
(2) Submitted manuscripts must be of high quality (Naskah yang disubmit harus berkualitas tinggi);
(3) The format for writing citations and bibliography must use Mendeley/Zotero (Format penulisan kutipan dan Daftar Pustaka Wajib menggunakan Mendeley/Zotero);
(4) Especially for Bibliography, there must be as much as 80% coming from Scientific Journals and the remaining 20% can be from Books or magazines or other similar (Khusus untuk Daftar Pustaka, harus ada sebanyak 80% berasal dari Jurnal Ilmiah dan 20% sisanya boleh dari Buku atau majalah atau lainnya yang serupa);
(5) Bibliography There are at least 21 bibliography (Daftar Pustaka Minimal ada sebanyak 21 Daftar Pustaka).

The next indexing target: DOAJ, Sinta 3 or Sinta 2 (Target Indexing berikutnya: DOAJ, Sinta 3/Sinta 2).

Best Regards
Managing Editor:
Mohammad Tohir,