The Mother's Role as Madrasatul Ula (First Education) in Forming Children's Learning Motivation in The Digital Era

  • Muhammad Rizqi Mubarok Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo, Kediri, 64114
  • Abdul Nafi’ Al Labib Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo, Kediri, 64114
  • Muhammad Ahsanun Ni’am Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo, Kediri, 64114


The aim of the research is to review the status of a mother as the main role in guiding and motivating learning for her children. The main education of a family begins with the mother, the child's achievement of competent qualities is based on an educated mother, by providing guidance and motivation for the child's learning from an early age. Nowadays we have entered a time where the use of electronics is very rapid. Mothers' responsibilities in this digital era have a greater role, because during learning they are faced with technological systems that have an influence on the world of education. In this case, globalization brings new innovations to the world of education to create a quality generation. The approach in this research is library research. The results of the research state that the mother's role in providing motivation to learn in this digital era is reviewed from several aspects, including the mother's role as madrasatul ula in the family, which is the first education that a generation of children receives in order to prepare themselves to answer the challenges of the times, which really needs to be paid attention to. The mother's role is as a motivator and inspirer as she is responsible for educating children who are able to realize advanced and developing learning. In this way, the figure of the mother has a very big role in ensuring the continuity of education in Indonesia, both in providing breakthrough stimulation for high-achieving, high-quality children.


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How to Cite
Mubarok, M. R., Al Labib, A. N., & Ni’am, M. A. (2024). The Mother’s Role as Madrasatul Ula (First Education) in Forming Children’s Learning Motivation in The Digital Era. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 144-151.
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