• Wisnu Pamungkas Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Ilham Muharexza Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Fadly Syafarulloh Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Fenia Apriliani Putri Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Monica Setia Almira Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Velita Velita Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
  • Aminullah Aminullah Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Universitas Djuanda, West Java 16720, Indonesia
Keywords: Business License, Marketing, Pisang Sale Product, Product Label, Product Sanitation


This service activity aimed to provide essential knowledge and information related to sanitation and marketing included licensing, which must be applied to micro-enterprises to be able to produce food products properly and safely. The Participatory Action Research approach was used in service activities focusing on empowering micro-enterprises. The service activities were coordinating with village officials, determining the site, observing the problems, and conducting the program activity. There were two programs namely the main program was socialization regarding sanitation and hygiene and its application in the production of pisang sale; and the supporting program was making a Business Certificate from the village, a Business Permit Number, flowcharts of the production process, product logos, and helping promote these products. The results included micro-enterprise owners who understand the importance of sanitation in the production process, such as washing hands before production, using head coverings, masks, gloves, aprons, special clothes for production, and wearing boots. In addition, business actors already have business legalities, such as Business Permit Number and Business Certificate, and have a better logo on their product. Marketing has been more developed by utilizing social media, namely WhatsApp, so product sales have become more expensive.


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How to Cite
Pamungkas, W., Muharexza, I., Syafarulloh, F., Putri, F. A., Almira, M. S., Velita, V., & Aminullah, A. (2024). EMPOWERMENT OF PRODUCT PROCESSING, LICENSING, AND MARKETING ON MICRO-ENTERPRISE OF IBU NYAI’S PISANG SALE. As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.35316/assidanah.v6i1.1-16
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