Moral Disengagement Pada Remaja Pengguna Media Sosial “Sebuah gagasan konseptual untuk konselor”

  • As’ad Universitas Ibarahimy Situbondo
  • Moh. Hafid Universitas Ibarahimy Situbondo
Keywords: moral disengagement, adolescents, social media


This article conceptually discusses the moral disengagement that occurs in adolescents on social
media. Moral form is manifested as the power to refrain from inhumane behavior and the proactive
power to behave humanely. The self-regulatory mechanisms that regulate moral behavior are activated by many psychosocial maneuvers in which moral sanctions selectively determine which behavior
is human or inhuman. Moral disengagement can be interpreted as restructuring inhumane behavior to
become as if it were appropriate with various reasons of justification. Moral disengagement on social media has reached a phenomenon that reduces human values, especially with the number of photos and videos that are diffusion of responsibility, such as flexing or sexuality. Counselors who assist
adolescents in completing their developmental tasks need to provide guidance as a responsibility to
minimize the effects of dehumanizing nature.

How to Cite
As’ad, & Moh. Hafid. (2022). Moral Disengagement Pada Remaja Pengguna Media Sosial “Sebuah gagasan konseptual untuk konselor”. Maddah : Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Konseling Islam, 4(2), 155-160.
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