TELAAH PARADIGMA KEILMUAN: Kajian Pandangan Tokoh Tentang Paradigma Keilmuan

  • Nurul Milla PPs. IAIN Jember
  • Hariyanto Hariyanto Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy


Paradigm is a fundamental image of a subject matter from a standpoint of science. Paradigm provides a groove about something that should be studied, what questions that should be presented and what rules that should be followed in that answer of argumentation. Therefore, the paradigm is like a frame that used by peoples to observe the world with their insight (world-view). This study only limited the discussion in the scientific paradigm in the perspectives of Descartes, Camto, Bacon, John Stuart Mill.


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How to Cite
Milla, N., & Hariyanto, H. (2016). TELAAH PARADIGMA KEILMUAN: Kajian Pandangan Tokoh Tentang Paradigma Keilmuan. LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan, 10(1), 99-114.
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