Towards Enhancing the Quality of English Test Preparation Class: The Role of Technology-Based Education

  • Erna Nurkholida
  • Ulin Ni’mah R.


The English Proficiency Test is an ability test to determine a student's level of language ability. In the digital era, technology can certainly play a role in improving language skills, especially English test. Educational technology is within anyone's grasp, so its use in learning is absolutely essential. This research aims to improve students' language skills, namely TOEFL, by using an application, namely Digital Educa. This research is specifically for language strengthening language class of IAIN Kediri. The method used was action research where implementation was carried out over 2 cycles, the first cycle was attended by 30 students with 3 class meetings and 4 exercises using Digital Educa. The results of cycle 1 were that the average student got a score of 407, meaning it was under the success target of 450; students were still not familiar with the Digital Educa application and the exercise for 1 week was very insufficient. So this research was continued with the second cycle which lasted for 3 weeks. The results of the 2nd cycle were that student scores increased slightly, namely an average of 452 from 30 participants. In second cycle,  it is given time to use its own online practice for 16 days. The role of the lecturer here is to look at the scores on daily exercises and then provide input to students who have weaknesses in each section, namely listening, structure and written and reading. Students respond by practicing again only on the part that has a low score. At the end of cycle 2, students received an increase score, namely 45 points.  It can be concluded that the use of technology can enhance the quality of classroom learning and increase language proficiency scores.


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USA Journal of Information Technology Education: Research Volume 12, 201
UU Sisdiknas No. 20 tahun 2003
How to Cite
Erna Nurkholida, & Ulin Ni’mah R. (2024). Towards Enhancing the Quality of English Test Preparation Class: The Role of Technology-Based Education . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 214~221.
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