Diverse Experiences with Educational Aids and Practicum Equipment: Perspective of Nalanda Buddhist College's Students

  • Hery Yanto The Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Nalanda, Indonesia, 13950
Keywords: educational aids, practicum equipment, learning media, instructional media, Buddhist education


Educational aids and practicum equipment are critical for providing quality instruction. This study aims to examine the experiences of second-year students pursuing a degree in Buddhist Religious Education and taking the Learning Media Course. The researcher's objective is to comprehend the influence of educational aids and practicum equipment on the learning process. This study utilized a case study methodology, specifically employing the classroom research approach, to gather data from 36 student forum posts on Google Classroom. The students created these posts after participating in asynchronous lectures that included a teaching module and three audio recordings. The researcher employed a qualitative descriptive analysis to present the primary thematic discoveries derived from the data. The data reveals that students had diverse encounters with educational aids and practicum equipment. Nonetheless, every student has demonstrated the ability to contemplate their learning process by using these instructional tools. The findings of this study offer a profound understanding of how the use of instructional media impacts students' learning encounters within the context of Buddhist education. This study has the potential to enhance the creation of more effective pedagogical approaches focused on student experiences.


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How to Cite
The, H. Y. (2024). Diverse Experiences with Educational Aids and Practicum Equipment: Perspective of Nalanda Buddhist College’s Students. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.35316/icorhestech.v1i1.5628
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