• Rahwan Rahwan Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo, Indonesia
  • Mahmudi Mahmudi Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo, Indonesia
Keywords: Terrorism, Jihad, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili


This research is motivated by the existence of an interesting phenomenon that occurs in society today. Such as acts of terrorism that often occur in society, one of which is by carrying out suicide bombings as an implementation of jihad. The series of actions by the western media was manipulated and disseminated that the actions of the Muslims were an act of resistance by Muslims against non-Muslims. As a result, the meaning of jihad experiences a narrowing. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in his book wants to explain that jihad does not have a narrow meaning like the understanding of most people, especially terrorist perpetrators. The understanding that has led to terrorism includes Fundamentalism, which is a view that is upheld on beliefs, religious, political, and cultural. Also, religious schools of thought tend to interpret religious texts rigidly and literally (textually). Other views such as radicalism, extremism, and separatism also tend towards terrorism. This has led to many deviations from the true meaning of jihad. According to Wahbah Az-Zuhaili, acts of terrorism are very contrary to the teachings of Islam, such as causing damage everywhere, creating panic, and spreading fear among the people. He explained that jihad and terrorism are different things because terrorism has the connotation of all attacks, intimidation, destruction, or violations of the interests of the state without any rights, without ceasefire or declaration of war. Whereas jihad is carried out based on rights, jihad has consequences for the existence of rights, while terrorism will have consequences for the absence of rights. According to him, the greatest jihad in Islam and the greatest is with ideas and dialogue, not by violence and acts of war. And there are many other meanings of jihad.


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How to Cite
Rahwan, R., & Mahmudi, M. (2021). TERRORISM AND JIHAD ACCORDING TO WAHBAH AZ-ZUHAILI. LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan, 15(1), 63-84. https://doi.org/10.35316/lisanalhal.v15i1.1002
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