Protecting Children's Rights In Preventing Stunting

  • Adi Tiya Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Ridwan Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima
  • Hadijah Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima
  • Syamsuddin Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima
  • Muhammad Rizkan Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Uli Marsinah Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Agus Muliawan Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Yasin Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Muhammad Ahyar Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Abdul Karim Amarullah Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Ananda Galang Wangsa Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Nabila Dwita Meifianti saputri Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
  • Rika Faratika Legal Science, Law And Economics, Bima Muhammadiyah University
Keywords: Protecting, Stunting, and Child


Stunting is a major nutritional problem faced by Indonesia. Based on data from the Nutrition Status Monitoring (PSG) for the last three years, stunting cases in Bima City have fluctuated. Data as of December 4, 2023 recorded 1,376 cases or 11.63 per cent in the local city from the target of 11,964. The high number of stunting cases is an indicator of the high number of malnutrition cases in Indonesia and proof that Indonesian children have not fully received legal protection. Some of the factors that cause stunting are low energy intake, infectious diseases, male gender, low maternal education, children not getting exclusive breastfeeding, low protein intake, low father's education and working mothers, maternal gestational age to reveal and analyze the process of human rights law enforcement against children with stunting. This research aims to find out what views and efforts are made by the Bima City government towards children with stunting associated with primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials are binding legal materials, and consist of basic rules, namely the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Basic Regulations, namely the Body of the 1945 Constitution, Legislation relating to the protection of children's rights. The causes of stunting are very multidimensional, in addition to factors that are in direct contact with mothers and children, stunting is also caused by facilities. However, the most dominant factor resulting in stunting is low nutritional intake for mothers and children. The state must be responsible for the welfare of the community, especially families who are not well-off as mandated in the constitution Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution which states that the poor and abandoned children are cared for by the state and parents must take an important role by paying attention to the care and diet of children.


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How to Cite
Tiya, A., Ridwan, Hadijah, Syamsuddin, Rizkan, M., Marsinah, U., Muliawan, A., Yasin, Ahyar, M., Amarullah, A. K., Wangsa, A. G., saputri, N. D. M., & Faratika, R. (2024). Protecting Children’s Rights In Preventing Stunting. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 536-543.
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