Author Guidelines


  1. The manuscript is an original and previously unpublished paper, the result of field research, and case studies.
  2. The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word.
  3. The manuscript should be written either in Indonesian or English, formatted into A4 24 (21 x 29,7 cm) width height, 2.54 cm for all margins, font size 12 of Cambria, spacing 1,15, and 3000-7000 words in length.


  1. First part: title, full name, email, affiliation, abstract, and keywords.
  2. Main part: introduction, methods, findings, and discussion.
  3. Last part: conclusions (concluding remarks), acknowledgment (if any), and references.


  1. The title is capitalized, bolded in 12 sizes of Cambria, single-spaced
  2. The author(s)’ name is written under the title without any title, may not be abbreviated, and begins with a capital letter. The writing order started from the first author followed by the second, third, and so on.
  3. Email addresses of all authors are written under the author(s)’ name and affiliation(s) in 11 sizes of Cambria.

The abstract must reflect the overall substance of the article content. It should be clear and brief describing the research background and aims, methods, results, conclusion, and implications of the research. The abstract should be written in English and Indonesian, single-spaced, and 150-200 words in length  

Keywords: 35 Keywords
Keywords represent the basic ideas or substance of the article which allows readers to find it easily. These can be drawn from the research variables, the characteristics of the subjects, and the referenced theories (a minimum of three words or combinations of words, arranged in alphabetical order and separated using semicolons)  

The introduction provides adequate information about the research background, literature review, gap of the study, objectives, and hypothesis/hypotheses (if any). The literature review should be integrated and written into the background (not in a separate subheading).  

This section should provide detailed information about the methods used in the whole of research process (identification of the research variables, subjects, instruments, and analysis techniques). The sufficient information is needed so that the information can be useful for further researchers. Quoting definitions directly from the books should be avoided in this section.  

This section contains the results of the data analysis. The results of analyzed data should be integrally presented along with the analysis. The results should answer the research question or hypotheses. The attached tables/graphs/figures must refer to the APA 7th edition about tables and figures. The tables/graphs/figures should be meaningful and easily understood to assist the readers in conceiving the analysis.  

This section should critically explore the research findings, how the findings are related to the previous studies, and the relevance of literature/sources. This section allows you to present a substantial interpretation of the results of the analysis and comparison with previous studies based on a review of relevant, the most recent, and the main literature of the past 10 years. This section should not be a repetition of the introduction and results section.

The conclusion must answer the research objectives which is a summary of research findings. The conclusion should be presented in a short, clear, and concise manner based on research findings and discussion. This section must be written in paragraph (not numerical or bullet points). It should state the findings’ synthesis concluded from data analysis and discussion; and the research contribution to psychology development as a science.  

This section contains short sentences to express gratitude to a specific person/people, institution(s), or organization(s) that have an important role in conducting the study.

All of the references mentioned in this section must be cited in the article and vice versa. The references are from the last 10 years of national/international reputable journals (minimum 80% of total references). The references are arranged based on alphabetical order. Reference lists are written in American Psychological Association (APA) style 7th edition. Using reference manager application (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) is strongly recommended to organize the citations and references.

The following are the examples of writing references.

Contoh referensi jurnal tanpa Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Wagnild, G. M., & Young, H. M. (1993). Development and psychometric evaluation of the resilience scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 1(2), 165–178.

Contoh referensi jurnal dengan Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Zacks, S., & Hen, M. (2018). Academic interventions for academic procrastination : A review of the literature. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 46(2), 117–130.

Contoh referensi jurnal online tanpa Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Arifiana, I. S., Santi, D. E., & Ubaidillah, F. A. (2022). Religiusitas dan resiliensi santri selama pandemi COVID-19. PSYCOMEDIA: Jurnal Psikologi, 1(2), 14-20.

Contoh referensi buku

Creswell, J. W., & Guetterman, T. C. (2019). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (6th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc

Contoh referensi buku dengan editor

Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer (D. Wright, Ed.). Chelsea Green Publishing.

Contoh referensi prosiding seminar

Febrinabila, R., & Listiyandini, R. (2016). Hubungan self compassion dengan Resiliensi. Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Peneliti Muda Psikologi Indonesia, 1(1), 19–28.

Contoh referensi majalah

Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5). 26-29.

Contoh referensi majalah online

Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology, 39(6).

Contoh referensi tesis atau disertasi tidak dipublikasikan

Fatony, M. Z. (2022). Hubungan kecerdasan spiritual dengan regulasi diri santri tahfidz Al-Qur’an. (skripsi tidak diterbitkan). Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora,  Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo.

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