Development of an Information System for Reporting Road Damage in Bandar Lampung City

  • Pria Agung Laksono Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Indonesia, 35142
  • Heni Sulistiani Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Indonesia, 35142
Keywords: roadways, land transportation, regional development, governance, infrastructure, information system, road damage reporting, rapid response, transparency


Roads are crucial land transportation infrastructure and vital pathways for transportation. They serve as catalysts for regional development and equal distribution of development across an area and its surrounding regions. Another function of roads is their significant role in connecting growth centres with other areas. For the government, roads are essential transportation infrastructure for driving economic and governmental activities. Smooth transportation and economic activities are facilitated when roads are in good condition. A common challenge faced by communities is how to communicate and report road damage in a particular area to relevant authorities. There are often cases where communities block a road due to severe damage, making it impassable. Additionally, communities may not know which roads are prioritized for repairs by the authorities. In the current digital era, almost every field benefits from technology or computerized systems. This includes addressing the aforementioned issues by developing a road reporting information system. It is believed that such a system will be highly effective in assisting both the public and relevant authorities in promptly repairing roads. The aim is for road repairs in a given area to be well-structured and easily monitored by the general public. The development method for the Bandar Lampung city road damage reporting system uses a prototype model. The prototype model is a system development method, one of the system life cycle methods which is based on the working model concept.


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How to Cite
Laksono, P. A., & Sulistiani, H. (2024). Development of an Information System for Reporting Road Damage in Bandar Lampung City. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 557-561.
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