Interactive Learning Media: Multimodal Digital Text as a Reading Strategy to Boost Motivation in Reading Classroom

  • Tio Uli Universitas Riau, Indonesia, 28293
  • Jismulatif Universitas Riau, Indonesia, 28293
Keywords: Interactive learning media, reading strategy, motivation


A teacher as a facilitator in the classroom should be creative and innovative in providing a media, as one of strategies, to facilitate students’ need in learning process. The purpose of this research was to develop an interactive learning media as a multimodal digital text in learning descriptive text. This research followed the ADDIE model by Branch (2009) for its developmental process. The participants of this research were 39 tenth grade senior high school students of a public school in Pekanbaru with their low motivation in reading. This research found that the media was valid and practical due to an obtained average score from the experts and small group evaluation were 4.02 and 3.29. Moreover, it also gave a potential effect on students’ motivation in the field test implementation. The students displayed enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning English from the mean score obtained (3.29) which interpreted as highly motivated.


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How to Cite
Uli, T., & Jismulatif. (2024). Interactive Learning Media: Multimodal Digital Text as a Reading Strategy to Boost Motivation in Reading Classroom. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 337-343.
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