Management Information System for Field Work Practice Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Ismi Hanafiah Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68374
  • Firman Santoso Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68374
  • Abd. Ghafur Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68374
Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution, Field Work Practice Management Information System, Higher Education, Digital Transformation


In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital transformation becomes crucial for enhancing efficiency and quality across various sectors, including higher education. The Faculty of Science and Technology at Ibrahimy Sukorejo University, as a leader in knowledge and technology development, faces the demand to continuously innovate in supporting student learning experiences. Implementing digital practices in higher education, particularly in managing Field Work Practice (FWP), encounters significant challenges. Adopting a Field Work Practice Information System (FWPIS) can streamline the entire FWP management process, traditionally handled manually, into computerized processes. Hence, it's imperative to develop a web-based FWP management information system that can assist students in accessing updated information regarding post-registration FWP steps. Challenges in managing and optimizing FWP implementation at the faculty level include information delays, administrative error risks, and limited student involvement. Thus, developing an innovative Field Work Practice Management Information System (FWP-MIS) is crucial to elevate higher education to excellence. This research aims to create an efficient and adaptive FWP-MIS meeting the needs of students, academic supervisors, and administrative personnel by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and data analytics. Implementation of this solution is expected to offer a more structured FWP experience for students and serve as a model for other higher education institutions.


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How to Cite
Hanafiah, I., Santoso, F., & Ghafur, A. (2024). Management Information System for Field Work Practice Faculty of Science and Technology. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 454-462.
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