Paper’s Literature Review : Urgency making OHN Sciences at Indonesian Nursing Institution to preparation Profetionality of OHN Manpower

  • Devanda Faiqh Albyn Sub-Holding PalmCo, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Lujeng Galih Pradana Universitas Bakti Indonesia, Banyuwangi, Indonesia
Keywords: OHN, Nursing, Industry


The OHN (Occupational Health Nurse) profession or what we may know as nurses who work in industry/companies is a scope of work for nurses which is currently only becoming a trend and issue for the nursing profession. Not a few fellow nurses and students are interested in becoming OHN, especially regarding more guaranteed welfare. However, up to now there are still very few nursing campuses or universities that provide lecture courses on OHN, because there is no specific curriculum that mentions OHN courses up to Master's Degree level, currently there are 2 groups that include this course in Community nursing cluster and K3 and Patient Safety courses. Based on existing phenomena, most students and even fellow nurses know and understand the OHN profession after attending HIPERKES Paramedic training. So it is hoped that through this research in the future OHN courses will be held in Indonesian Nursing education institutions. Through this research, it is hoped that at the same time, professional Indonesian OHN human resources will be prepared in line with the country's goal of becoming a resilient industry by 2030, which will result in many opportunities for nurses to work in industry.


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How to Cite
Albyn, D. F., & Pradana, L. G. (2024). Paper’s Literature Review : Urgency making OHN Sciences at Indonesian Nursing Institution to preparation Profetionality of OHN Manpower . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 15-25.
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