Strategi Dakwah Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al Hamid Pada Masyarakat Desa Ketapang Banyuwangi

  • Kholisol Hadi Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
  • Wisri Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo
Keywords: da'wah strategy, Habib Ali Zainal Abidin, Ketapang Banyuwangi community


This article aims to describe Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's preaching strategy to the Ketapang
Banyuwangi community along with supporting and inhibiting factors. A Muslim's busy work life
causes his Koran worship activities to start to be put aside and even to be largely ignored. Seeing this
phenomenon, da'wah activities must be better by presenting da'wah that has a plan and can bring
about change. Habib Ali Zainal Abidin was present in the Ketapang Banyuwangi community to
provide a new nuance of preaching. The da'wah carried out by Habib Ali was by creating several
assemblies so that they could provide direct communication in transferring knowledge to the people
of Ketapang, Banyuwangi District. Study of fiqh, Sufism and accompanied by qosidah salawat and
dhikr. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive type, meaning research that
aims to create systematic, factual and accurate descriptions, images or paintings regarding the facts,
characteristics and relationships between the phenomena being investigated. The findings showed
that Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's preaching to the people of Ketapang Banyuwangi provided scientific
material by providing solutions, giving examples with morals, calling with sincerity, visiting the
community directly, not distinguishing between classes in society, istiqomah in preaching, and using
the mauidzhah hasanah method . The supporting factor for Habib Ali Zainal Abidin's da'wah is that
he is a preacher who is pious in religious knowledge and has a conducive place as a means for him
to preach. Meanwhile, the obstacle to his preaching was that there were some people around the
Islamic boarding school who were socially jealous and misunderstood the associations they held so
they did not want to join in his studies.

How to Cite
Kholisol Hadi, & Wisri. (2024). Strategi Dakwah Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al Hamid Pada Masyarakat Desa Ketapang Banyuwangi . Maddah : Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Konseling Islam, 6(2), 139-146.
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