HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum <p><strong>HUKMY: Jurnal Hukum</strong> adalah media publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap bulan April dan Oktober. Artikel yang diterbitkan merupakan hasil seleksi dengan sistem double-blind review. HUKMY: Jurnal Hukum menerima naskah dalam bentuk hasil penelitian normatif, empiris, studi doktrinal, gagasan konseptual, resensi buku, yang relevan dengan bidang Ilmu Hukum. Editorial HUKMY: Jurnal Hukum memproses naskah yang belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya.</p> Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora en-US HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2807-6656 SEJARAH USHUL FIQH QABLA TADWIN: ANALISIS HISTORIS DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN HUKUM ISLAM <p><em>This study aims to explore the evolution of the science of ushul fiqh prior to the written era, opening a new window into the historical and intellectual understanding of this discipline, which is often presumed absent by scholars and students in shari'ah studies. Employing a descriptive analysis methodology, this research delves into the chronological development of ushul fiqh, from its initiation period to the termination of its pre-writing phase. Through an exploration of key events and dating based on historical evidence, this research identifies the inception of ushul fiqh during the migration of Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca to Medina. This period, starting from the first year of the Hijrah, is significant as the Quran and Hadith began to explicitly address elements of fiqh, marking the dawn of this discipline's formation. The analysis reveals that the early formation period of ushul fiqh lasted until the beginning of the second century Hijrah, where a critical transition occurred with the commencement of documentation and writing of the science by scholars, albeit in a partial form. The findings of this study not only clarify the historical timeline of ushul fiqh but also highlight the intellectual dynamics contributing to the formal consolidation of this discipline within the shari'ah science canon.</em></p> Muhammad Furqon Almurni I Nurol Aen Syahrul Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 475 490 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.475-490 PERLINDUNGAN HAK-HAK SIPIL ANAK DALAM PELAKSANAAN ITSBAT NIKAH DI PENGADILAN AGAMA SUMBER <p>Itsbat nikah adalah penetapan atas perkawinan yang telah memenuhi syarat dan dilaksanakan sebelum adanya UU No. 1 Tahun 1974. Keluarnya Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 menolak hak anak pada permohonan itsbat nikah. Penentuan batas umur untuk melangsungkan perkawinan sangatlah penting, yaitu untuk menciptakan kemaslahatan keluarga dan rumah tangga. Pembatasan usia dalam perkawinan oleh pembuat undang-undang dimaksudkan agar rumah keluarga yang dibentuk dapat mencapai tujuan perkawinan. Pemberian dispensasi umur pernikahan tidak semerta-merta tanpa adanya alasan. Banyak faktor-faktor yang melatar belakangi ditetapkannya dispensasi umur pernikahan. Baik factor dari pemohon maupun dari pertimbangan hakim selaku pemberi dispensasi umur perkawina. Dari putusan-putusan yang telah ada banyak pertimbangan yang dikemukakan, seperti untuk menghindari terjadinya hal-hal yang bisa menjeremuskan pada perzinahan, karena kedua calon mempelai merasa sudah siap untuk melakukan perkawinan.</p> Rabith Madah Khulaili Harsya Andi Lala Abdul Fatakh Samud Samud Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 491 501 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.491-501 KEBIJAKAN HUKUM TERHADAP DISPENSASI PERKAWINAN BAGI ANAK DIBAWAH UMUR BERDASARKAN PENETAPAN PENGADILAN AGAMA SUMBER DI HUBUNGKAN DENGAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 17 TAHUN 2016 <p>The marriage age required by law is not absolute. However, the age standards for minors are different, because it turns out that these age standards can still be violated in the form of granting dispensations based on certain special considerations. However, Article 7 paragraph (2) states that if there is a deviation from the age provisions, the parents of the man or woman are permitted to apply for a marriage dispensation to the court for beneficial reasons and accompanied by supporting evidence. This marriage dispensation actually becomes a problem because of changes to the provisions on the age limit for marriage as stated in Law no. 16 of 2019 Article 7 paragraph (1) will seem pointless if in the end minors can marry legally with a marriage dispensation from the Court in the form of a determination as their legal agent. The marriage dispensation functions as legal maturity and a requirement for marriage for those who are not legally permitted to marry. Marriage dispensation is a voluntary case, namely a petition case in which there is no dispute, so it has no opponents and the legal product is in the form of a decree.</p> Wahyu Santoso Abdul Aziz Edy Setyawan Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 502 517 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.502-517 PERBANDINGAN HUKUM PIDANA TENTANG UJARAN KEBENCIAN DI INDONESIA, MALAYSIA DAN NORWEGIA <p><em>Hate speech is an issue that is still interesting to study, because each country's Criminal Code regulates this matter. Hate speech can also be found in various media, including through activity speeches, pamphlets or social media, public speeches (demonstrations), religious lectures, printed mass media, and pamphlets. factors, such as education, culture, and social. Based on the description above, the authors chose the title of comparative legal research on hate speech according to Indonesian criminal law (KUHP), Malaysian criminal law and Norwegian criminal law. This type of research is normative juridical research by examining literature or secondary materials by referring to legal norms contained in statutory regulations, as well as other legal literature. The approach used is comparative, to then be analyzed and concluded. From the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the provisions on hate speech in the Indonesian, Malaysian and Norwegian Criminal Codes have similarities in terms of the concept of hate speech, although they are not exactly the same, while the difference is in the implementation and legal sanctions.</em></p> Hartanto Hartanto Syakdiah Syakdiah Yusuf Malkhi Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 518 534 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.518-534 THE ROLE OF BPSK (CONSUMER DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGENCY) IN RESOLVING CONSUMER DISPUTES (STUDY IN KUNINGAN DISTRICT) <p><em>The formation of BPSK was based on the tendency of people to be reluctant to go to court because the position of consumers was socially and financially unequal to business actors. The existence of BPSK is also expected to reduce the burden of cases in court. The first problem formulation is the role of BPSK in resolving consumer dispute cases and the second problem is the procedure and mechanism for resolving consumer disputes at BPSK. This research focuses on the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency based in Kuningan Regency using a normative juridical type and approach. This research produces and concludes that the most important role of BPSK is handling consumer cases through mediation, conciliation and arbitration. The form of decision using the conciliation and mediation method is final and binding, without having to request a fiat of execution from the local District Court, while the form of decision adopted using the arbitration method must request a fiat of execution from the local District Court so that the arbitration award has executorial force.</em></p> Anthon Fathanudien Bias Lintang Dialog Dikha Anugrah Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 535 552 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.535-552 ANALISIS YURIDIS MENGENAI PEMBUKTIAN INFORMASI DAN DOKUMEN ELEKTRONIK PADA SENGKETA PROSES PEMILIHAN UMUM DI PENGADILAN TATA USAHA NEGARA <p><em>The State Administrative Court has the authority to adjudicate General Election Process Disputes based on Perma No. 5/2017. Types of evidence in General Election disputes are: letters or writings, witness statements, expert statements, confessions of the parties, the judge's knowledge and other evidence in the form of electronic information or electronic documents. Meanwhile, in its development, this electronic document is known and considered as evidence in procedural legal processes, especially in the evidentiary stage. From this problem, the formulation of the problem raised is how to carry out a juridical analysis regarding the verification of electronic information and electronic documents in disputes over the general election process in the state administrative court based on Perma No. 5/2017. The research method used is normative juridical with a statutory approach. The results found that from a formal juridical perspective, the law of evidence in Indonesia, in this case the state administrative court procedural law, does not yet accommodate electronic documents as evidence. Meanwhile, several new laws have regulated and recognized electronic evidence as valid evidence. Then in Perma No. 5/2017 also mentions electronic information or electronic documents as a type of evidence for general election process disputes. The benchmark given by the judge in assessing electronic evidence in the trial of State Administrative disputes at the State Administrative Court is that as long as the judge uses two types of evidence as regulated in the Law, obtained legally and can be convincing then the judge can decide the case with those evidence.</em></p> Eddy Asnawi Robert Libra Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 4 1 553 567 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.553-567 REFLEKSI PEMILU SERENTAK 2024 DALAM PERPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI, DAN SOSIAL <p>Pemilu merupakan pesta demokrasi yang bersumber dari rakyat di berikan pada rakyat dan di perunthkan untuk rakyat, pemilu serentak selain dapat melakukan penghematan anggaran, mengurangi angka golput serta mencegah konflik horizontal juga berimplikasi dari aspek ekonomi dan sosial, dimana seringkali setiap masuk musim pemilu dari sisi ekomoni investasi dan arah pembangunan menjadi berubah dan terbengkalai dengan calon pemimpin yang baru, adanya wacana menghidupkan GBHN kembali dalam Merekonstruksikan kembali arah pembangunan bangsa akan potensi Merusak sistem presidensial di Indonesia, Melawan arus sejarah, Memperburuk kinerja parlemen, melawan arah pembangunan berkelanjutan dan serta mengapaikan konsep partisipasi masyarakat atau publik dalam pemerintahan yang selama ini di bangun. tidak hanya itu pemilu serentak ini juga membawa ancama baru terhadap petugas KPPS dimana fakta empiris 2019 lebih dari 894 orang meninggal serta 5.175 orang sakit. Selain itu Problematika Pemilu serentak 2024&nbsp; yang tidak bersih berdampak pada tujuan tertentu, hal ini di tunjukan dengan paslon yang sering kali tersandra dengan kepentingan tertentu dalam setiap pencalonannya, mahar politik yang tinggi seringkali membuat paslon tidak berdaya<strong>. </strong>Serta yang terakhir Merefleksikan pelaksanaan pemilu kali ini tidak banyak diminati oleh masyarakat sebab Hegemoni kekuasaan terus berlanjut sehingga tidak adanya terobosan baru dalam pembangunan hukum berpotensi tidak adanya sirkulasi elit dalam menjalankan fungsi legislasi di pusat dan daerah.</p> Roni Sulistyanto Luhukay Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 4 1 568 589 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.568-589 PENCEGAHAN DAN PEMBERANTASAN PRAKTIK MAFIA TANAH MELALUI PENGOPTIMALAN PERAN SATGAS ANTI-MAFIA TANAH <p><em>During 2018 to 2022, the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency ('ATR/BPN') recorded handling 305 land cases involving the land mafia. The efforts made by the Ministry of ATR/BPN to eradicate parties involved in land mafia practices are by establishing a Anti-Mafia Land Task Force conducting this research with the aim of legally analyzing the legal position of Task Force and provide recommendations for optimizing the role of&nbsp; Task Force in efforts to prevent and eradicate land mafia practices in Indonesia. This research is juridical-normative research, with a statutory and literature approach. The results of this research: 1) the position of the Anti-Mafia &nbsp;Land Task Force based on its position is at 2 (two) different levels,&nbsp; the ministry level which is appointed and determined based on the decision of the Minister of ATR/BPN and the regional office level. Its role is only to research and analyze land mafia practices and then delegate them to the Police. 2) Optimizing the role of&nbsp; Task Force is carried out with the urgency of establishing the ATR/BPN Ministerial Regulation on Prevention and Eradication of Land Mafia Practices;&nbsp; and changing the form of the Anti-Mafia Land Task Force under the responsibility of the President in accordance with the Presidential Instruction and coordinated by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs involving experts and independent figures</em>.</p> Haposan Sahala Raja Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 4 1 590 603 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.590-603 POLITIK HUKUM TATA NEGARA DALAM KONFIGURASI POLITIK DAN PRODUK HUKUM DI INDONESIA <p>Konsepsi politik hukum tersebut menjadi penting didudukan sebagai kerangka (frame) dalam melihat arah kebijakan negara terhadap pengaturan penghayat kepercayaan dalam konteks negara hukum di Indonesia. Dari sudut “<em>das sollen</em>” ada pandangan bahwa politik harus tunduk pada ketentuan hukum, namun ini lebih melihat dari sudut “<em>das sein</em>” atau pengalaman bahwa hukumlah yang dalam kenyataannya ditentukan oleh konfigurasi politik yang melatarbelakanginya, sehingga menarik untuk dibahas. Penelitian ini merupakan hukum normatif, atau yang sering dikenal dengan penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Saat ini konfigurasi politik dan produk hukum yang digunakan atau dipakai oleh Indonesia adalah konfigurasi politik demokratis dan produk hukum responsif yang memberikan hak kebebasan berekspresi atau keleluasaan kepada masyarakat, masyarakat dituntut untuk berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan di Pemerintahan. Tetapi juga bahwa konfigurasi politik dan produk hukum di Indonesia mempunyai visi yang sama yakni menciptakan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat umum yang sesuai dengan tujuan negara.</p> Syahrul Ibad Copyright (c) 2024 HUKMY : Jurnal Hukum 2024-05-12 2024-05-12 4 1 604 620 10.35316/hukmy.2024.v4i1.604-620