Cultural Identity of Malaysian Malay Ethnic in Perlis village

  • Marwah Mawaddah Social Anthropology, Postgraduate, Medan State University, Indonesia
Keywords: Diaspora, Ethnicity, Ethnic Malay


The existence of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis village attracts attention because they occupy the majority of the community there and still maintain the identity of Malaysian culture, what is interesting in this study is that Perlis village is in one area with Deli Malay in Langkat regency but the unique differences in Langkat Malay ethnic culture with Perlis Malay ethnicity which is still in one area makes it interesting for researchers to conduct this research. This study aims to explain the cultural identity of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis village. In this study using a type of qualitative research with an ethnographic approach conducted with direct interviews and using Stuart Hall's cultural identity theory as the basis for analysis. The method of this research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the cultural identity of the Malaysian Malay ethnic diaspora in Perlis is reflected in various aspects of daily life, ranging from traditions, language, food, clothing, to religious beliefs and practices. The conclusion of this study is that the Malaysian Malay ethnic culture in Perlis village is still generally used by the community as a culture that is still maintained in the Perlis village community. In general, there are several ethnic Malaysian Malay cultures in Perlis village that still exist in the Perlis village community, namely the use of everyday language, the process of birth, marriage to death.



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How to Cite
Mawaddah , M. (2024). Cultural Identity of Malaysian Malay Ethnic in Perlis village . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 510-518.
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