The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Traditional Sorogan and Bandongan Learning Methods in Arabic

  • Sovia Fahraini State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Indonesia, 64127
  • Riyadus Sholichin State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Indonesia, 64127
Keywords: education, technology, methods


Current learning models have changed a lot along with the times. This proves that developments in the world of education are also changing. The development of digital technology such as artificial intelligence has changed the educational landscape, including in the context of Arabic language learning. Traditional methods of learning such as Sorogan and Bandongan have long been the dominant approach to learning Arabic in various educational settings. However, with the advancement of technology and the penetration of artificial intelligence in education, questions arise about the relevance and urgency of these traditional methods. This research aims to explore the influence of artificial intelligence on the importance of traditional methods of learning Sorogan and Bandongan in learning Arabic. The research was conducted using a literature review. Artificial intelligence has enabled the development of intelligent and adaptive learning platforms that can tailor learning to individual needs. In addition, digital applications in language learning have provided widespread access to interactive and personalized learning resources. Nevertheless, this research also highlights the importance of maintaining traditional methods such as Sorogan and Bandongan in the context of Arabic language learning. This traditional method not only reflects cultural heritage and social values, but also offers an in-depth learning experience in understanding classical texts and contextualizing Arabic in everyday life.


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How to Cite
Fahraini, S., & Sholichin, R. (2024). The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Traditional Sorogan and Bandongan Learning Methods in Arabic. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 495-502.
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