The 2D Digital Motion Graphic Visualization Design For Ibrahimy Library Promotion

  • Ummu Syalamah Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68372
  • Muhammad Ali Ridla Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68372
  • Ahmad Lutfi Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia, 68372
Keywords: Design, Digital, Library, Promotion, Video


Promotion has an important role in inviting people to use the products, services and ideas offered by an institution. This paper discusses the importance of promotion in the library context, considering the low public assessment and interest in libraries. Even though libraries operate in the field of non-profit services, promotion is still necessary. Therefore, the products and services they offer can indeed attract user interest. Promotion is not only a means of information, but also a persuasive tool to create consumer loyalty. The close relationship between promotion and marketing shows that promotion is an integral part of the marketing mix that contributes to the development of an institution or organization. The use of animation, especially motion graphic techniques, in promotional videos is the main focus to provide visual appeal and impressions that are difficult to achieve with live shoot videos. Combining motion graphic techniques with special effects creates promo videos that are innovative, interesting and easy to understand. Libraries are an important part of society's education and knowledge systems, and they play an important role in providing access to a variety of information resources. Therefore, it is very important to encourage libraries to increase public awareness and use of the various information resources available.


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How to Cite
Syalamah, U., Ridla, M. A., & Lutfi, A. (2024). The 2D Digital Motion Graphic Visualization Design For Ibrahimy Library Promotion . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 65-70.
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