The Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity With Cholesterol Levels in The Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review

  • Irma Zuraini
  • M. Noris
  • Nur Husnul Khatimah
  • Dea Zara Avila
  • Dita Oktaviani Putri
  • Rhosmiati Rhosmiati
  • Nurul Hamiah
  • Dwi Rezeki Auliah
  • Ma’ruf Ma’ruf
  • Muhammad Afrizanuddin


Cholesterol plays a significant role in the health of older adults. The elderly are often faced with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders, as well as uncontrolled cholesterol levels. In general, the elderly often experience changes in nutritional needs and diet and lack of physical activity that can have a significant impact on their health, including cholesterol levels. This study aims to determine the relationship between diet and physical activity with the incidence of cholesterol in the elderly. The research method used is literature review, in the form of searching journals through the Google schoolar database with the keywords 'cholesterol', 'elderly', 'diet', 'physical activity' in the range of journal publication years from 2019-2023, the journals used in this study totaled 10 journals. Based on the literature review of ten journals regarding the relationship between diet and physical activity with cholesterol levels in the elderly, the results found that there is a relationship between diet and physical activity with cholesterol levels in the elderly. From these various journals, it was found that irregular diet and lack of physical activity as factors that cause cholesterol to have a very high risk. The elderly in this case really need guidance from children or family, because they have limitations in meeting their nutritional needs, diet and physical activity.


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How to Cite
Irma Zuraini, M. Noris, Nur Husnul Khatimah, Dea Zara Avila, Dita Oktaviani Putri, Rhosmiati Rhosmiati, Nurul Hamiah, Dwi Rezeki Auliah, Ma’ruf Ma’ruf, & Muhammad Afrizanuddin. (2024). The Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity With Cholesterol Levels in The Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 165-173.
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