About the Journal
Jurnal maddah is journal of communication and counseling Islam [ ISSN : 2656-4238 | e-ISSN : 2656-8101 ] published by the Dakwah Faculty of Universitas Ibrahimy in cooperation with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN). The main purpose is distribute of product field research and concept analysis which original from researcher, academic, and education practitioner. Analysis issue about issues of communication and counseling Islamic. Article have been publishing after peer-review which present exclusive analysis about communication and counseling issue, especially issue of communication and counseling Islamic with various perspectives. Jurnal maddah presented result of recent study, a new thought, and high quality for academic, researcher, and decision makers to decompose the complexities, dinamic,communication and counseling Islamic, and contemporary education paradigm. Twice published in year is January and July.