Antidiarrheal Effectiveness Test of Noni Leaf Infusion (Morinda citrifolia L.) Against Male White Mice (Mus musculus) Induced by Oleum ricini

  • Putri Maulidya Achsani
  • Nuri Nuri
  • Shinta Mayasari


Diarrhea is a disease of the digestive system which is defined as defecation more than three times a day which is characterized by changes in the shape and consistency of the stool. The results of the Indonesian Nutritional Status survey (2020) stated that the prevalence of diarrhea was 9.8%. One of the plants that has antidiarrheal properties is noni leaves (Morinda citrifolia L.) with the compounds contained in noni leaves being flavonoids. This study aims to determine the effective dose of noni leaf infusion as antidiarrhea in male white mice (Mus musculus) induced by oleum ricini. The research design used was laboratory experimental using male white mice (Mus musculus) as test animals by dividing the negative control, positive control, noni leaf infusion treatment groups with infusion doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/KgBW. Results of observations of the antidiarrheal effectiveness of noni leaf infusion at the most effective dose was a dose of 400 mg/KgBW with the initial parameters of diarrhea the average frequency of diarrhea was five times with the average weight of feces is 0.53 grams and the average duration of diarrhea is 90.25 minutes. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA at a confidence level of 95%.Noni leaf infusion (Morinda citrifolia L.) has effectiveness as an antidiarrhea in male white mice (Mus musculus) induced by oleum ricini with the dose 400 mg/KgBW.


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How to Cite
Putri Maulidya Achsani, Nuri Nuri, & Shinta Mayasari. (2024). Antidiarrheal Effectiveness Test of Noni Leaf Infusion (Morinda citrifolia L.) Against Male White Mice (Mus musculus) Induced by Oleum ricini . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 207-213.
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