Bimbingan Teknik Reinforcement dalam Meningkatkan Target Hafalan Santri

  • Ach. Sofauzzad Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
  • Abdul Mughni Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
  • Samsul Arifin Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
Keywords: guidance, reinforcement techniques, and increasing targets


This article examines reinforcement techniques in memorizing the Al-Quran. Memorizing the Al
Quran is a special part that cannot be separated from Islamic boarding school education. Memorizing
is not an extracurricular lesson like in public schools. However, it is one of the main lessons at Islamic
boarding schools. In Islamic teachings, memorizing the Al-Quran is a command from Allah SWT.
The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. This research observes the implementation of
guidance using reinforcement techniques carried out by teachers at the Ma'hadul Qur'an Pondok
Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo to help deal with students' memorization problems. The
research results showed that the guidance process using reinforcement techniques was successful.
Guidance is carried out using behavioral therapy, then continued with reinforcement techniques. The
results of this technique can make students aware that what they have been doing so far can be
detrimental to themselves and these students realize that successful people are diligent people, not
lazy people.

How to Cite
Ach. Sofauzzad, Abdul Mughni, & Samsul Arifin. (2024). Bimbingan Teknik Reinforcement dalam Meningkatkan Target Hafalan Santri. Maddah : Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Konseling Islam, 6(2), 173-181.
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