Implementation of the SAW Method in the Decision Support System for Determining Scholarship Recipients at Ibrahimy University

  • Widia Andriani Ibrahimy University, Indonesia, 68374
  • Firman Santoso Ibrahimy University, Indonesia, 68374
  • Nur Azize Ibrahimy University, Indonesia, 68374
Keywords: Scholarship Determination, Decision Support System, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)


Education is crucial for the progress of a nation. Every student in an educational institution has the right to receive financial assistance through scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to individuals or organizations as financial aid for their achievements. Ibrahimy University is one of the universities that offers scholarship programs. However, the manual process of determining scholarship recipients at Ibrahimy University could be more effective and efficient. To enhance the selection process, a Decision Support System for Scholarship Recipients can assist the university in selecting deserving candidates. This research utilizes the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as an approach to decision-making. The SAW method allows the evaluation of students based on predefined criteria and preference weights, ensuring objective and measurable assessments. Data is collected through direct observation and interviews with Ibrahim University, specifically with the student welfare section. The gathered data is processed and analyzed to serve as a foundation for system development. The findings of this research indicate that this system can enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the scholarship recipient determination process.


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How to Cite
Andriani, W., Santoso, F., & Azize, N. (2024). Implementation of the SAW Method in the Decision Support System for Determining Scholarship Recipients at Ibrahimy University. Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 110-119.
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