Decision Support System for The Selection of The Best Employees of BMT NU Gapura Sumenep Cooperative Using The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method

  • A. Firman Maulana Ibrahimy University
  • Ahmad Lutfi Ibrahimy University
  • Firman Santoso Ibrahimy University
Keywords: Best Employees, Simple Additive Weighting, Decision Support System


Employees are the most important resource in a company to carry out the company's  management targets and improve the company's performance quality in developing its  business. Capable and quality resources that are in accordance with the company's  targets are a priority for a company. To maintain this, employee performance evaluation  is a major concern by conducting employee assessments. Employee assessments at the  BMT NU Cooperative still experience several obstacles, namely that they are still based  on the subjectivity of the Cooperative manager and tend to produce decisions that are not  relevant to the employee's performance results. Thus, it creates professional  discrimination against work. For the assessment of the best employees using the Simple  Additive Weighting (SAW) method with several assessment weights for each criterion.  Thus, providing accurate employee assessment results that are in accordance with the  work done by employees. The SAW method is used by adding each weight to each  criterion. The final result is obtained from the calculation process, namely the summation  of the normalized matrix with the weight per criterion which shows the ranking of the  selection of the best employees. Then, from these calculations, accurate information is  obtained about the best employees at the BMT NU Cooperative, Gapura District,  Sumenep Regency.


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How to Cite
Maulana, A. F., Lutfi, A., & Santoso, F. (2024). Decision Support System for The Selection of The Best Employees of BMT NU Gapura Sumenep Cooperative Using The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 596-610.
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