Risk Management Analysis Of Community Based Environmental Sanitation Project In The Public Housing Service And Sumbawa District Housing Area

  • Israjunna Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • M.Ziaul Fikar Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Salsabilla Department of Nutrition, Muhammadiyah Bima University, Indonesia
  • M.Ziaul Fikar Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Fitria Ramdhani Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • M. Nauval Murtada Fasih Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Nur Alimah Fadilah Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Takwa Rina Ahmad Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Muhammad Faisal Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Anisaturahma Ningrum Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
  • Irawati Bima Muhammadiyah University. Jln. Orchid No. 16 Nae Subdistrict, Kec. West Rasanae Bima City
Keywords: KSM, Management, Risk, SLBM


Government program for Community-Based Environmental Sanitation (SLBM) is expected to help prevent environmental pollution, where this program is implemented directly by the community in a self- managed manner from the government for the community and managed by the community. A Community- Based Environmental Sanitation Project (SLBM) that is managed independently will certainly arise a number of risks,both problem in the implementation of WWTP construction and problems with the use of Special Allocation Funds (DAK) and also the level of ability of the Community Self-Helf Groups (KSM) themselves. The results of the analysis od Descriptive Statistic, Averages and Standard Deviations show that the most dominant results occur in the SLBM project are the Risk Sources of the WWPT project implementation for the highest risk Frequency, the impact of cost on labor risk is the highest impact of risk on cost, and the level of ability is the most the highest level of the Self-Help Group is the level of organizational ability.


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How to Cite
Israjunna, Fikar, M., Salsabilla, Fikar, M., Ramdhani, F., Fasih, M. N. M., Fadilah, N. A., Ahmad, T. R., Faisal, M., Ningrum, A., & Irawati. (2024). Risk Management Analysis Of Community Based Environmental Sanitation Project In The Public Housing Service And Sumbawa District Housing Area . Proceeding of International Conference of Religion, Health, Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.35316/icorhestech.v1i1.5593
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