Protection of ITE Law Against Sexting By Teenagers

  • Nurul aulia
  • Ridwan
  • Syamsuddin
  • Hadijah
  • Didik Irawansah
  • Tiara
  • Sahrul Ramadhan
  • Syahrudin
  • Imran
Keywords: ITE Law, Sexting, Teenagers


The phenomenon of sexting, especially among teenagers, has become a significant problem because of its impact that can damage psychology, reputation and even the future. Many teenagers may not be aware of the legal consequences of sexting behavior, such as violations of the ITE Law which can result in imprisonment and fines. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of ITE Law in preventing sexting behavior among teenagers and to find out what are the inhibiting factors in the implementation of ITE Law in preventing sexting behavior among teenagers. This research is conducted using the normative method which is done by examining library materials or secondary data. The results show that although the ITE Law does not yet have a specific law governing sexting in Indonesia, the ITE Law has an indirect article that can be used to handle these cases, article 27 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law states that the dissemination of electronic information violating public decency can be sanctioned. Although the definition of sexting varies in the context of Indonesian law, the ITE Law can be used to deal with sexting behavior.


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How to Cite
aulia, N., Ridwan, Syamsuddin, Hadijah, Irawansah, D., Tiara, Ramadhan, S., Syahrudin, & Imran. (2024). Protection of ITE Law Against Sexting By Teenagers. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 398-403.
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