Maddah : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Konseling Islam 2024-08-25T16:20:45+00:00 Moch. Nuril Anwar Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal maddah is journal of communication and counseling Islam </strong>[ <a href=";1548772353&amp;1&amp;&amp;">ISSN : 2656-4238&nbsp;</a> | <a href=";1553939068&amp;1&amp;&amp;">e-ISSN : 2656-8101</a> ] published by the Dakwah Faculty of Universitas Ibrahimy in cooperation with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN). The main purpose is distribute of product field research and concept analysis which original from researcher, academic, and education practitioner. Analysis issue about issues of communication and counseling Islamic. Article have been publishing after peer-review which present exclusive analysis about&nbsp; communication and counseling issue, especially issue of communication and counseling Islamic with various perspectives. Jurnal maddah presented result of recent study, a new thought, and high quality for academic, researcher, and decision makers to decompose the complexities, dinamic,communication and counseling Islamic, and contemporary education paradigm. Twice published in year is January and July&nbsp;</p> Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Terhadap Anak di Pagerungan Besar Sumenep 2024-08-25T16:19:06+00:00 Rayendra Imrona Yanji Yohandi Edy Supriyono <p>This research discusses communication patterns that occur between parents and children in <br>Pagerungan Besar Village, Sapeken District, Regency, with the main problem being how parents <br>communicate with children in an effort to build positive morals. The aim is to describe the form of <br>communication between parents and children in Pagerungan Besar village, Sumenep. This type of <br>research is descriptive qualitative. The research approach used is an interpersonal communication <br>approach. The research subject is Mr Muhnadin's family. Data collection methods use observation, <br>interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used is source triangulation. <br>The results of the research show that there are two forms of communication used by parents to instill <br>morals in children, namely first, linear, interactional and transactional communication patterns. <br>These three patterns cannot be separated because they are interconnected with one another. Second, <br>the dialogic interpersonal communication model used by parents towards their children to create an <br>atmosphere that is not boring so that children easily understand what the parents want. One of the <br>meanings of the resulting communication pattern for children is increasing the child's motivation so <br>that the child gets achievements at school and the second is having a positive personality in everyday <br>life so that it does not bother parents.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rayendra Imrona Yanji, Yohandi, Edy Supriyono Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Pembina dan Santri dalam Metode Menghafal Al-Qur’an 2024-08-25T16:19:24+00:00 Fatihatul Jannah Mokhamad Baharun Wisri <p>This article discusses the interpersonal communication patterns of coaches towards students in the <br>method of memorizing the Al-Qur'an at the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School. <br>Researchers used qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Communication is needed by <br>every individual in every aspect of life, including memorizing the Koran. Without good <br>communication there will be difficulties in the memorizing process. Because communication is a <br>symbolic transaction that requires people to regulate the environment by building relationships <br>between each other through exchanging information to strengthen attitudes and behavior and trying <br>to strengthen them. This is also what the supervisors do for students in memorizing the Al-Quran at <br>the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School. This article was explored using <br>descriptive qualitative methods. The results obtained in this research show that interpersonal <br>communication patterns in the method of memorizing the Al-Qur'an used by coaches for students <br>include group communication, interpersonal communication and intrapersonal communication. The <br>interpersonal communication pattern is dominant because it is very relevant for coaches to use for <br>students in teaching them to memorize the Qur'an.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatihatul Jannah, Mokhamad Baharun, Wisri Pentingnya Konseling dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Moderat Beragama 2024-08-25T16:19:42+00:00 Ahmad Andry Budianto A. Khairuddin <p>This study aims to examine in depth how counseling can contribute to fostering moderate religious <br>attitudes in the community. The research method in this study is a qualitative method with a <br>phenomenological research type, this research will explore the counselor's experience in helping <br>counselees develop a balanced, tolerant, and inclusive understanding of religion. In addition, this <br>study will also explore the challenges and obstacles faced by counselors in implementing counseling <br>approaches related to religious issues. Factors such as cultural background, personal values, and <br>counselor competence will be the focus of the study. In addition, to understand the role of counseling <br>in fostering moderate religious attitudes, this study will use a qualitative approach. The results of this <br>study indicate that counselors can apply various techniques to support counselees to be more open <br>and tolerant of religious diversity. These techniques include building a sense of security and trust, <br>exploring the religious background of the counselee, encouraging critical reflection, providing <br>balanced information, exploring commonalities between traditions, facilitating dialogue between <br>religious believers, and encouraging the counselee to have direct interfaith experiences. The <br>application of these techniques proved to be effective in helping counselees to become more open, <br>tolerant, and appreciative of religious perspectives that differ from their own. The findings provide <br>practical implications for counselors in facilitating the development of religious moderation and <br>enhancing social cohesion in religiously diverse communities.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Andry Budianto, A. Khairuddin Strategi Dakwah Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al Hamid Pada Masyarakat Desa Ketapang Banyuwangi 2024-08-25T16:19:57+00:00 Kholisol Hadi Wisri <p>This article aims to describe Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's preaching strategy to the Ketapang <br>Banyuwangi community along with supporting and inhibiting factors. A Muslim's busy work life <br>causes his Koran worship activities to start to be put aside and even to be largely ignored. Seeing this <br>phenomenon, da'wah activities must be better by presenting da'wah that has a plan and can bring <br>about change. Habib Ali Zainal Abidin was present in the Ketapang Banyuwangi community to <br>provide a new nuance of preaching. The da'wah carried out by Habib Ali was by creating several <br>assemblies so that they could provide direct communication in transferring knowledge to the people <br>of Ketapang, Banyuwangi District. Study of fiqh, Sufism and accompanied by qosidah salawat and <br>dhikr. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive type, meaning research that <br>aims to create systematic, factual and accurate descriptions, images or paintings regarding the facts, <br>characteristics and relationships between the phenomena being investigated. The findings showed <br>that Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's preaching to the people of Ketapang Banyuwangi provided scientific <br>material by providing solutions, giving examples with morals, calling with sincerity, visiting the <br>community directly, not distinguishing between classes in society, istiqomah in preaching, and using <br>the mauidzhah hasanah method . The supporting factor for Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's da'wah is that <br>he is a preacher who is pious in religious knowledge and has a conducive place as a means for him <br>to preach. Meanwhile, the obstacle to his preaching was that there were some people around the <br>Islamic boarding school who were socially jealous and misunderstood the associations they held so <br>they did not want to join in his studies.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kholisol Hadi, Wisri Strategi Dakwah Radio BHASA FM dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Keagamaan Masyarakat Situbondo 2024-08-25T16:20:09+00:00 Lubbanatul Widad Nur Ainiyah <p>This article examines Bhasa FM radio's da'wah strategy in increasing the religious understanding of <br>the Situbondo community. Radio has been known for a long time as a medium for conveying <br>information, education and entertainment to the public. However, it is different for Bhasa FM <br>Situbondo radio, a radio whose orientation is not only on these three things but more on the <br>domination of Islamic preaching. Seeing that modern society currently tends to be less interested in <br>religious studies in mosques or prayer rooms, it is hoped that radio can be an alternative in filling <br>and providing religious nutrition for Situbondo Muslims. The research uses field research methods. <br>The researcher looked directly into the field in conducting observations, interviews and <br>documentation studies, to collect complete data and then carry out descriptive analysis to then look <br>for an answer to the focus of this paper. Bhasa FM radio's da'wah strategy uses a sensory da'wah <br>strategy (al-manhaj al-hissy) which is also called an experimental strategy or scientific strategy which <br>is oriented to the five senses and adheres firmly to the results of research and experiments. Bhasa <br>FM Radio invites audiences to join online or off air, apart from that there is also social media such <br>as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and so on. Apart from that, there is also an external approach, namely <br>data produced by Nielsen surveys, once a month. The aim of this strategy is to find out the age, social <br>and economic status of the listener and all demographic aspects of the listener.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lubbanatul Widad, Nur Ainiyah Disparitas Sosial, Komunikasi Politik dan Partisipasi Politik Gender 2024-08-25T16:20:20+00:00 Nurul Azizah Mohammad Armoyu <p>The aim of this research is to analyze and offer strategies to increase women's political participation <br>in Islamic societies. The benefit of this research is to increase awareness in Islamic communities <br>about the importance of gender equality in participating in politics and to increase women's political <br>participation in Islamic communities. The theory used in this research is the social construction <br>theory of gender. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to analyze data related to gender <br>inequality in political participation in Islamic communities. Data was collected through interviews <br>with several informants who are experienced in Islamic politics and society. The research results <br>show that gender inequality in political participation in Islamic communities is visible in several <br>aspects. First, women are still given less opportunities to participate in the political decision-making <br>process. Second, women still experience discrimination in accessing information and resources <br>needed for political participation. Third, women still experience stigma and stereotypes that prevent <br>them from participating in politics. The suggestions and recommendations in this research, such as <br>increasing awareness, developing resources, eliminating stigma and stereotypes, and developing <br>partnerships, are expected to help overcome gender inequality in political participation in Islamic <br>communities.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Azizah, Mohammad Armoyu Strategi Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Nahwu di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Sukorejo Putra 2024-08-25T16:20:33+00:00 Moch. Nuril Anwar Wardani <p>This article reveals the communication strategies used by the 4th grade Nahwu teacher at Madrasah <br>Ibtidaiyah Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Putra in carrying out the learning process in class. Communication <br>in education carried out by teachers and students is not just a process of exchanging and delivering <br>learning material, but there are dimensions of the relationship between teachers and students which <br>are the main conditions for creating an effective learning process. A good teacher is a good <br>communicator or an effective teacher is an effective communicator in delivering learning material. <br>Communication in teaching and learning activities (KBM) must be effective, both between teachers <br>and students and between students themselves. Because the success of communication carried out <br>by a teacher influences the success of the learning objectives themselves. To realize effective <br>communication, a communication strategy is needed. So that student learning outcomes can increase <br>in accordance with the curriculum and targets that have been determined. This research is field <br>research using a qualitative approach. Data collection was obtained through observation, interviews <br>and documentation as well as questionnaires. Apart from that, this article also aims to exchange <br>ideas (sharing ideas) with the hope that the communication strategies that have been implemented <br>can also be applied by other teachers in the process of teaching and learning activities. The results <br>of the research show that the implementation of communication strategies carried out by the Nahwu <br>teacher with students in class 4 i of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Putra <br>includes making the teaching book "Murofiqoh Matan Jurumiyah" as a companion book to Matan <br>Jurumiyah, forming a peer education class, and making songs. -songs and learning quotes.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Nuril Anwar, Wardani Bimbingan Teknik Reinforcement dalam Meningkatkan Target Hafalan Santri 2024-08-25T16:20:45+00:00 Ach. Sofauzzad Abdul Mughni Samsul Arifin <p>This article examines reinforcement techniques in memorizing the Al-Quran. Memorizing the Al<br>Quran is a special part that cannot be separated from Islamic boarding school education. Memorizing <br>is not an extracurricular lesson like in public schools. However, it is one of the main lessons at Islamic <br>boarding schools. In Islamic teachings, memorizing the Al-Quran is a command from Allah SWT. <br>The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. This research observes the implementation of <br>guidance using reinforcement techniques carried out by teachers at the Ma'hadul Qur'an Pondok <br>Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo to help deal with students' memorization problems. The <br>research results showed that the guidance process using reinforcement techniques was successful. <br>Guidance is carried out using behavioral therapy, then continued with reinforcement techniques. The <br>results of this technique can make students aware that what they have been doing so far can be <br>detrimental to themselves and these students realize that successful people are diligent people, not <br>lazy people.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ach. Sofauzzad, Abdul Mughni, Samsul Arifin