The Mathematical Literacy Process Viewed From Mathematical Resilience
Mathematical literacy is essential for the quality of education. Howevwe, Indonesia’s mathematical literacy is still low. This study aims to describe how to process of mathematical literacy is viewed from mathematical resilience. This research uses qualitative methods. The subject of this study was a grade VIII student at a junior high school in Semarang City. The research subjects were selected using a random sampling technique which resulted in two students each category of low, medium, and high mathematical resilience. Data collection using observation, interviews, documentation, tests, and questionnaires. Data analysis uses triangulation, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students with low mathematical resilience categories could not achieve mathematical ltieracy indicators, students with medium mathematical resilience could not reach using concepts, procedures, facts, acids, and abilities in mathematical literacy, while high mathematical resilience could achieve well in mathematical literacy. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that students’ mathematical literacy is still low and therefore requires improvement through the project experiential learning (Proleg) model.
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