Author Guidelines

A. Guidelines for Authors in General:

Since 2020, Lahjah Arabiyah: Jurnal Bahasa Arab dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab has been published twice a year, is bilingual (Bahasa, English, and Arabic), is a peer-reviewed open-access publication, and has a double-blind review procedure. Through the publication of papers and research reports, the goal is to offer readers with a better understanding of Arabic Education and to highlight current trends.

The manuscript should be written in Bahasa, English, or Arabic, and it should not have been published or be in the process of being published in other media, and it should not contain aspects of plagiarism.

Subject reviewers will read the manuscript, and the editors reserve the right to edit it for format consistency without changing the content. Make sure to use the Lahjah Arabiyah Article Template while preparing the manuscript.

The manuscript must be submitted via the Lahjah Arabiyah website (OJS). For online submission, refer to the Guidelines for Access to Al-Ta'rib Online. Citations and references should be formatted in accordance with the American Psychological Association's guidelines (APA) Make use of reference management software such as ZOTERO or MENDELEY.

If the paper complies with the Journal style, the editor will notify the author through email.

B. Manuscript Organization:

The following sections are included in the article: (a) Title; (b) Author(s) Name, Institution, and E-mail; (c) Abstract; (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Method; (g) Result and Discussion; (h) Conclusion; and I References.

The title of the article should be brief and informative. It should be specific to the topic at hand. It is devoid of seldom used acronyms. The essential concept should be written first, followed by an explanation. The title of the paper should not be more than 20 words long.

Author(s) Without a title, the name is completely written; Institution: is stated entirely, including the institution's name; Corresponding author's name and email address are included.

An abstract is a concise, thorough overview of the contents of an article; it helps readers to rapidly examine the contents of an article and, like a title, it allows those interested in the document to find it in abstracting and indexing databases. The majority of scholarly journals demand an abstract. Abstracts are presented by the author in both English and Indonesian (only use English if the author is other than Indonesian). By including keywords into your abstract, you improve the user's ability to locate them. Don't go above the abstract word limit of the publication to which you're submitting your work. Word restrictions vary every journal, but they commonly run from 150 to 250 words in 12-point Times New Roman with a single space.

Keywords serve as the labels for your manuscript and are essential for proper indexing and searches. To assist the reader's search, keywords should be carefully chosen and directly connected to the issue, and they should represent the substance and highlight of your piece. Use only acronyms that are widely accepted in the field. There should be 3-6 keywords (word or phrase). A comma should be used to separate each word or phrase in Keywords (,).

The Authors should describe the work's aims at the end of the introductory section. Before the objective, the authors should provide an adequate background and a very brief literature survey to record the existing solutions/methods, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of previous researches, to show what you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid a lengthy literature review or a summary of the findings.

The technique section, which accounts for 10-15% of the entire article length, includes a description of the study design, the population and sample or subjects of the research, data sources, data collecting, and data analysis.

Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan/Result and Discussion/نتائج البحث و المناقشة
The outcomes should be clear and straightforward. Rather of giving data in great detail, the outcomes should summarize (scientific) findings. Please mention any discrepancies between your conclusions or findings and earlier research published by other academics. This section should go into the importance of the study's findings. A section that combines the Findings and Discussion is also suitable. This part allows you to provide your interpretation and discuss the significance of your findings. Highlight any theoretical or practical implications of the findings. The Discussion section should include a well-reasoned and defensible analysis of the significance of your results. This section explains why the topic is relevant, as well as what wider concerns and ideas are validated or disproven by extrapolating these results to such overarching difficulties.

Conclusions should address the study goals. Describes how your work adds to the field's current level of knowledge. Without clear conclusions, reviewers and readers will struggle to appraise the work and whether it is worthy of publishing in the magazine. Do not restate the Abstract or just provide the experimental results. Give a clear scientific basis for your work, as well as potential applications and expansions. You should also propose new experiments and/or highlight ones that are already happening.

Every source referenced in the body of the article should be cited in the References, and all references should be cited in the body of the article. The references should be more current (published in the last 10 years). The sources given are all primary sources, such as journal articles, proceedings, research reports, theses, and dissertations. Citations from journal papers should account for at least 80% of all references referenced. The References section should be presented alphabetically and chronologically, in 12-point Cambria font, justified, with single line spacing and a hanging indent. Examine each reference in relation to the source (author's name, volume, issue, year, DOI number). Please utilize the reference management software ZOTERO or MENDELEY. As a model, use other published papers in the same publication. Citations and references should be formatted in accordance with the American Psychological Association standard (APA).