Integrating Ethnomathematics and Make-a-Match Model into Geometry Teaching Material Development

  • Istiqamah Al-Mughni Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Ibrahimy University, Jl. KHR. Syamsul Arifin Situbondo, Indonesia, 65178
  • Moh. Atikurrahman Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Ibrahimy University, Jl. KHR. Syamsul Arifin Situbondo, Indonesia, 65178
  • Saiful Saiful Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Ibrahimy University, Jl. KHR. Syamsul Arifin Situbondo, Indonesia, 65178
Keywords: Teaching materials, Ethnomathematics, Make-a-Match, Geometry


Introducing traditional culture through mathematics while contextualizing Math in ethnic elements is the innovative idea of ethnomathematics. This study applied the idea in developing Geometry teaching materials using the Ethnomathematics approach and Make-a-Match models. This research and development employed the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects were 24 students of Grade 8 in a junior high school. The instruments utilized in this research included validation sheets, questionnaires, observation, and pretest-posttest. This research yielded teaching material in the form of students’ worksheets (LKPD) that achieves the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective.


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Istiqamah Al Mughni, place of birth Situbondo, December 5, 2001. He was born to husband and wife, Mr. Abdul Mughni, M.Pd. and Mrs. Salamatul Maula who was the first of 3 children. The author took education starting from SD Negeri 1 Asembagus (2008), continued at SMP Negeri 1 Asembagus (2014) and SMA 3 Ibrahimy Sukorejo (2017), then studied S1 Department of Tadris Mathematics at Ibrahimy Sukorejo University (2020). The author can be contacted via WA 08191889091 with the email address:

Moh. Atikurrahman, M.Pd, place of birth Pamekasan, July 6, 1988. he was born to husband and wife, Mr. Abdur Rasyid and Mrs. Maisaroh who were the first of 5 children. The author took education starting from SD Negeri 1 Kadur (2002), continued at SMP Al-Falah Sumber Gayam Kadur (2005) and MA Al-Falah Sumber Gayam Kadur (2008), then studied S1 Department of Mathematics Education at IKIP PGRI Jember (2015). The writer was once a mathematics teacher at SMP Ibrahimy 1 Sukorejo, and finally continued his S2 FKIP education at the University of Jember (UNEJ) graduating in 2019. Now the author is a Permanent Lecturer of the Tadris Mathematics Study Program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Ibrahimy University, Situbondo. Some of the courses taught include Abstract Algebra, Calculus, School 2 Mathematics, Number Theory, Actor Analysis, Philosophy of Mathematics, Learning Strategies. In addition to actively teaching, the author is also active as Chief Editor at Tadris Mathematics at the Alifmatics Journal, and also a reviewer at the journal Lisanul Hal. National scientific papers published include: Community Service Article with the title "Learning Assistance for Caring Community-Based PBL Models in Mathematics Comparative Sub-Discussion for Mathematics Teachers of Junior High School Ibrahimy 1 Sukorejo Situbondo" published by As-Sidanah Journal of Community Service LP2M (2021), Research Article entitled "The Important Role of Statistics in Modern Islamic Education and Economy" published by the journal Axioma (2022), Research Article entitled "The Role of Problem Solving for Mathematics Tadris Students to Improve Mathematical Reasoning Skills" published by the journal Axioma (2022), The research article entitled "Residue Theorem and Its Application in Unnatural Integrals" was published by the journal E-Journal of Mathematics (2022). Furthermore, several articles published in Scopus Indexed International Journals include: The development of comparison material tool with problem based learning based on caring community and its effect on the students’ connection ability (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019), Prospective Teachers' Expectations of Students' Mathematical Thinking Processes in Solving Problems (European Journal of Educational Research, 2020), Building a caring community in problem based learning to improve students’ mathematical connection (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021). The author can be contacted via HP 081806615051, with an email address: Scopus ID: 57209226842, WoS ResearcherID: AAB-2467-2020, and Sinta ID: 6734720.
How to Cite
Al-Mughni, I., Atikurrahman, M., & Saiful, S. (2024). Integrating Ethnomathematics and Make-a-Match Model into Geometry Teaching Material Development. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 126-135.
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