International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology <p>The International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology (ICORHESTECH) is be held as online conference. ICORHESTECH invites scientists, researchers, and professionals to attend and present their works in oral presentation only (limited spaces) by submitting a short abstract for consideration. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the acceptance for presentation will be announced.</p> Universitas Ibrahimy en-US International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology Green Management Framework Early Implementation With a Pentuple Bottom Line Approach for IKM in Malang City <p><em>In the era of free trade encourage the Indonesian government's trade policy&nbsp; which leads to an increase in the high competitiveness of these products/services, Small and Medium Industries (Industri Kecil Menengah = IKM). The need for industry in IKM to have a sustainable manufacturing process is a must that must be met, considering the five pillars referred to as pentuples, namely profit, planet, people, phenotechnology, and prophet. Especially in the city of Malang, East Java Indonesia,&nbsp; has difficulties in terms of waste disposal and raw material management in general. Framework is needed that is able to connect the application of green management for the efficiency of the manufacturing process in IKMs by adapting existing local cultures. When they were offered an introduction to Green Management, the response they got was a fairly good, however, some obstacles occur when they try to implement good Green Management as their company strategy. The use of Green management in the management of IKM is basically acceptable to IKM entrepreneurs in the city of Malang. In its use, it can be supported by a pentuple implementation strategy that involves five components in it. So that in the end it can go towards sustainable manufacturing for IKM, especially in the city of Malang. However, when explained about the generic pentuple component, entrepreneurs can be triggered by their motivation to implement Green management through the Prophet component which contains spiritual elements. This is because the scope of entrepreneurs tends to be religious and the majority are Moslem, so it is easier to influence through this aspect.</em></p> Purnomo Soetam Rizky Wicaksono Rudy Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 1 7 Diverse Experiences with Educational Aids and Practicum Equipment: Perspective of Nalanda Buddhist College's Students <p><em>Educational aids and practicum equipment are critical for providing quality instruction. This study aims to examine the experiences of second-year students pursuing a degree in Buddhist Religious Education and taking the Learning Media Course. The researcher's objective is to comprehend the influence of educational aids and practicum equipment on the learning process. This study utilized a case study methodology, specifically employing the classroom research approach, to gather data from 36 student forum posts on Google Classroom. The students created these posts after participating in asynchronous lectures that included a teaching module and three audio recordings. The researcher employed a qualitative descriptive analysis to present the primary thematic discoveries derived from the data. The data reveals that students had diverse encounters with educational aids and practicum equipment. Nonetheless, every student has demonstrated the ability to contemplate their learning process by using these instructional tools. The findings of this study offer a profound understanding of how the use of instructional media impacts students' learning encounters within the context of Buddhist education. This study has the potential to enhance the creation of more effective pedagogical approaches focused on student experiences.</em></p> Hery Yanto The Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 8 14 Paper’s Literature Review : Urgency making OHN Sciences at Indonesian Nursing Institution to preparation Profetionality of OHN Manpower <p><em>The OHN (Occupational Health Nurse) profession or what we may know as nurses who work in industry/companies is a scope of work for nurses which is currently only becoming a trend and issue for the nursing profession. Not a few fellow nurses and students are interested in becoming OHN, especially regarding more guaranteed welfare. However, up to now there are still very few nursing campuses or universities that provide lecture courses on OHN, because there is no specific curriculum that mentions OHN courses up to Master's Degree level, currently there are 2 groups that include this course in Community nursing cluster and K3 and Patient Safety courses. Based on existing phenomena, most students and even fellow nurses know and understand the OHN profession after attending HIPERKES Paramedic training. So it is hoped that through this research in the future OHN courses will be held in Indonesian Nursing education institutions. Through this research, it is hoped that at the same time, professional Indonesian OHN human resources will be prepared in line with the country's goal of becoming a resilient industry by 2030, which will result in many opportunities for nurses to work in industry.</em></p> Devanda Faiqh Albyn Lujeng Galih Pradana Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 15 25 The Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaf Decoction on Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension (GFS) from 2020-2024: A Bibliometric Analysis <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of Moringa oleifera on blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This research focuses on 1) How is the development of research on the relationship between Moringa oleifera and hypertension from 2020-2024. 2) the author with the most research citations related to the relationship between Moringa oleifera and hypertension from 2020-2024, and 3) which publisher institutions are the destination for researchers on the relationship between Moringa oleifera and hypertension from 2020-2024 to be published. This type of research is qualitative research with bibliometric analysis method using PRISMA method. Data sources from google scholar with search results identified 1002 articles. Articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria consisted of 558 articles which were then analyzed with vosviewers. The results of the analysis showed that the trend of research on the effect of moringa oliefera on hypertension fluctuated in 2023 (143 articles) with a percentage of 25.6%. Research on the relationship of Moringa oleifera to hypertension is published in reputable international journals around 42.6%. While other researchers published their articles outside of reputable international journals as many as 320 with a percentage of 57.3%. While the author with the most citations is Lili Yang (2020). Research suggestions need to be re-analyzed by involving more accurate databases such as Scopus, WoS, and Taylor and Francis. </em></p> Zuarda Jumainap Rumjani M. Noris Muammar Iksan Alkhair Salsabiila Qurrata Aini Arini Desy Kumalasari Almagfirah Nadila Melati Sukma M. Fikri Copyright (c) 2024-08-04 2024-08-04 1 1 26 37 Risk Management Analysis Of Community Based Environmental Sanitation Project In The Public Housing Service And Sumbawa District Housing Area <p><em>Government program for Community-Based Environmental Sanitation (SLBM) is expected to help prevent environmental pollution, where this program is implemented directly by the community in a self- managed manner from the government for the community and managed by the community. A Community- Based Environmental Sanitation Project (SLBM) that is managed independently will certainly arise a number of risks,both problem in the implementation of WWTP construction and problems with the use of Special Allocation Funds (DAK) and also the level of ability of the Community Self-Helf Groups (KSM) themselves. The results of the analysis od Descriptive Statistic, Averages and Standard Deviations show that the most dominant results occur in the SLBM project are the Risk Sources of the WWPT project implementation for the highest risk Frequency, the impact of cost on labor risk is the highest impact of risk on cost, and the level of ability is the most the highest level of the Self-Help Group is the level of organizational ability.</em></p> Israjunna M.Ziaul Fikar Salsabilla M.Ziaul Fikar Fitria Ramdhani M. Nauval Murtada Fasih Nur Alimah Fadilah Takwa Rina Ahmad Muhammad Faisal Anisaturahma Ningrum Irawati Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 38 44 The Relationship of Stress and Diet to Cases of Gerd Anxiety Among College Students From 2000-2024: A Bibliometric Analysis <p><em>The focus of the study; 1) how is the distribution of research development analysis of the relationship between stress and diet to cases of gerd axciety among college students 2000-2024, 2) who are the authors who contribute to research on stress and diet to cases of GERD Axciety among college students 2000-2024, and 3) which country contributes the most documents analyzing the relationship between stress and diet to cases of GERD Axciety among college students 2000-2024. This type of research is qualitative research with a systematic literature review method using vosviewers software. the search results using journal analysis through google scholar identified 186 articles which were then analyzed using bibliometric analysis. Research on the analysis of the relationship between stress and diet to cases of GERD axciety among students experienced fluctuations in 2000 to 2001, then began to experience ups and downs of GERD sufferers in the middle of the year until it dropped at the end of 2024. The most publications were identified in 2001 with the number of publications ranging from 19 documents with a percentage of 22.18%. the most regional documents that experience stress and diet on cases of gerd axciety among students are the regions with the publication of cases of analysis of the relationship between stress and diet on cases of gerd axciety among students. while the author with the most citations is </em><em>Vakil, 2006</em><em>.</em></p> Nova Amelia Rahmah M. Noris Raihanuljannah Siti Akmal Fardiansyah Ifan Alfadri Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 45 54 The Prolonging Imageries of Mentawaian Women in Niduparas Erlang’s Burung Kayu <p><em>This research aims to discuss the imageries of Mentawaian women in the novel Burung Kayu by Niduparas Erlang and their comparison to modern women. The novel talks about conflicts between tribes and the government alongside the differences between the image of Mentawai tribal women which are very obedient to their husbands and customary rules and its contrast to modern women who come to Barasi to become doctors for the Mentawai tribes. Through qualitative method and explorative approach, this paper underlines the comparisons between two entities by the concepts of feminine images of women beings. In analysis, this novel shows different patterns of thoughts and behaviors between Mentawai women and the midwives who come in physical, psychological and social elements. This novel is not only about tribal conflicts, but also matters of imageries of women who must stay obedient but have desires to grow further. In conclusion, imageries of tribal and modern women accentuate matters of conflictual yet contradictory indications of womanness in which patriarchal structures are still within. </em></p> Rommel Utungga Pasopati Dimas Eko Saputro Anggraeni Ramadhani Anindya Thalita Salsabila Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 55 64 The 2D Digital Motion Graphic Visualization Design For Ibrahimy Library Promotion <p><em>Promotion has an important role in inviting people to use the products, services and ideas offered by an institution. This paper discusses the importance of promotion in the library context, considering the low public assessment and interest in libraries. Even though libraries operate in the field of non-profit services, promotion is still necessary. Therefore, the products and services they offer can indeed attract user interest. Promotion is not only a means of information, but also a persuasive tool to create consumer loyalty. The close relationship between promotion and marketing shows that promotion is an integral part of the marketing mix that contributes to the development of an institution or organization. The use of animation, especially motion graphic techniques, in promotional videos is the main focus to provide visual appeal and impressions that are difficult to achieve with live shoot videos. Combining motion graphic techniques with special effects creates promo videos that are innovative, interesting and easy to understand. Libraries are an important part of society's education and knowledge systems, and they play an important role in providing access to a variety of information resources. Therefore, it is very important to encourage libraries to increase public awareness and use of the various information resources available.</em></p> Ummu Syalamah Muhammad Ali Ridla Ahmad Lutfi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 65 70 The Mathematical Literacy Process Viewed From Mathematical Resilience <p><em>Mathematical literacy is essential for the quality of education. Howevwe, Indonesia’s mathematical literacy is still low. This study aims to describe how to process of mathematical literacy is viewed from mathematical resilience. This research uses qualitative methods. The subject of this study was a grade VIII student at a junior high school in Semarang City. The research subjects were selected using a random sampling technique which resulted in two students each category of low, medium, and high mathematical resilience. Data collection using observation, interviews, documentation, tests, and questionnaires. Data analysis uses triangulation, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students with low mathematical resilience categories could not achieve mathematical ltieracy indicators, students with medium mathematical resilience could not reach using concepts, procedures, facts, acids, and abilities in mathematical literacy, while high mathematical resilience could achieve well in mathematical literacy. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that students’ mathematical literacy is still low and therefore requires improvement through the project experiential learning (Proleg) model. </em></p> Agung Setiawan Wardono Kristina Wijayanti Mulyono Isti Hidayah Walid Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 71 78 Soil Moisture Monitoring and Water Drip Irrigation on Chili Plants Using Solar Panels <p><em>The process of growing chili peppers is carried out with specific irrigation conditions to maintain PH and soil moisture. In chili plants, soil moisture needs around 60% to 80% so that plants can grow optimally. Chili plants do not get optimal nutrition if the soil conditions get excessive or less water, usually because there are still many chili farmers who still do manual watering plants. Farmers always encounter chili plants that experience poor growth so that crop yields have decreased, especially in the last year coupled with hot and dry weather causing the soil to require adequate water intake, this was also felt by one of the farmer groups cultivating chili plants in Kertosari Village, Tanjung Sari District, South Lampung. By utilizing current technological developments, namely the Internet of Things (IoT) which is a technology that can help us monitor and control remotely with the help of the internet so that it greatly facilitates human work. This study aims to build a soil moisture monitoring system and drip irrigation on chili plants. which will be made using the Yl-69 soil moisture sensor as a soil moisture detector, then the sensor will send data through a microcontroller, namely NodeMcu through the android interface. The monitoring system is made using solar panel power. </em></p> Jefri Andri Rifai Stywati M.Ibnu Al Furqoni Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 79 87 The Effect of the Team Games Tournament Model Assisted by the Plickers Application on the Learning Outcomes of Mathematics Education Undergraduate Study Program Students at Bengkulu University <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model assisted by the Plickers application on Elementary Algebra learning outcomes for students in the Bachelor of Mathematics Education study program at Bengkulu University. The Elementary Algebra course is a compulsory course offered in the FKIP UNIB Mathematics Education Undergraduate Study Program with a weight of 2 credits. However, the learning outcomes of students from the class of 2022 in the previous Elementary Algebra study were still low, namely only getting an average score of 58.6. So researchers applied a student-centered learning model to improve student learning outcomes. One of the learning models that can be used is the Teams Games Tournament with the help of the Plickers application. The type of research carried out was quasi experimental research with a pre-test post-test control group design. The research sample was students from the Bachelor of Mathematics Education study program at Bengkulu University, semester 1A with a total of 29 students and semester 1B with a total of 29 students. Semester 1A students applied the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) model assisted by the Plickers application and semester 2B students applied the Leaturing method or telling method. The data was analyzed statistically descriptively and inferentially through a t-test with the help of SPSS and obtained a value of ????−???????????????????? or ????????????&lt;0.05, namely 0.00&lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that the use of the Teams Games Tournament ( TGT) learning model assisted by the Plickers application on the learning outcomes of students in the Bachelor of Mathematics Education study program at Bengkulu University, it has a positive effect on student learning outcomes. During the learning process in the classroom, the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by the Plickers application creates a dynamic, interactive and motivating learning environment. By combining competitive, collaborative, and technological elements, this model helps increase student participation, deepen understanding of concepts, and create memorable learning experiences.</em></p> Elwan Stiadi Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 88 93 Moral Creed Teachers and Methods: Efforts to Increase Learning Motivation in MTs Students <p><em>Education is one of the most important aspects of human life throughout a lifetime, thus requiring a good learning method, especially for educators. This is where the crucial role of akidah akhlak teachers comes in, who can foster the character of students and provide learning motivation in Islamic Education (PAI). This is especially true for students who have minimal learning motivation after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the teaching methods applied by akidah akhlak teachers motivate students to learn at MTs Al-Husna Rahmat Ciledug, Tangerang City. This research uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive type by using a case study method. Primary data sources are akidah akhlak teachers and students at MTs Al-Husna Rahmat Ciledug, Tangerang City, while secondary data sources are obtained from documentation and observations related to the data in this study. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and document examination. The validity of the research data is checked using credibility through extended observation, increased persistence in research, and triangulation. The research findings indicate that various methods are used by akidah akhlak teachers to enhance learning motivation.</em></p> Muhammad Sholahuddin Mochamad Daffa Akmal Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 94 97 Website-based Cooperation Agreement Monitoring Information System with Firebase Integration <p><em>Information systems have become core in managing business activities. Cooperation agreements, as an essential element in organizations, require efficient management to ensure the continuity of successful cooperation. Although there are already information systems in use, there are still challenges related to coordination, evaluation, and tracking of cooperation agreements. Therefore, this research aims to integrate Firebase technology into the cooperation agreement monitoring information system. By utilizing Firebase features such as Authentication, real-time database, and hosting, this system will also be connected to notifications via email and WhatsApp API to provide information about the status of the agreement submission. The development of this system uses the waterfall method and UML diagrams. The diagrams used are use case diagrams, activity, and class diagrams. Actors involved in this system are partners, admins, visitors, and office heads. Implementing the system developed using Firebase integration facilitates the process of submitting, monitoring, and evaluating cooperation and application development.</em></p> Siti Maria Ulfa Firman Santoso Nur Azize Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 98 109 Implementation of the SAW Method in the Decision Support System for Determining Scholarship Recipients at Ibrahimy University <p><em>Education is crucial for the progress of a nation. Every student in an educational institution has the right to receive financial assistance through scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to individuals or organizations as financial aid for their achievements. Ibrahimy University is one of the universities that offers scholarship programs. However, the manual process of determining scholarship recipients at Ibrahimy University could be more effective and efficient. To enhance the selection process, a Decision Support System for Scholarship Recipients can assist the university in selecting deserving candidates. This research utilizes the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as an approach to decision-making. The SAW method allows the evaluation of students based on predefined criteria and preference weights, ensuring objective and measurable assessments. Data is collected through direct observation and interviews with Ibrahim University, specifically with the student welfare section. The gathered data is processed and analyzed to serve as a foundation for system development. The findings of this research indicate that this system can enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the scholarship recipient determination process.</em></p> Widia Andriani Firman Santoso Nur Azize Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 110 119 Utilization of Information and Technology in the Development of Da’wah in the Era of Society ‎‎5.0‎ <p><em>The Society 5.0 era is the development of civilization in which humans can not only interact through one dimension of space and time, but humans interact between physical space and cyberspace (virtual) in dimensions of space and time that may be different. The development of technology and information in the Age of Society 5.0 can be utilized as a medium for developing da'wah through social media networks and the internet. On the other hand, this also supports the use of positive communication and cuts costs and time in connecting with a wider audience in conveying religious, educational, and human moral values. The da'wah strategy in the Era of Society 5.0 is very effective in reaching all elements of society, from the elderly to the millennial generation who make extensive use of technology and information. This research focuses on two problems, namely; 1) Is technology and information in the Era of Society 5.0 useful for the development of da’wah? 2) What is the strategy for utilizing Technology and Information in developing da'wah in the Society 5.0 Era?. This research is a type of qualitative library research, with a phenomenological and descriptive analysis approach to obtain answers to the use of technology and information in the development of da'wah in the Era of Society 5.0. The benefits of technology and information in the Age of Society 5.0 are useful in developing da'wah, especially in disseminating religious values and branding a preacher on the virtual world stage. The use of these media must of course also be balanced with digital skills, delivery methods, as well as reliable referrals or references, so that they can provide quality da'wah presentations.</em>‎</p> Alfiatuz Zahra Firdausy Putri Fadianto Ainun Najib Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 120 125 Integrating Ethnomathematics and Make-a-Match Model into Geometry Teaching Material Development <p><em>Introducing traditional culture through mathematics while contextualizing Math in ethnic elements is the innovative idea of ethnomathematics. This study applied the idea in developing Geometry teaching materials using the Ethnomathematics approach and Make-a-Match models. This research and development employed the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects were 24 students of Grade 8 in a junior high school. The instruments utilized in this research included validation sheets, questionnaires, observation, and pretest-posttest. This research yielded teaching material in the form of students’ worksheets (LKPD) that achieves the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective.</em></p> Istiqamah Al-Mughni Moh. Atikurrahman Saiful Saiful Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 126 135 The Primordial Human Concept of the Millennial Era Contextually Based Imam Al-Ghazali's Perspective <p><em>The aim of this research is to understand the concept of primordial humans contextually according to Imam Al-Ghazali's perspective in his recent works, when facing problems that arise as a result of technological advances in the millennial era. One of the benefits of this research is that it can expand our understanding of the problems faced by humans in the millennial era and how to contextualize primordial humans in dealing with these problems. Research at library institutions uses methods that involve reading and collecting documents or books that are relevant to the research topic, both primary data and secondary data. Then it is analyzed using interpretation techniques—researchers interpret the data and relate it to today. The research results show that significant technological advances in the millennial era have caused various crises that humans must face. Therefore, the concept of primordial humans who know God must be in the midst of the onslaught of technology so that technology is faced with awareness of God and humans so that the technology that humans run and the speed at which they travel is not destructive.</em></p> Saiful Amar Muhammad Ullin Nuha Hidayatul Maslakha Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 136 143 The Mother's Role as Madrasatul Ula (First Education) in Forming Children's Learning Motivation in The Digital Era <p><em>The aim of the research is to review the status of a mother as the main role in guiding and motivating learning for her children. The main education of a family begins with the mother, the child's achievement of competent qualities is based on an educated mother, by providing guidance and motivation for the child's learning from an early age. Nowadays we have entered a time where the use of electronics is very rapid. Mothers' responsibilities in this digital era have a greater role, because during learning they are faced with technological systems that have an influence on the world of education. In this case, globalization brings new innovations to the world of education to create a quality generation. The approach in this research is library research. The results of the research state that the mother's role in providing motivation to learn in this digital era is reviewed from several aspects, including the mother's role as madrasatul ula in the family, which is the first education that a generation of children receives in order to prepare themselves to answer the challenges of the times, which really needs to be paid attention to. The mother's role is as a motivator and inspirer as she is responsible for educating children who are able to realize advanced and developing learning. In this way, the figure of the mother has a very big role in ensuring the continuity of education in Indonesia, both in providing breakthrough stimulation for high-achieving, high-quality children.</em></p> Muhammad Rizqi Mubarok Abdul Nafi’ Al Labib Muhammad Ahsanun Ni’am Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 144 151 Developing Instructional Parts of Speech Book in Grammar Class of English Dormitory in Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Situbondo <p><em>This study is supposed to develop theoretical grammar book Conquering Parts of Speech as teaching and learning resource for EFL students by considering the lack of teaching and learning source in grammar lesson. The kind of this research was research and development (R&amp;D) by following Borg and Gall’s procedures. Subject used in this research was English dormitory member in Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Islamic boarding school located at Sukorejo Situbondo East Java. Research steps were including; Media product development, expert validation, practice, and product trial. Product trial steps consisted three field-testings; Preliminary field-testing, main field-testing, and operational field-testing. In the preliminary, ten students were taken as the subject of the research. In the main, twenty students were taken as the research subject. Thirty students were taken as the subject at the operational. After the product had been validated by experts and practitioners as it was concluded to be proper to field-testings. This product was asserted proper to implement as the results of three field-testings; Preliminary field-testing showed 425 as the total result with 85% percentage which was categorized as very proper. Main field-testing showed 880 as the total result with 88% percentage which was categorized as very proper. Operational field-testing showed 1263 as the total result with 84% percentage which was categorized as very proper. </em></p> Kholiqul Fatah Hidayatullah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 152 164 The Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity With Cholesterol Levels in The Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review <p>Cholesterol plays a significant role in the health of older adults. The elderly are often faced with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders, as well as uncontrolled cholesterol levels. In general, the elderly often experience changes in nutritional needs and diet and lack of physical activity that can have a significant impact on their health, including cholesterol levels. This study aims to determine the relationship between diet and physical activity with the incidence of cholesterol in the elderly. The research method used is literature review, in the form of searching journals through the Google schoolar database with the keywords 'cholesterol', 'elderly', 'diet', 'physical activity' in the range of journal publication years from 2019-2023, the journals used in this study totaled 10 journals. Based on the literature review of ten journals regarding the relationship between diet and physical activity with cholesterol levels in the elderly, the results found that there is a relationship between diet and physical activity with cholesterol levels in the elderly. From these various journals, it was found that irregular diet and lack of physical activity as factors that cause cholesterol to have a very high risk. The elderly in this case really need guidance from children or family, because they have limitations in meeting their nutritional needs, diet and physical activity.</p> Irma Zuraini M. Noris Nur Husnul Khatimah Dea Zara Avila Dita Oktaviani Putri Rhosmiati Rhosmiati Nurul Hamiah Dwi Rezeki Auliah Ma’ruf Ma’ruf Muhammad Afrizanuddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 165 173 The Relationship Between Knowledge And Iron Intake With Anemia Disease In Female Student Majoring In Nutrition At Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima <p><em>Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a low number of red blood cells or hemoglobin levels in the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of Nutrition study program students at Muhammadiyah Bima University about the importance of iron intake with the incidence of anemia. The type of research used was observational analytic with cross sectional research design to determine the relationship between knowledge and anemia. Of the total 72 female students of the nutrition study program, 33 of them were selected as samples in this study. This study showed a significant relationship (p=0.007) between knowledge and awareness attitude about the importance of iron intake with anemia disease in female students of the Nutrition study program at Muhammadiyah Bima University. It is important to increase the knowledge and awareness of female students about iron intake in preventing anemia. This can be done through education about the impact and how to prevent anemia. In addition, there needs to be a role of the campus such as seminars or public lectures on healthy diets rich in iron for female students, as well as facilitating access to information sources and foods rich in iron such as brochures about anemia. Thus, it is expected to reduce the risk of anemia and improve the health of female students of the Nutrition study program at Muhammadiyah Bima University.</em></p> Indah Annisa Auliah M. Noris Darmin Darmin Nur Fitrianingsih Raodatul Jannah Zennith Dwipa Oktaviani Nurul Hodayah Izzah Tujannah Nabila Putri Hartia Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 174 179 Important role of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqoh (ZIS) in dynamic of economic and social: Simultaneous analysis in Indonesia <p><em>Distribution and realization of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqoh (ZIS) have experienced an increase during the year 2000 to 2022.</em></p> <p><em>This study has investigated the relationship between Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqoh (ZIS) to&nbsp;economic,&nbsp;income inequality and absorbing labour in Indonesia. The authors utilize the simultaneous equation method&nbsp;as&nbsp;well as&nbsp;data used in this study is the secondary data.</em></p> <p><em>This study uses Two-Stage Least Square (2SLS) regression analysis to address endogenous problems and simultaneous bias to analyse&nbsp;variables complex&nbsp;such as&nbsp;ZIS,&nbsp;economic and social indicators.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>The results of the study show several&nbsp;important&nbsp;findings.&nbsp;First, ZIS provides a positive contribution to the Gross domestic product (GDP),&nbsp;which implies that increasing&nbsp;ZIS reception can encourage economic growth.&nbsp;Second, ZIS contributes positively to absorbing employment, it&nbsp;shows the distribution of ZIS effectively can support reducing unemployment. However, the&nbsp;third finding identified that the impact of ZIS has insignificance on income inequality. It implies that managing ZIS needs to fix the strategy of ZIS distribution to be more even.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>This finding has an implication that needs a strategy of ZIS distribution on the right&nbsp;targeted,&nbsp;economic empowerment program, as well as close collaboration among BAZNAS, the&nbsp;Government, and private sectors to maximalise the impact of ZIS.&nbsp;</em></p> Moh. Hairus Zaman Diah Wahyuningsih Hengky Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 180 195 Expert system for diagnosing vaname shrimp disease using forward chaining and case-based reasoning methods <p><em>An important part of the fishing industry is the maintenance of shrimp health, especially when it comes to the highly valuable Vannamei shrimp that are cultivated. However, illnesses and other health problems frequently cause productivity problems and result in losses for shrimp growers. The creation of an expert system has been suggested as a potential remedy to these problems. The goal of this research is to create an expert system that can diagnose diseases in shrimp quickly and accurately by analyzing clinical symptoms. This expert system was developed by applying artificial intelligence algorithms for data analysis and diagnosis, recognizing clinical symptoms of shrimp diseases, and learning from fishery professionals. Additionally, the system offers specialized disease control options made to fit the environmental requirements of shrimp farming. This expert system has proven its ability to provide precise diagnoses and suitable treatments for a range of shrimp ailments through testing and evaluation at many Vannamei shrimp farming sites. Improved efficacy and efficiency in managing shrimp health are among the ramifications of this research, which can lower financial losses and promote the expansion of the sustainable fisheries sector.</em></p> Arini Salsabila Firman Santoso Farihin Lazim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 196 206 Antidiarrheal Effectiveness Test of Noni Leaf Infusion (Morinda citrifolia L.) Against Male White Mice (Mus musculus) Induced by Oleum ricini <p><em>Diarrhea is a disease of the digestive system which is defined as defecation more than three times a day which is characterized by changes in the shape and consistency of the stool. The results of the Indonesian Nutritional Status survey (2020) stated that the prevalence of diarrhea was 9.8%. One of the plants that has antidiarrheal properties is noni leaves (Morinda citrifolia L.) with the compounds contained in noni leaves being flavonoids. This study aims to determine the effective dose of noni leaf infusion as antidiarrhea in male white mice (Mus musculus) induced by oleum ricini. The research design used was laboratory experimental using male white mice (Mus musculus) as test animals by dividing the negative control, positive control, noni leaf infusion treatment groups with infusion doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/KgBW. Results of observations of the antidiarrheal effectiveness of noni leaf infusion at the most effective dose was a dose of 400 mg/KgBW with the initial parameters of diarrhea the average frequency of diarrhea was five times with the average weight of feces is 0.53 grams and the average duration of diarrhea is 90.25 minutes. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA at a confidence level of 95%.Noni leaf infusion (Morinda citrifolia L.) has effectiveness as an antidiarrhea in male white mice (Mus musculus) induced by oleum ricini with the dose 400 mg/KgBW. </em></p> Putri Maulidya Achsani Nuri Nuri Shinta Mayasari Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 207 213 Towards Enhancing the Quality of English Test Preparation Class: The Role of Technology-Based Education <p><em>The English Proficiency Test is an ability test to determine a student's level of language ability. In the digital era, technology can certainly play a role in improving language skills, especially English test. Educational technology is within anyone's grasp, so its use in learning is absolutely essential. This research aims to improve students' language skills, namely TOEFL, by using an application, namely Digital Educa. This research is specifically for language strengthening language class of IAIN Kediri. The method used was action research where implementation was carried out over 2 cycles, the first cycle was attended by 30 students with 3 class meetings and 4 exercises using Digital Educa. The results of cycle 1 were that the average student got a score of 407, meaning it was under the success target of 450; students were still not familiar with the Digital Educa application and the exercise for 1 week was very insufficient. So this research was continued with the second cycle which lasted for 3 weeks. The results of the 2nd cycle were that student scores increased slightly, namely an average of 452 from 30 participants. In second cycle, &nbsp;it is given time to use its own online practice for 16 days. The role of the lecturer here is to look at the scores on daily exercises and then provide input to students who have weaknesses in each section, namely listening, structure and written and reading. Students respond by practicing again only on the part that has a low score. At the end of cycle 2, students received an increase score, namely 45 points.&nbsp; It can be concluded that the use of technology can enhance the quality of classroom learning and increase language proficiency scores.</em></p> Erna Nurkholida Ulin Ni’mah R. Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 214~221 214~221 The Semiology of Callousness as Illustrated on Yukio Mishima’s The Swaddling Clothes <p><em>Literature reflects symbols of meanings in human beings’ life. The meanings are so psychological that closely related to deeds of characters as studied by semiology by Ernst Cassirer. The Swaddling Clothes is a short story by Yukio Mishima written in 1955. It tells about a wife who imagines the future of an illegitimate newly born baby wrapped in newspaper full of blood stains as swaddling cloth. Her husband is also callous by stating that the situation is hilarious, while she keeps in mind otherwise. She seems to overthink the baby, but actually that situation indicates disparity of society. Then, how is callousness illustrated on Yukio Mishima’s The Swaddling Clothes? Through qualitative method on cultural studies, this writing explains callousness is not only psychological deed, but also reflection of condition of society. By accentuating Cassirer’s theory on semiology, ignorance depicts superiority of own values by deteriorating otherness. Modernization brings in different situation to Japan as asserted by Mishima. Poverty is widespread and the rich evades mutual relations with other class. While there are privileged babies with high moral standard, there are undernourished babies who have to struggle to live by embracing violence. In conclusion, the story shows callousness as matter of social clash rather than merely denial of everyday anxiety. That ignorance is degradation of moral shaped by modernization that removes appreciation to other people.&nbsp; </em></p> Johanes Claudio Perdana Napitupulu Dimas Eko Saputro Rommel Utungga Pasopati Yoshua Veron Handika Putra Siadari Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 222 229 Analysis of Hadith Quality in Hasyim Asy'ari's Works: Study of al-nūr al-mubīn fī maḥabbah sayyid al-mursalīn book <p><em>This research generally discusses books al-nūr al-mubīn fī maḥabbah sayyid al-mursalīn and specifically discusses aspects of the quality of the hadith included by Asy'ari in his book. This research is based on the researcher's reading of the book al-nūr al-mubīn which does not include references so that it could potentially affect the credibility of the studies in the book. This research method is qualitative, while the data processing method used is descriptive analysis, namely describing the data and then elaborating on the data. The discussions in this research include, namely 1). Book profile al-nūr al-mubīn and the author. 2). Classification of hadith in the book. 3). Analysis of the quality of the hadith in the book. This research concludes that; 1). This book is a book that discusses the profile of the Prophet Muhammad which is presented concisely but still representative. 2). There are various hadiths in the book al-nūr al-mubīn. 3). Hadiths in the book al-nūr al-mubīn have a variety of good qualities. The standards that researchers use in determining the quality of hadith are the standards set by al-Mizzi.</em></p> Muhammad Alfreda Daib Insan Labib M. Arif Rahman Setiadin Copyright (c) 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 1 1 230 235 Utilizing the Hybrid Models of Double Exponential Smoothing and Double Moving Average with Fuzzy Time Series Markov Chain for Stock Price Forecasting <p><em>Double exponential smoothing (DES) and double moving average (DMA) are forecasting algorithms that are well-suited for time series data with trend patterns as they can be used to quickly identify the trend direction by smoothing the data. However, both models tend to give late signals and can only capture linear relationships in the data. Therefore, they should be combined with other models that are effective in nonlinear modeling, such as fuzzy time series Markov chain (FTSMC), for forecasting financial time series data, such as stock prices, that have not only linear relationships but also nonlinear relationships. This paper proposed the use of hybrid approaches of DES-FTSMC and DMA-FTSMC models to analyze the trend time series data. The models are combined in order to effectively capture different forms of patterns in the data. The hybrid models utilize DES and DMA to identify the direction of the trend and FTSMC to model the residual series after the removal of the trend effect. The proposed hybrid approaches are applied to the daily closing stock price of PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Tbk. The results show that the DES-FTSMC hybrid model generates a MAPE value of 1.09% on the training data and 0.89% on the testing data. While the DMA-FTSMC combination yields MAPE values of 1.24% and 1.19% on the training and testing data respectively. This finding suggests that the proposed hybrid DES-FTSMC model is the better forecasting model for achieving higher accuracy. </em></p> Anggraheni Puspa Valentina Winita Sulandari Sugiyanto Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 236 246 The Effect of the Preceptorship and Mentorship Training On Preceptor’s Knowledge <p><em>Maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are indicators of the public health level because those are representing the quality of a national health services. Efforts to reduce MMR and IMR require multisectoral approach, one of which is through improving the quality of clinical education to build strong clinical skills among health workers, especially midwives who deal with maternal and child health. Preceptors have important role in clinical placement to provide guidance and support for midwifery students, so it is imperative for preceptor to have competencies in conducting effective preceptorship-mentorship teaching model. This study aimed to determine the effect of the preceptorship and mentorship training on preceptor’s knowledge using pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. This study carried out in March 2023 at STIKes "S" located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. A total of 35 respondents were recruited using the total sampling method. The intervention was provided in the form of training about preceptorship-mentorship for 2 days in a row using curriculum designed by the ACT Center Institute. The pre-test and post-test questionnaires were collected by online media Quizizz. The wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant difference in the mean score between before and after training, the mean score of knowledge before intervention was 4.03 and increased to 7.11 after intervention (&lt;0.001). This study concluded that there was a significant effect of training on increasing knowledge about preceptorship-mentorship. Future research is expected to evaluate the effect of training on preceptor skill and student’s clinical competence.</em></p> Perwitasari Nurulicha Moh Afandi Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 247 254 THE MEANING OF THE SANDINGAN TRADITION FOR THE COMMUNITY OF JEMBER DISTRICT <p><em>The sandingan tradition is one of the traditions in Jember, this tradition is a tradition dedicated to the spirits of ancestors or forefathers and has its own meaning for everyone who does it, this sandingan tradition has values that come from a combination of cultural values and teachings religion. In the village of Kemuningsari Lor, Kec. Panti, Kab. Jember many people still carry out this tradition, like Javanese people in general who believe in spirits, ancestral spirits and ancestors. For Javanese people, respecting the spirits of ancestors and ancestors is a must, because Javanese people believe in living side by side with them and believe that good deeds and respect for the spirits of ancestors and ancestors can have a good impact and protection for us. This researcher aims to find out what the sandingan tradition is, what the procession of the sandingan tradition is, and what the meaning of the sandingan tradition is for the people of Kemuning village who are still practicing it to this day. In obtaining the results of this research, the author used the interview method, the author conducted this interview with representatives from the community of Kemuningsari Lor village, Kec. Panti, Kab. Jember as. As a result of this research, it is known what the procession of the sandingan tradition is in Kemuning village, the meaning of the sandingan tradition for millennial youth, and the meaning of the sandingan tradition for the people of Kemuning village.</em></p> Fatihatur Rizki Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 255 262 Analysis Of Factors Influencing The Poverty Rate In Central Java Province Using Panel Data Regression <p><em>The issue of poverty in Indonesia has become a severe problem, particularly in Central Java Province, the third most populous province in Indonesia. The population of Central Java Province is approximately 36.74 million people, and it ranks second in having the highest poverty rate in Indonesia after East Java. Over the years, there has been an increase in poverty, peaking in 2021 at 11.79%. This study aims to model the poverty rate in Central Java Province using five independent variables, including provincial minimum wage, school participation rate, open unemployment rate, population density, and dependency ratio, using panel data regression and to identify the factors influencing the poverty rate. Three approaches used in panel data regression consist of the Common Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM), and Random Effect Model (REM). Based on the parameter testing results with panel data regression, it can be concluded that the best model for analyzing the factors influencing the poverty rate in Central Java Province is the FEM approach. The testing results with the FEM approach obtained a regression model Yit=7,290131+7,72×10-7X1it -0,021603X2it+0,086597X3it+ 8,27×10-5X4it+ 0,065326X5it. Provincial minimum wage, open unemployment rate, and dependency ratio variables positively and significantly affect the poverty rate in Central Java Province. In contrast, the population density has a positive but not significant effect. Meanwhile, the school participation rate has a negative and not significant effect.</em></p> Dewi Aini Nur Rohmah Sri Subanti Yuliana Susanti Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 274 283 Modeling the Number of Maternal Deaths in East Java Province Using MM-Estimation and GM-Estimation Robust Regression <p><em>Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and MMR is set to be less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. The MMR in Indonesia in 1991-2020 decreased from 390 to 189 per 100,000 live births. The reduction in MMR is still far from the target set by the SDGs. In 2022, the number of maternal deaths in Indonesia was 3,572, with East Java Province as a large contributor of 486 deaths. The aims of the research are the number of maternal deaths (</em> <em>, the number of mothers experiencing hypertension (</em> <em>, the number of mothers experiencing bleeding (</em> <em>, the number of mothers experiencing infections (</em> <em>, and the number of specialized hospitals (</em> <em>. The methods used in this research are MM-Estimation and GM-Estimation robust regression. Robust regression was used because the data has outliers, so the residuals are not normally distributed. The results showed that the MM-Estimation and GM-Estimation model has an Adjusted R-squared value of 85.98% and 91.88% and AIC value of 201.1614 and 183.4612, with all independent variables significantly affecting maternal mortality. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the robust regression GM-Estimation model is better than the MM-Estimation model because it has a larger Adjusted R-squared value and a smaller AIC value. The robust regression GM-Estimation model has the following equation: </em> <em>=1.893021+1.331650</em> <em>+1.653501</em> <em>+2.099621</em> <em>-1.139574</em> <em>. </em></p> Wijanarko Rifqi Nugroho Yuliana Susanti Isnandar Slamet Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 263 273 Examining The Istinbath Method On Jarimah Qadzaf In Qanun Jinayat Aceh <p><em>Every Islamic legal product is produced through what is called legal reasoning (istinbath). This research is an effort to find out and examine the istinbath method used in compiling the Aceh Qanun Jinayat, especially regarding qadzaf (criminal acts). The study of the jarimah is limited to four variant objects, namely definition, perpetrator, and uqubat.</em> <em>This research includes applicable approaches that are considered effective include five types of approaches; legislative approach (statute approach), historical approach (historical approach), sociological approach (sociological approach), philosophical approach, methodological approach. The data sources used consist of primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis technique is content analysis.</em><em> It</em><em> proves that the formulation of legal norms</em> <em>jarimah qadzaf and its three variants can be methodologically justified. The methodology in question is the istinbath reasoning method which ranges between three istinbat reasoning methods, namely: first, the lughawiyah method with a mantuq theory approach or like an-nas and mafhum mukhalafah. Second, the ta'liliyah method with the illat tasyri'i approach. Third, the istislahiyah method with the maslahah mursalah approach.</em></p> R. Fakhrurrazi Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 284 296 Development of Elementary Students' Learning Independence Instrument <p><em>Primary school, as one of the main components of the education system, is the foundation for students' intellectual development, character, and independence. Learning independence is a critical element in achieving the goals of quality basic education. Through independent learning, students can hone their metacognitive, problem-solving, and self-responsibility skills, all of which support the achievement of national education goals. Although learning independence plays a key role, its implementation at the primary level does not always go smoothly. Many factors influence students' learning independence, such as teaching patterns, parental support, and the learning environment. Generally, teachers still focus more on assessing the cognitive aspect, i.e. knowledge, while assessment of the affective aspect (attitude) is often limited to direct observation of student behavior. The importance of developing instruments to measure the learning independence of elementary school students can be seen from the perspective of assessment and improving the quality of learning. To overcome these challenges, the development of student learning independence instruments emphasizes the need for contextual and locally adaptable measuring instruments. This study used the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method, which was modified from the 4-D model to the 3-D model, which includes the Define, Design, and Develop stages. In this study, the questionnaire instrument used three indicators of learning independence, namely 1) taking steps independently (initiative), 2) setting goals and efficient learning strategies, and 3) reflecting on it (responsibility and discipline). The results showed that the instrument developed was valid and reliable, making it suitable for assessing students' independent learning abilities.</em></p> Pratiwi Dwi Warih Sitaresmi Yulina Fadilah Nur Fadhilah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 297 304 Geographic Information System for Mapping Agricultural Technology Dissemination <p><em>Indonesia, with its wealth of natural resources and strategic position, is still lagging behind in several areas. Differences in topography, such as high and low plains, slopes and mountains, as well as geographic locations between seas, islands and mountains, trigger difficulties in accessing information for farmers. Other factors such as culture, level of education, culture, economy, low quality of human resources, and limited facilities and infrastructure also play a role in the low level of adoption of agricultural technology. This shows the need for changes in development and dissemination approaches that are adapted to the characteristics of the local community and region. The relatively low socio-economic conditions of farmers spread throughout the archipelago and their diverse cultures also influence their accessibility to agricultural technology information. The Ministry of Agriculture's centralized and uniform programs, with the same dissemination patterns for all regions, have proven to be ineffective. This results in the loss of introduced technology after the program ends and farmers return to old ways. A special approach is needed so that agricultural technology information can be accepted and applied in everyday life. This approach must take into account the uniqueness and diversity of culture, social, political, work ethic and economy in each region. The development of a communication method for disseminating agricultural cultivation technology based on user mapping is a solution to overcome this problem. This method can function as initial information and guidance in carrying out socialization and dissemination in the future. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used as a tool in user mapping methods. GIS enables the collection, storage, and analysis of geographic information related to agricultural technology users. This can help in seeing the development of users over time, increasing their understanding, attitudes, skills and behavior regarding cultivation technology disseminated by extension workers/researchers. By using dissemination communication methods based on user mapping and utilizing GIS, it is hoped that agricultural technology information can be conveyed effectively and on target, so as to increase technology adoption and encourage progress in the agricultural sector in Indonesia. The approach used in working on this system is Predictive Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), this is based on the assumption that human resources, costs and flexibility are sufficient. Using a predictive SDLC approach can also save costs and time in returning to the previous phase.</em></p> Tegar Karangga A Heni Sulistiani Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 305 311 Arab Ethnic Traditions Toward The Wedding: Analysis of The Meaning of The "Rahatan" Tradition in The Scope of The Arab Ethnic Family In The Arab Village of Besuki Religious and Social-Cultural Perspective <p><em>Traditions are actions carried out by a group of people that are passed down from generation to generation. Indonesia, with its various tribes or ethnicities, certainly has different traditions according to forms of expression and adaptation to the natural contours it inhabits. This tradition is always realized to preserve the teachings of the ancestors, the same as the tradition that exists in the Arab ethnic group, specifically in the Arab village of Bondowoso. The Rahatan tradition is apparently still well preserved by Arab ethnic families. If you look at this tradition, it is almost the same as the tradition in India before a wedding, namely the mehendi ceremony which has a special meaning for the bride and groom before the wedding. In this research, there are two important questions, including, 1) What is the tradition of Rahatan within the scope of the Arab Ethnic Family? 2) What is the meaning contained in the Arab Ethnic Family's ritual of worship in the Besuki Arab Village from a religious and social cultural perspective. The approach used is qualitative with case study research methods and multidisciplinary analysis with descriptive analysis data processing to find out more than one point of view, namely social and cultural. This research aims to provide information regarding the meaning of the Rahatan tradition which is always realized by Arab ethnic families. The conclusion of this research is that the tradition of Rahatan has been carried out by Arab ethnic families from generation to generation to this day, which has a special meaning and has a correlation with social culture.</em></p> Wasilah Adam Rizki Purnawan Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 312 318 Analysis of Students' Mathematical Reasoning Abilities Using a Question Development Model Based on 21st-Century Skills <p><em>Mathematics is a scientific discipline that contributes a lot to human survival. They will get many things, such as developing reasoning, solving problems, and so on, when facing issues related to mathematics, especially in a century that can be said to be super modern, such as the 21st century, which needs cadres with a high level of reasoning. Mathematical reasoning is one of the competencies that students should have at school. This research aims to determine the level of students' mathematical reasoning abilities in mathematics subjects, especially geometry. The method used in this research is qualitative. The technical analysis in this research is qualitative descriptive data analysis. The techniques used in data collection are test questions and interviews. The research subjects were 16 students, each given the same questions. The research results show that (1) Students in the very-good category are 12.5%, (2) Students in the excellent category are 32.5%, (3) Students in the fair category are 32.5%, (4) Students in the poor category are 22.5%. The analysis results show that the maximum gains are felt by students who often use the question development model. It is hoped that teachers will always encourage their students to take the time to solve mathematical problems, especially those related to geometry, so that their mathematical reasoning abilities develop over time. </em></p> Abdurrahman Al Kayyis Mohammad Tohir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 319 328 The Role of Digital-Based Civic Education Teaching Media in Increasing Students' Readiness to Face the Era of Society 5.0 <p><em>The rapid development of technology has significantly increased its influence on all aspects of life. One area that cannot escape this influence is education. We are now entering a new era known as Society 5.0.&nbsp; To adapt to developments in the era of Society 5.0, students must develop digital literacy skills and an interest in technology. The most important factor influencing students' interest in technology is the learning media used. Efforts to strengthen digital literacy can be implemented through civic education in schools. This research aims to describe digital-based civic education learning media designed to prepare students for the era of Society 5.0. The method used in this study is a literature review. The results show that digital-based civic education teaching media, particularly in the form of the metaverse, is more effective in preparing students and has proven to increase their readiness for Society 5.0 compared to visual audio media.&nbsp; This conclusion is based on several studies that highlight the advantages of metaverse teaching media. These advantages include increasing students' interest in technology, making the learning process more interactive, improving learning outcomes, eliminating spatial and temporal limitations, and creating virtual environments and objects that support learning.&nbsp; </em></p> Luthfia Devi Romadhoni Triyanto Triana Rejekiningsih Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 329 336 Interactive Learning Media: Multimodal Digital Text as a Reading Strategy to Boost Motivation in Reading Classroom <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>A teacher as a facilitator in the classroom should be creative and innovative in providing a media, as one of strategies, to facilitate students’ need in learning process. The purpose of this research was to develop an interactive learning media as a multimodal digital text in learning descriptive text. This research followed the ADDIE model by </em><em>Branch (2009)</em><em> for its developmental process. The participants of this research were 39 tenth grade senior high school students of a public school in Pekanbaru with their low motivation in reading. This research found that the media was valid and practical due to an obtained average score from the experts and small group evaluation were 4.02 and 3.29. Moreover, it also gave a potential effect on students’ motivation in the field test implementation. The students displayed enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning English from the mean score obtained (3.29) which interpreted as highly motivated. </em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Tio Uli Jismulatif Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 337 343 Utilization Of PAI Laboratory In Improving Spiritual Competence <p><em>Spiritual competence of students requires long stages and careful preparation in its implementation. One of them is the utilization of the Islamic Religious Education Laboratory used to improve the spiritual competence of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the utilization of Islamic Education laboratories in improving the spiritual competence of students. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The main data sources of this research are Islamic Religious Education teachers and students. While the secondary data sources are journals, printed books and so on that are directly related to this research. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and document examination. The examination of data validity uses credibility by extending participation, increasing persistence in research and triangulation. The results of the research findings show the utilization of PAI laboratories in improving spiritual competence through the application of the form of use of PAI related to mastery of the material, conducting pre-tests before the PAI laboratory, the teacher applies the implementation of individual practice.</em></p> Eka Kurniawan Ummah Karimah Danish Syifa Anaqi Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 344 351 Strategies And Islamic Religious Education Teachers: Efforts To Overcome The Difficulties Of Reading The Qur'an For Vocational High School Students <p><em>This study aims to determine the PAI teacher's strategy in implementing learning to overcome students who have difficulty reading the Qur'an at SMK Hidatha South Jakarta. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. Primary data sources are principals, PAI teachers and students at SMK Hidatha South Jakarta while secondary data is school documentation related to the data in this study. The data analysis technique uses a flow model from Miles and Huberman with stages, namely: Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Drawing. Data collection methods used interviews, observation and documentation. The data validity check in this study uses data triangulation which includes triangulation of sources, techniques and time. The results of this study indicate that the PAI teacher's strategy is in the form of classification and habituation of reading the Qur'an before learning begins, grouping students, and applying tajweed and Makharijal letters. The results obtained by students after receiving Qur'anic learning are gradually increasing.</em></p> Fikhi Dzikrulloh Ummah Karimah Dwi Rahma Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 352 356 Website Based Geographic Information System for Road Damage Mapping in Banyuwangi Regency <p><em>Roads are critical infrastructure and influence the life of the nation. Good roads support the running of the economy and the comfort of road users. Banyuwangi Regency has diverse geographical characteristics ranging from lowlands, hills, highlands, and coastal areas. Road damage that is not well managed due to lack of control and public complaints. Thus, maintaining and developing a good and appropriate road network is a top priority for regional governments to increase regional economic growth, inter-regional connectivity, and safety for users of transportation facilities. Mapping road damage using a geographic information system (GIS) can help monitor and provide detailed information regarding road damage at certain points. Using websites to facilitate GIS performance can make road handling more accurate with real-time public reports via the website. The development research in this study uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model with the Agile method. The design uses UML to make it easier to create a system and build a system using the Laravel framework. </em></p> 'A. Muzacky Naufal Ammar Firman Santoso Lukman Fakih Lidimillah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 357 368 Robust Regression Analysis Of Gm Estimation On The Poverty Gap Index Of Indonesian Provinces <p><em>Poverty has been a severe problem in Indonesia since the post-independence era until today. One indicator that can be used to measure the poverty level in a region is the poverty gap index, which describes the average size of the gap between each population and the poverty line. The data on the poverty gap index in Indonesia in 2022 contains outliers and misleading data that are not normally distributed, so the least squares method is inappropriate. One method that can be used to overcome the outlier problem is robust regression analysis. This study aims to determine the Generalized M (GM) estimation robust regression model and the factors that affect the poverty gap index in provinces in Indonesia. The estimation used is GM estimation, the development of M estimation when M estimation is less sensitive to outliers. The results showed that the GM estimation robust regression model has a value of 100% </em><em>&nbsp;It was also found that the factors that significantly affect the poverty gap index in Indonesia in 2022 are the percentage of poor people, the Gini ratio, the poverty line, and the percentage of households with a PLN electricity source.</em></p> Fauzaan Nabil Yuliana Susanti Etik Zukhronah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 369 374 The Influence Of Stunting Prevention Education To Improve Family Knowledge Of Stunting Patients Through “ANTING” Mobile Health <p><em>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that can interfere with a child's growth because it causes the child's height to not match his age or to be shorter. In 2021, Jember was ranked second in the East Java region with a score of 37.08%. ANTING is a mobile health-based Stunting Care Pharmacist which contained educational features and stunting prevention, one of which is through fulfilling clinical nutrition. The purpose of this study was to measure the increase in knowledge of families of stunting patients through mobile health-based education. This research was conducted at a health service facility in one of the sub-districts of Jember district. The research target was the families of stunting patients. This research used a quasy experiment with one group, pre and post test design. Researchers will carry out pre-test measurements from the beginning of the measurement and post-test on the same group at the last measurement. The sampling technique was accidental sampling for one month with a total of 32 samples. The results of the study showed that there was an increase in the knowledge of stunting patients' families after receiving education through the media of mobile health applications which is marked p value 0,004. This ANTING provided some information related to stunting, especially in terms of preventing stunting, so that it has a positive effect on reducing the development of stunting rates.</em></p> Shinta Mayasari Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 375 379 Analysis of Cashback in the LBM Lirboyo Decision from the Perspective of As Syatibi’s Inductive Theory <p><em>The Bahtsul Masail Institute (LBM) of the Lirboyo pesantren is a forum for santri to explore and solve problems in society, one of which is in terms of muamalah. Lately, the issue of cashback as a marketing strategy has caused public unrest, this needs attention and sharpness of legal analysis. This study aims to analyze the results of bahtsul masail regarding cashback at LBM Lirboyo Islamic boarding school. This research method is library research with the main data of LBM results with the approach of As Syatibi's inductive theory. As Syatibi talks about the epistemology of Islamic law which builds the entire theory of ushul fiqh on inductive principles. As Syatibi starts with the basic premise that the principles of legal theory and legal sources derived from God's authority as the basis of the epistemology of legal sources, then there must be a level of probability of these principles and sources that adjusts the dynamics of the law, thus making Islamic law has the value of flexibility. The results of this study indicate that the Lirboyo LBM according to As Syatibi; a) Provides cashback services to attract customers, b) The occurrence of aqad bai' mausuf fi dzimmah in online buying and selling transactions, c) Obtaining coins as a gift that has been given from the store in the shopee marketplace.</em></p> Muhammad Khoirul Muna Ahmad Munawir Assofan Lailatul Zuhriyah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 380 386 Game Android-Based Vocabulary Introduction Education for Early Childhood <p><em>The educational challenges at TK Al-Hidayah, a kindergarten in Kangean, Sumenep, are significant, with passive learning methods and ineffective educational media reducing student engagement and motivation. Most children speak their regional language, limiting their Indonesian vocabulary acquisition. To address this, we developed an interactive Android-based educational game for vocabulary learning aimed at young children. Using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method, the game was designed, developed, and tested through several phases, including concept, design, development, testing, release, and maintenance. The game features a learning menu with lessons on vowels, consonants, uppercase and lowercase letters, and object names, as well as a game menu with activities like matching object names and letters. Testing showed the game effectively enhances children's vocabulary skills and engagement in learning. This research contributes to the development of interactive and innovative educational methods for early childhood education.</em></p> Mutmainah Achmad Baijuri Nur Azise Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 387 392 The Role of Information Technology in Learning Toward Improving the Quality of Education at MA Al-Mahrusiyah Lirboyo Kediri City <p><em>Technology is a tool, method, and knowledge that can facilitate human work, in the era of society 5.0 the integration of technology is increasingly advanced to achieve improved quality of life, empowerment, and solve social challenges. Technology in the era of society 5.0 is used to support various aspects of life including education. In the world of education, learning by using technology is one way to attract the attention of students during the process of teaching and learning activites. In addition, the world of education also constantly adapts technological developments with the aim of improving the quality of education. This article aims to find out the role of technology utilization in the learning process of students. The hope is that educators will not hesitate and be able to adapt to the use of technology in the learning process. The research method used is research with a qualitative approach using the type of field research with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The result of this research is the effectiveness of technology utilization in education as a support for student learning to be more creative, innovative, and efficient. Therefore, the presence of educational technology can make it easier to achieve learning goals.</em></p> Nashrulloh Ahsan Nurul Atikoh Achmad Roysul Rohim Aditya Alfandy Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 393 397 Protection of ITE Law Against Sexting By Teenagers <p><em>The phenomenon of sexting, especially among teenagers, has become a significant problem because of its impact that can damage psychology, reputation and even the future. Many teenagers may not be aware of the legal consequences of sexting behavior, such as violations of the ITE Law which can result in imprisonment and fines. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of ITE Law in preventing sexting behavior among teenagers and to find out what are the inhibiting factors in the implementation of ITE Law in preventing sexting behavior among teenagers. This research is conducted using the normative method which is done by examining library materials or secondary data. The results show that although the ITE Law does not yet have a specific law governing sexting in Indonesia, the ITE Law has an indirect article that can be used to handle these cases, article 27 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law states that the dissemination of electronic information violating public decency can be sanctioned. Although the definition of sexting varies in the context of Indonesian law, the ITE Law can be used to deal with sexting behavior.</em></p> Nurul aulia Ridwan Syamsuddin Hadijah Didik Irawansah Tiara Sahrul Ramadhan Syahrudin Imran Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 398 403 Implementation of Expert System Design for Detection of Menstrual Blood an Istihadah with Forward Chaining Method <p><em>The implementation of an expert system design for detecting menstrual blood and istihadhah using the forward chaining method addresses the need for efficient identification and management of menstrual-related conditions. This system utilizes forward chaining to incrementally analyze user-inputted symptoms and characteristics, providing accurate diagnoses. Through a user-friendly interface, it offers quick and precise recommendations, enhancing user understanding and facilitating effective condition management.</em></p> Sinta Nuriyah Putri Ahmad Homaidi Lukman Hakim Lidimilah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 404 410 Correlation Standing Balance, Vertical jump, Sit and reach, Agility Status with Hop test Athletes with Knee Regional Sports Injuries <p><em>Activity This inappropriate overload will increase the risk of injury occurring in sports activities to achieve performance. </em><em>This is because </em><em>the body is no longer able to accept the excessive load , either because the load is excessive or because the body is too heavy to accept the load, then an injury reaction will arise from our body. To assess an athlete's ability to return to sport or return to sport (RTS), tests are needed that can predict the athlete's ability after injury. Hop test is one form of test carried out. Research Method: This quantitative research cross-sectional approach. Statistical test e d by u sing spearman correlation test for bivariate test. This study involved 54patient samples at the HSF Studio clinic Results: The statistics c al test.Based on the results of the bivariate test using the sperm rho test, it shows that the results of all independent variables have no significant relationship with the dependent variable test. There is no significant relationship between standing balance, vertical jump, sit and reach test and agility standards with the hop test.</em></p> Syahmirza Indra Lesmana Sugiyanto M. Furqon Hidayatullah Muchsin Doewes Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 411 414 The Role of Youth as Agents of Change in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals: A Humanistic Theory Perspective <p><em>Youth is a national asset whose potential is very influential in the development of a country. Youth is the successor to the heroes of the nation's predecessors. Youth have a diverse role in realizing sustainable development goals around the world. Therefore, various efforts are made to build the potential of youth throughout Indonesia. Through an understanding of psychological needs and individual potential, youth can be encouraged to take an active role in advancing sustainable development goals, not only as beneficiaries, but also as key actors in the process.&nbsp; This research aims to explore the role of youth as agents of change in the context of sustainable development, using the perspective of humanistic theory, specifically concepts such as self-actualization and psychological need fulfillment. Through the humanistic theory approach, this research analyzes how youth can be the driving force in the process of sustainable social transformation. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and literature studies from several sources of books and relevant scientific articles. The result of the research is the essential contribution of youth in the process of sustainable social transformation both on a local and global scale. As well as the need to understand the motivation, needs, and potential of individual youth based on humanistic theory. There are program recommendations that support the active participation and involvement of youth in various sustainable development initiatives. </em></p> Nurul Atikoh Nur Rafita Suci M Rizqi Mubarok M Yahya Nur Fuad Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 415 419 The Voices of Anti-Capitalism in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes <p><em>This article investigates matters of voices of anti-capitalism in Hans Christian Andersen’s short story entitled The Emperor’s New Clothes. The story tells about a king who behaves arbitrarily and is concerned with his own personal affairs rather than his people. He is concerned with how he dresses so that a lot of people visit him and make it a stereotype that must be done. If the king passes in front of them, they must praise the king. However, his people trick him at the end. The capitalist behavior of the king who uses royal money to dress and care for himself is an interesting thing to research and raises questions about the existence of anti-capitalist voices in this short story. By using qualitative method and explorative approach, this study aims to reveal the voice of anti-capitalism reflected in royal lifestyle and fashion that the king wears. The voices are also matters of such silent rebellion to those who are too proud of themselves. Those arrogant beings never care to other people but themselves. The anti-capitalism works efficiently to the points that the king does not know that he is being tricked, not only by his tailor, but also by all of his people. In conclusion, the voices of anti-capitalism must not always loud. This story proves that the rebel could be done merely by tricking the powerful one.&nbsp; </em></p> Dimas Eko Saputro Rommel Utungga Pasopati Myrilla Shafa Camila Alvina Salshabilla Linjani Putri Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 420 427 Dynamics of Family Caregivers in Caring for People with Disabilities Congenital: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) <p><em>The role of family caregivers in caring for people with congenital disabilities has a significant impact on the individual's well-being. However, there has been no comprehensive systematic literature review regarding the dynamics, challenges, and support provided by family carers in this context. Therefore, we need a comprehensive literature review to fully comprehend the role of family carers in providing care for individuals with congenital disabilities. This research aims to conduct a systematic literature review to examine the dynamics of the role of family carers, the challenges faced, and the type of support needed in caring for people with congenital disabilities. Thus, the aim of this research is to compile a comprehensive and in-depth picture of this phenomenon based on existing literature. We use a systematic literature review as the research method, searching, selecting, and critically analysing scientific articles relevant to the topic under study. This study also applied strict inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the accuracy and validity of the literature review results. This systematic literature review emphasizes the importance of fully understanding the role of family caregivers in caring for people with congenital disabilities. The results of this review can provide a basis for further research and development of interventions aimed at improving well-being and support for family carers in this context.</em></p> Abdul Kadir Muhammad Haekal Muh Akbar Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 428 433 The Automating Aquaponics System With RTC, Turbidity Sensor and Water Level Sensor <p><em>Aquaponic system automation is key to increasing agricultural efficiency and productivity. A system that is considered an innovative method of sustainable food production that combines fish farming and agriculture simultaneously. The aim of this research is to implement an IoT system in aquaponics that is connected to various sensors, such as turbidity sensors, water level sensors, and RTC modules. To monitor water quality conditions in tilapia habitats and measure accurate timing to provide fish food automatically to improve fish health and growth and support better and consistent results. This optimized system provides better monitoring of environmental conditions, reduces reliance on manual maintenance, and increases overall productivity. Helps increase tilapia fish growth and plant productivity in modern aquaponic systems. This research shows the great potential of IoT technology in increasing the efficiency and productivity of aquaponic cultivation, so that it can push the fisheries sector in a more advanced and competitive direction. Therefore, the main conclusion that is expected is that this automation can increase the productivity of ecosystem balance, and can face the challenge of food security and move towards more environmentally friendly solutions, towards effective management in the future.</em></p> Rizki Devi Anggita Stywati Dicky Suman Jaya Khusnul Edistira Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 434 446 Comparison Support Vector Machine and Random Forest Algorithms in Detect Diabetes <p><em>One of the diseases that are very concerning and numerous cases that occur all over the world because the impact is very significant is diabetes. Diabetes sufferers experience disorders in metabolism that identify hyperglycemia caused by no the inability of the pancreas to secrete insulin, which has an impact on death Because No functioning of other body organs. Data states in 2019 that, 433 million people were diagnosed with diabetes, and the Number is predicted to increase until peaking in 2045 will be 700 million people. This matter needs to be anticipated as soon as possible, perhaps by society, with several characteristics that occur in patients. Data on diabetes sufferers can processed with data mining that utilizes machine learning to detect diabetes. Study This will compare the Support Vector Machine and Random Forest algorithms to find accurate results. Researchers use the KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) model in several stages, such as data selection, preprocessing, Transformation, and Evaluation. The dataset used was sourced from the website; there were 768, consisting of 500 negative and 268 positive for diabetes. The SVM algorithm with a linear kernel produces a mark accuracy of 77%, Precision of 75%, Recall of 51%, and F1 score of 61%. For the Random Forest algorithm with n_estimators =100, random_state =42, results mark Accuracy 75%, precision 69%, recall 55% and F1 score 61%. The process and results state that more SVM algorithms are suitable for detecting diabetes. Models made using the Python programming language will be implemented with stremlit so you can use Web-based.</em></p> Habib Alrasyid Ahmad Homaidi Zaehol Fatah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 447 453 Management Information System for Field Work Practice Faculty of Science and Technology <p><em>In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital transformation becomes crucial for enhancing efficiency and quality across various sectors, including higher education. The Faculty of Science and Technology at Ibrahimy Sukorejo University, as a leader in knowledge and technology development, faces the demand to continuously innovate in supporting student learning experiences. Implementing digital practices in higher education, particularly in managing Field Work Practice (FWP), encounters significant challenges. Adopting a Field Work Practice Information System (FWPIS) can streamline the entire FWP management process, traditionally handled manually, into computerized processes. Hence, it's imperative to develop a web-based FWP management information system that can assist students in accessing updated information regarding post-registration FWP steps. Challenges in managing and optimizing FWP implementation at the faculty level include information delays, administrative error risks, and limited student involvement. Thus, developing an innovative Field Work Practice Management Information System (FWP-MIS) is crucial to elevate higher education to excellence. This research aims to create an efficient and adaptive FWP-MIS meeting the needs of students, academic supervisors, and administrative personnel by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and data analytics. Implementation of this solution is expected to offer a more structured FWP experience for students and serve as a model for other higher education institutions.</em></p> Ismi Hanafiah Firman Santoso Abd. Ghafur Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 454 462 Predict the Trend of Indonesian People's Interest in Bitcoin Facing the 2024 Bitcoin Halving Using a Forecasting Algorithm <p><em>Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is one of the largest investment crypto assets throughout the world with a total market capitalization of 1.35 trillion US Dollars. Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 with a decentralized blockchain system. Indonesia is still ranked 7th in the world in cryptocurrency adoption, which means Indonesia is still behind other countries. The inhibiting factors are poor government regulations and a lack of public education platforms regarding this new cryptocurrency technology. This research aims to analyze and predict trends in Indonesian people's interest in bitcoin in the context of the 2024 bitcoin halving, taking Google Trends data and then predicting it using a double exponential forecasting algorithm. Related data was collected to analyze community interest patterns using the KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) method. Searches with the keyword "bitcoin" reached the day of the 2024 bitcoin halving on April 19, 2024. From the dataset obtained from the 2014-2024 period with a total of 121 records, using the double exponential 29 forecasting algorithm produces test and train RMSE values of 7,184 and 14,907. Meanwhile, the train and test MAPE values are 0.313 and 0.861. The model that has been created is then implemented using the Python Stremlit library so that web-based analysis can be carried out. The predicted peak point value in 09-2024 is 48.5 and the lowest point in 08-2025 is 17.9. It is hoped that this trend analysis can help develop the adoption of crypto assets, especially bitcoin, to educate the public about the importance of bitcoin as a future investment asset, and the government needs to play a role in making crypto adoption easier in Indonesia.</em></p> Mohammad Nasta’in Akhlis Munazilin Adi Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 463 468 National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database for Pseudomonas aeruginosa <p><em>The present study describes search National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases (GQuery) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. NCBI databases search ( was employed to generate a number of valuable information. Results found in 31 databases for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All databases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa consist of literature, genes, protein, genomes, clinical and pubchem. The literature contained bookshelf, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), National Library of Medicine Catalogue, PubMed, and PubMed Central. The genes consists of gene, geo datasets,gep profiles, popset. Proteins feature contained conserved domains, identical protein groups, protein, protein family models and structure. Genomes included Assembly, BioProject, BioSample, Genome, Nucleotide, SRA, and Taxonomy. The clinical contained, clinvar, dbgap, gtr, medgen and imim. The pubchem consist of bioassays, compunds, pathways, substances.&nbsp; The present work provides essential information relating to biotechnology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.</em></p> Giyanto Elisa Julianti Hotnida Sinaga Mariani Sembiring Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 469 472 Building Empathic Relationships Between Teachers and Students: A Psychodynamic Perspective <p><em>This study aims to explore and analyze the importance of building empathic relationships between teachers and students in basic education, focusing on psychodynamic elements that influence these interactions. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Participants consisted of teachers and students from several elementary schools, selected through purposive sampling. The instruments used include semi-structured interview guidelines and direct observation in class, the research was analyzed using content analysis methods. Thematic analysis shows some psychodynamic elements that play a key role in building empathic relationships between teachers and students. Teacher self-awareness of student feelings and responses, clear identification of roles in class, and conflict management with a psychodynamic approach are important factors in creating healthy empathic relationships. The results show that understanding psychodynamic elements can increase the effectiveness of teachers in building empathic relationships with students. Practical implications include the development of teacher training that incorporates psychodynamic aspects to improve the quality of interactions in class. In the context of basic education, an in-depth understanding of the psychodynamic elements in teacher-student relationships makes a positive contribution to building empathic relationships that support students' learning experiences. Recommendations for further research include further exploration of educational interventions that can strengthen these psychodynamic elements.</em></p> Moh. Ferdi Hasan Diana Monita Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 473 477 Exploration of Mathematical Concepts of Numbers, Algebra and Geometry in the Qur'an <p><em>The Qur'an is a source of knowledge regarding various dimensions of life and the universe created by Allah SWT. The relationship between mathematics and the Koran is very close in everyday life. This research is library research and aims to identify the concepts of Numbers, Algebra and Geometry in the Al-Qur'an. From the results obtained, it can be seen that the concept of numbers is in Surah Al-Isra' verse 12, Surah An-Nisa' verses 11 and 12, Surah Al-Kahf verse 25, Surah Al-Ankabut verse 14, Surah Al-Baqorah verse 261, Surah Al-Muzzammil verse 20, Surah Al-Muzzamil verses 2-4, Surah At-Taubah verse 36, Surah Al-An'am verse 160 and Surah Al-Maidah verse 89. Meanwhile for algebraic concepts, namely Surah Al-Hadid verse 25 , Surah Al-Baqorah verse 196, Surah Al-Baqorah verse 234, Surah Al-Anfal verse 65, Surah Al-Ahqof verse 15 and Surah Saba' verse 15. Then the geometric concept of Surah Al-Hajj verse 29, Surah Yasin verse 40 was discovered. &amp; Surah Al-Anbiya' verse 33, Surah Al-Fajr verse 7, Surah Al-Fajr verse 10, Surah An-Nur verse 35, Surah Az-Zukhruf verse 53, and Surah Al-Haqqah verse 32.</em></p> M. Arif Rohman Al Qodiri Moh. Atikurrahman Dian Noer Asy'Ari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 478 487 Utilization Of Non-Organic Waste To Make Crafts From Ecobrick In Increasing Environmental Law Awareness <p><em>Plastic waste takes decades and even hundreds of years to decompose while every day we always use. Recycling waste can be a good small step. One way to recycle is through ecobricks. Ecobricks are a plastic waste management technique made from used plastic bottles that have been filled with various plastic waste until they are full and then compacted until they become hard. The purpose of this study is to reduce the pile of plastic waste so that the pile of plastic waste can be slightly reduced and increase public awareness of the dangers of plastic waste and what efforts the bima city government has made to deal with problems regarding plastic waste which can only be handled only 78%. This research uses empirical methods using primary data. The data collection techniques include observation and interviews obtained from the people of Bima city and the Environmental Service. The results of this study found that many people still do not care about the dangers of plastic waste, the community also does not know much that plastic waste can be turned into valuable crafts that can generate monetary value, the community only knows that plastic bottle waste can only be decomposed into flower pots. Based on these findings, the community can understand the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness and the dangers of plastic waste if not processed properly, and be able to provide new innovations for the community that plastic waste can be processed into useful and valuable crafts such as ecobrik products in the form of chairs, tables, and others. </em></p> Ridwan Awaliah Syamsuddin Taufik Firmanto Hadija Setiawan Albanjari Budiman Febrian Maulana Musyafir Fery Irawan Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 488 494 The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Traditional Sorogan and Bandongan Learning Methods in Arabic <p><em>Current learning models have changed a lot along with the times. This proves that developments in the world of education are also changing. The development of digital technology such as artificial intelligence has changed the educational landscape, including in the context of Arabic language learning. Traditional methods of learning such as Sorogan and Bandongan have long been the dominant approach to learning Arabic in various educational settings. However, with the advancement of technology and the penetration of artificial intelligence in education, questions arise about the relevance and urgency of these traditional methods. This research aims to explore the influence of artificial intelligence on the importance of traditional methods of learning Sorogan and Bandongan in learning Arabic. The research was conducted using a literature review. Artificial intelligence has enabled the development of intelligent and adaptive learning platforms that can tailor learning to individual needs. In addition, digital applications in language learning have provided widespread access to interactive and personalized learning resources. Nevertheless, this research also highlights the importance of maintaining traditional methods such as Sorogan and Bandongan in the context of Arabic language learning. This traditional method not only reflects cultural heritage and social values, but also offers an in-depth learning experience in understanding classical texts and contextualizing Arabic in everyday life. </em></p> Sovia Fahraini Riyadus Sholichin Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 495 502 Sustainable Environmental Management Based On Local Wisdom Of The Mbojo Bima Tribe, NTB <p><em>The issue of environmental damage is currently increasingly worrying, starting from landslides, floods, piles of rubbish, agricultural activities, illegal logging, waste disposal, pollution, air, erosion, gas and water supplies which continue to be a real threat to human life. Meanwhile, the environmental damage index in Bima is at the highest position compared to other regions. This condition can be seen from the problems of forest destruction, pollution, waste disposal, and declining soil quality, causing floods and landslides in various sub-districts in the Bima NTB region, such as the Bima flash flood in 2016, floods in 9 (nine) Bima Regency sub-districts 2018-2023.Research purposes, want to know, the forms of environmental damage in Bima NTB, Also Want to know about sustainable environmental management based on local wisdom of the Mbojo Bima tribe, NTB.Research methodsin the form of empirical legal research with a sociological approach, case approach, conceptual approach and philosophical approach. Data sources include primary data and secondary data. Heuristic and interpretative analysis.Findings shows that (1) Forms of Environmental Damage in Bima, covers illegal logging, agricultural activities, use of herbicides and pesticides, irregular disposal of B3 waste, piles of rubbish everywhere, use of greenhouses, gas and dust pollution in various sub-districts. (2) Sustainable Environmental Management Based on the Local Wisdom of the Mbojo Bima Tribe, there is a balance between the values ​​of the local wisdom of the Bima people and nature and the surrounding environment, where cultural beliefs about "parafu (sacred places that reside in springs and trees) and the concept of "ngaha aina ngoho” (managing forests and the environment well and sustainably) is the main basis for environmental management in the Bima NTB region.</em></p> Ridwan Andriadin Syamsuddin Hajairin Julkarnain Azizah Tuzzahra Riski Ahrul Anggara Nurkomariah Jamaludin Fitrianingsih Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 503 509 Cultural Identity of Malaysian Malay Ethnic in Perlis village <p><em>The existence of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis village attracts attention because they occupy the majority of the community there and still maintain the identity of Malaysian culture, what is interesting in this study is that Perlis village is in one area with Deli Malay in Langkat regency but the unique differences in Langkat Malay ethnic culture with Perlis Malay ethnicity which is still in one area makes it interesting for researchers to conduct this research. This study aims to explain the cultural identity of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis village. In this study using a type of qualitative research with an ethnographic approach conducted with direct interviews and using Stuart Hall's cultural identity theory as the basis for analysis. The method of this research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the cultural identity of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis is reflected in various aspects of daily life, ranging from traditions, language, food, clothing, to religious beliefs and practices. The conclusion of this study is that the Malaysian Malay ethnic culture in Perlis village is still generally used by the community as a culture that is still maintained in the Perlis village community. In general, there are several ethnic Malaysian Malay cultures in Perlis village that still exist in the Perlis village community, namely the use of everyday language, the process of birth, marriage to death. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Marwah Mawaddah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 510 518 Innovation In Dioscorea Hispida Functional Food Products To Improve Nutrition For The Elderly In Preventing Osteoporosis In Old Age <p><em>Dioscorea Hispida </em><em>is a tuberous plant that grows wild in forests and is distributed throughout Indonesia, including in Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara. Dioscorea Hispida is the main source of carbohydrates and a source of calcium that functions to maintain health and bone formation. This study aims to determine the effect of Dioscorea Hispida sponge cake on the nutritional status of the elderly. The type of research used is experimental research with a correlation study research design. The research population was all elderly people in Saleko Village, Bima City, NTB. The research sample consisted of 30 elderly respondents aged 60-65 years. Data analysis was carried out with univariate, bivariate, and chi square pearson tests. Based on the results of univariate analysis, the frequency distribution of respondent characteristics consisted of 23.3% aged 63 years. while the results of the frequency analysis of respondents who experienced body pain ranged from 40% and those who did not experience body pain ranged from 60%. The distribution of respondents with hunched posture ranged from 56.7% and non-hunched posture ranged from 43.3%. the results of bivariate analysis showed that the relationship between the provision of innovative food products from Dioscorea Hispida on elderly health had a significant effect Asymp.Sig. (2-Sailed) around 0.023%. It can be concluded that the provision of sponge cake innovation products made from Diascorea hispida has a positive influence on the nutritional health of elderly people with osteoporosis.</em></p> Serbu Duriansyah Wia Putra M. Noris Nurul Maharani Amanda Jullyana Rahmah Osi Ramdani Nabila Chairani Putri Jumratu Nur Putri Anggriani Wawan Nur Deati Sinta Nurfiani Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 519 525 Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Java Island Using Panel Data Regression <p><em>Economic growth is one of the important indicators used to evaluate the success of a country’s economic development. Economic growth in Indonesia is not only shaped by a single region but is also the result of contributions from all regions within the country. In the 2018-2022 period, Java Island made the largest contribution to Indonesia’s economic growth, with an average exceeding 50%. However, economic growth on Java Island is still experiencing fluctuations due to various factors. The purpose of this research is to estimate and identify the factors that affect economic growth on Java Island in 2018-2022. This research uses independent variables, which are investment, labor productivity, tax ratio, and ICT usage, while the dependent variable is economic growth. The research data is secondary data that was obtained from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. The data type is panel data , which consists of six provinces in Java Island spanning the time period from 2018-2022. The analysis method used is panel data regression using the Common Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and Random Effect Model (REM) approaches. The results show that Fixed Effect Model (FEM) is the best model for estimating economic growth on Java Island, with an adjusted-R² value of 99.80%. The other results show that simultaneously there is a significant influence between investment, labor productivity, tax ratio, and ICT usage on the economic growth in Java Island from 2018-2022.</em></p> Rafika Nanda Setyawati Sri Subanti Irwan Susanto Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 526 535 Protecting Children's Rights In Preventing Stunting <p><em>Stunting is a major nutritional problem faced by Indonesia. Based on data from the Nutrition Status Monitoring (PSG) for the last three years, stunting cases in Bima City have fluctuated. Data as of December 4, 2023 recorded 1,376 cases or 11.63 per cent in the local city from the target of 11,964. The high number of stunting cases is an indicator of the high number of malnutrition cases in Indonesia and proof that Indonesian children have not fully received legal protection. Some of the factors that cause stunting are low energy intake, infectious diseases, male gender, low maternal education, children not getting exclusive breastfeeding, low protein intake, low father's education and working mothers, maternal gestational age to reveal and analyze the process of human rights law enforcement against children with stunting. This research aims to find out what views and efforts are made by the Bima City government towards children with stunting associated with primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials are binding legal materials, and consist of basic rules, namely the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Basic Regulations, namely the Body of the 1945 Constitution, Legislation relating to the protection of children's rights. The causes of stunting are very multidimensional, in addition to factors that are in direct contact with mothers and children, stunting is also caused by facilities. However, the most dominant factor resulting in stunting is low nutritional intake for mothers and children. The state must be responsible for the welfare of the community, especially families who are not well-off as mandated in the constitution Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution which states that the poor and abandoned children are cared for by the state and parents must take an important role by paying attention to the care and diet of children</em><em>. </em></p> Adi Tiya Ridwan Hadijah Syamsuddin Muhammad Rizkan Uli Marsinah Agus Muliawan Yasin Muhammad Ahyar Abdul Karim Amarullah Ananda Galang Wangsa Nabila Dwita Meifianti saputri Rika Faratika Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 536 543 The Difference In The Effect Of Plyometric Squat Jump And Double Leg Bound Exercises On Increasing Leg Muscle Power In Extracurricular Volleyball Students of SMPN 3 Karanganyar <p>The use of proper and correct plyometric training methods will increase strength and speed in performing basic volleyball techniques. From the plyometric exercise method, especially squat jump and double leg bound exercises, it is estimated to have an influence on leg muscle power. This research will be carried out in the courtyard of SMP Negeri 3 Karanganyar, Jalan Lawu No. 86, Ngarjosari, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. This research will be carried out for six weeks starting on February 5, 2024 to March 16, 2024 with a frequency of meetings three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The experimental method is chosen to determine certain symptoms through the treatment carried out on the experimental sample. An experiment is a pattern that allows researchers to simultaneously study the influence of two or more types of experimental variables. There was no significant difference in height increase between the squat jump and double leg bound treatment groups. Evidenced by the average increase in the squat jump treatment group by 5.7 (2.544%) while in the double legbox bound treatment group by 6 (2.819%). As well as the results of the statistical test of the anova test obtained a probability value of 0.436&gt; 0.05.</p> Medika Adhi Pradana M. Furqon Hidayatullah Sri Santoso Sabarini Slamet Riyadi Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 544 549 Legal Protection Efforts For Children Against Physical And Psychological Violence Committed By Parents <p><em>Child abuse is the behavior of violence, abuse, or torture committed by parents or adults that can cause physical and psychological harm to children. Child abuse is a condition that has long occurred in society, even though it is not in accordance with the law. But the practice still occurs even in almost all levels of society. This makes the condition of children paradoxical. With the incidents of physical and psychological violence committed by parents, the question arises 1) What are the long-term effects of physical and psychological violence on children, both physically, emotionally, and psychologically, 2) How can legal protection efforts be carried out to protect children from physical and psychological violence committed by parents. The main objectives of our research are to prevent the occurrence of physical and psychological violence against children by parents and stop the violence that is happening, provide education and raise public awareness about the negative impact of physical and psychological violence against children and the importance of protecting children's rights, provide an in-depth understanding of the long-term consequences of physical and psychological violence against children, and to explore the existing legal protection framework to prevent and overcome such violence. The research used is an empirical research method using a qualitative approach that focuses on case studies, and applies data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation in the context of field studies. The results of the research found that physical and psychological violence occurs because of the factors that cause it, namely: factors of disciplining children, economic factors, environmental factors, lack of education of the perpetrator, feelings of annoyance with the behavior of children, low parental knowledge, lack of understanding of children's rights and limitations of the Legal System. The results of this study indicate: a). Forms of legal protection against child victims of criminal acts of violence by parents b). Factors of child abuse committed by parents c). Efforts to overcome violence against children by parents. Based on these findings, the author states: it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent child abuse through the community, parents and legal officials so that violence against children does not occur. And the maximum handling is done so that it is not fatal to the development of the victim. Maximizing the potential and aspects of the existing community, and efforts to deal with violence against children in preventing and dealing with violence.</em></p> Nurauliani Syamsuddin Zuhrah Ferdiansyah Fajar Islam Agil Almunawar Anggun Soleha Efi Nurnaningsih Muh. Khairil Yusra Ayu Wandira Abel Oktaviani Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 550 556 Development of an Information System for Reporting Road Damage in Bandar Lampung City <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 82.75pt 0cm 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-ZA" style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">Roads are crucial land transportation infrastructure and vital pathways for transportation. They serve as catalysts for regional development and equal distribution of development across an area and its surrounding regions. Another function of roads is their significant role in connecting growth centres with other areas. For the government, roads are essential transportation infrastructure for driving economic and governmental activities. Smooth transportation and economic activities are facilitated when roads are in good condition. A common challenge faced by communities is how to communicate and report road damage in a particular area to relevant authorities. There are often cases where communities block a road due to severe damage, making it impassable. Additionally, communities may not know which roads are prioritized for repairs by the authorities. In the current digital era, almost every field benefits from technology or computerized systems. This includes addressing the aforementioned issues by developing a road reporting information system. It is believed that such a system will be highly effective in assisting both the public and relevant authorities in promptly repairing roads. The aim is for road repairs in a given area to be well-structured and easily monitored by the general public. The development method for the Bandar Lampung city road damage reporting system uses a prototype model. The prototype model is a system development method, one of the system life cycle methods which is based on the working model concept.</span></em></p> Pria Agung Laksono Heni Sulistiani Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 557 561 Building Secure Relationships: A Review of the Literature on the Importance of Parent-Child Attachment in Early Life <p><em>Attachment between parents and children is an important foundation in a child's early development. Recent research has highlighted how important this attachment is in shaping healthy relationships and having a lasting impact on children's development. In this context, a review of the literature is important to thoroughly understand the concept of parent-child attachment in early life. A literature review methodology was used in this study to collect and evaluate recent research findings related to early life parent-child attachment. This approach allows for a comprehensive investigation into various aspects of attachment, including its effects on children's emotional, social and cognitive development. In conducting this literature review, we found that parent-child attachment in early life forms an important foundation for children's development in many ways. Research shows that secure attachment provides the child with a sense of security and comfort needed to explore the world around him or her with confidence. It also forms the basis for the development of social skills, empathy and emotional regulation essential for healthy social interactions later in life. In addition, our literature review highlighted factors that contribute to the formation of secure parent-child attachment. These include parental responsiveness to children's needs and emotions, warmth in parent-child interactions, and consistency in providing emotional support. In addition, we evaluated the impact of the family's social and economic environment and the influence of the child's internal factors, such as temperament, on attachment. The results of this literature review provide valuable insights into the importance of parent-child attachment in early life. By understanding and supporting the formation of secure attachments, parents and practitioners can play a role in ensuring that children have a solid foundation for optimal growth and development. In addition, the implications of these findings are also relevant in the context of interventions and policies to improve the quality of parent-child relationships in society at large</em></p> Lidia Wiliyani Reni Ester Berutu Srininta Oktapia S Ester Gustina Wati Sihotang Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 562 565 Self-Leadership Among Undergraduate Students: A Descriptive Study <p><em>Leadership, in particular self-leadership, plays an important role for individuals, including undergraduate students. Consequently, research on self-leadership needs to be conducted to understand how they lead themselves while studying. This research study describes to what extent there is self-leadership among undergraduate students. Data was collected from undergraduate students attending a public university. Random sampling was used to determine the number of participants who were involved in this research. A questionnaire, the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ), was used as the instrument for collecting data. In addition, a descriptive analysis has been employed to understand the level of self-leadership among undergraduate students. The result of this study revealed that 23% of undergraduate students had high self-leadership, 58.6% of undergraduate students had average self-leadership, and 18% of undergraduate students had low self-leadership. This study indicated that leadership development is crucial for undergraduate students studying at religious educational institutions.</em></p> Renopa Panjaitan Putra Willy Apostel Munthe Nasib Tua Lumban Gaol Marina Letara Nababan Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 566 571 Investigating Boosters and Engagement Markers in Ta’lim Al-Muta’allim: Interpersonal Metadiscourse Perspective <p><em>This research delves into the motivational linguistic elements present in the "Ta’lim Muta’allim" book, a fundamental text in Islamic education. Drawing upon metadiscourse theory, specifically focusing on boosters and engagement markers, the study aims to analyze how these linguistic resources are utilized to motivate and engage students. Through a qualitative approach utilizing corpus linguistics, data from the book's translation is collected and analyzed to identify the frequency and distribution of these elements. The results reveal a significant presence of boosters such as "harus" (should/must) and engagement markers like "jangan" (do not), indicating a strong directive tone and clear behavioral guidelines within the text. The discussion highlights the implications of these findings for student motivation and engagement, emphasizing the importance of linguistic resources in shaping the learning environment. Overall, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how language can be used effectively to inspire and guide students in their educational journey.</em></p> Shohihuzzihni Muhammad Ulin Nuha Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 572 580 Leadership Development Program for Student Organizations at Islamic Boarding Schools <p><em>This research aims to determine programs that can successfully develop the leadership spirit of the Assa'adah Orphanage Student Organization (OPPYA) at the Assa'adah 1 Orphanage and Dhuafa' Islamic Boarding School, South Jakarta. This research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Primary data sources are school principals, PAI teachers and students at Hidatha Vocational School, South Jakarta, while secondary data is school documentation related to the data in this research. The data analysis technique uses the flow model from Miles and Huberman with stages, namely: Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Drawing Conclusions. Data collection methods use interviews, observation and documentation. The data validity check in this study used data triangulation which included triangulation of sources, techniques and time. The results of this research show that the leadership development program for student organizations in Islamic boarding schools can be carried out with a jointly planned program. The program was created to create administrators who adhere to the Islamic boarding school values ​​that are needed by students, administrators who can develop themselves and character and morals from the activities carried out to achieve competent students, can face problems that occur one after another in each program, know indicators of expected success and have high motivation to encourage growth, commitment, ability to overcome challenges.</em></p> Alwi Nur Kholis Hafidz Taufiqurrahman Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 581 588 The Impact of Parental Divorce on Adolescent Children In Housing RT 002 RW 007 Kel. Wanasari Kab. Bekasi <p><em>This research aims to explain and describe how the problems of teenagers affected by divorce and how they solve these problems, the positive impact of parental divorce for teenagers, the negative impact of parental divorce for teenagers. This research method is qualitative in nature. Data collection is done by interview. The data sources used are primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are information sourced from interview answers to sources. The secondary data is data obtained from literature that is in accordance with the object of research. Data collection techniques using interview techniques on six respondents. Based on the results of the research obtained, it is known that parents have not been able to fully understand what the child wants and the child's condition, because two out of three children affected by divorce, they cannot get along with their parents. The positive impacts felt by children are many and varied. The negative impact of divorce felt by teenagers is fairly similar, and from here parents know that their mistake is only not being able to understand what the child feels and what the child wants, because actually teenagers affected by divorce tend to want to be heard and need more affection than children their age.</em></p> Taufiqurrahman Saidi Usman Al Farisi Fakhrurazi Sadari Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 1 1 589 595 Decision Support System for The Selection of The Best Employees of BMT NU Gapura Sumenep Cooperative Using The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method <p><em>Employees are the most important resource in a company to carry out the company's&nbsp; management targets and improve the company's performance quality in developing its&nbsp; business. Capable and quality resources that are in accordance with the company's&nbsp; targets are a priority for a company. To maintain this, employee performance evaluation&nbsp; is a major concern by conducting employee assessments. Employee assessments at the&nbsp; BMT NU Cooperative still experience several obstacles, namely that they are still based&nbsp; on the subjectivity of the Cooperative manager and tend to produce decisions that are not&nbsp; relevant to the employee's performance results. Thus, it creates professional&nbsp; discrimination against work. For the assessment of the best employees using the Simple&nbsp; Additive Weighting (SAW) method with several assessment weights for each criterion.&nbsp; Thus, providing accurate employee assessment results that are in accordance with the&nbsp; work done by employees. The SAW method is used by adding each weight to each&nbsp; criterion. The final result is obtained from the calculation process, namely the summation&nbsp; of the normalized matrix with the weight per criterion which shows the ranking of the&nbsp; selection of the best employees. Then, from these calculations, accurate information is&nbsp; obtained about the best employees at the BMT NU Cooperative, Gapura District,&nbsp; Sumenep Regency.</em></p> A. Firman Maulana Ahmad Lutfi Firman Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 1 1 596 610