As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024-05-21T01:40:28+07:00 Dr. Asmuki, S.Pd.I., M.HI., M.Pd. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>As-Sidanah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> is a journal that is a medium for scientific publications in the field of service. As-Sidanah is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo.</p> <p><strong>Focus and Scope</strong> of Articles published in As-Sidanah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat based on research such as Asset Based Communities Development (ABCD), Participatory Action Research, Asset-Based Community Development, Community Based Research, Service Learning, Community Development.</p> <p><strong>The publication of this journal</strong> will be published <strong>twice a year</strong>, namely in <strong>April</strong> and <strong>October.</strong></p> <p><strong>p-ISSN: </strong><a href="">2656-5161</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <strong>e-ISSN: </strong><a href="">2686-0643</a>.<br><strong>Indexed by <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href=";q=As-Sidanah">EBSCO</a>, </strong><a href=""><strong>Sinta 4</strong></a><strong>, <a href="">Dimensions</a>.&nbsp;</strong></p> EMPOWERMENT OF PRODUCT PROCESSING, LICENSING, AND MARKETING ON MICRO-ENTERPRISE OF IBU NYAI’S PISANG SALE 2024-04-25T13:11:43+07:00 Wisnu Pamungkas Ilham Muharexza Fadly Syafarulloh Fenia Apriliani Putri Monica Setia Almira Velita Velita Aminullah Aminullah <p>This service activity aimed to provide essential knowledge and information related to sanitation and marketing included licensing, which must be applied to micro-enterprises to be able to produce food products properly and safely. The Participatory Action Research approach was used in service activities focusing on empowering micro-enterprises. The service activities were coordinating with village officials, determining the site, observing the problems, and conducting the program activity. There were two programs namely the main program was socialization regarding sanitation and hygiene and its application in the production of pisang sale; and the supporting program was making a Business Certificate from the village, a Business Permit Number, flowcharts of the production process, product logos, and helping promote these products. The results included micro-enterprise owners who understand the importance of sanitation in the production process, such as washing hands before production, using head coverings, masks, gloves, aprons, special clothes for production, and wearing boots. In addition, business actors already have business legalities, such as Business Permit Number and Business Certificate, and have a better logo on their product. Marketing has been more developed by utilizing social media, namely WhatsApp, so product sales have become more expensive.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wisnu Pamungkas, Ilham Muharexza, Fadly Syafarulloh, Fenia Apriliani Putri, Monica Setia Almira, Velita Velita, Aminullah Aminullah PENDAMPINGAN KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH SEBAGAI PEMIMPIN PEMBELAJARAN PADA PROGRAM SEKOLAH PENGGERAK KOTA BONTANG 2024-04-25T13:15:15+07:00 Mohammad Salehudin Suparmi Suparmi Nurdaniati Nurdaniati Panggih Panggih Hani Subakti <p>The principal has many roles and duties, apart from being an administrative leader, motivator, leader and so on. However, not all school principals have the ability to provide learning leadership because, in the independent curriculum, the duties and roles of school principals become strategic as learning leaders. The service aims to find out the participants' views independently about instructional leadership abilities and the competence of school principals in implementing driving schools. This activity uses strategies carried out to achieve the expected conditions using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, namely mentoring with involvement and involving other parties to make changes while the parties are involved. The form of participation in this leadership workshop is Teachers' Halls East Kalimantan Mobilizer, Mobilization School Facilitator and principal of the mobilization school in Bontang City. The result of service and mentoring is that the school principal has well-defined competencies and can carry out driving school leadership to implement the independent curriculum very well and precisely. Reflections on the results of mentoring need to be developed in the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum with the competence of school principals, which includes: (1) Principals support their schools in becoming a comfortable and safe environment to become a good, harmonious ecosystem and in accordance with the expectations of students learning at school; (2) Establish relationships between school residents. to carry out communication and interaction that contains mutual trust and mutual care; (3) In the school environment as a learning environment as an ecosystem which is structured as a policy to receive student input and aspirations; and (4) Involve students tinbbuildinga conducive learning environment for all students. The implications of mentoring for improving the performance of school principals and developing the concept of a better learning ecosystem.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Salehudin, Suparmi Suparmi, Nurdaniati Nurdaniati, Panggih Panggih, Hani Subakti PENDAMPINGAN PRODUKSI PODCAST YOUTUBE UNTUK MENDEKATKAN TEKNOLOGI PADA SISWA MADRASAH NAUNGAN PESANTREN 2024-04-25T13:16:35+07:00 Robi'ah Machtumah Malayati Sayidah Afyatul Masruroh <p>The Community Service Program (PkM) aims to introduce both the students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Qur'an Bendungrejo and the students to technology through the approach of producing content for YouTube podcasts. The PkM also aims to encourage the younger generation to be content producers in the digital era, not just consumers. This PkM is significant because, within the madrasah environment, previous activities have been focused on religious aspects, including limited extracurriculars such as the art of al banjari, khitobah, and qiroah. Hence, this PkM represents an innovative step. Using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, the PkM involves students in identifying problems, seeking solutions, learning, and producing content for YouTube podcasts. The results have shown an improvement in their ability to conceptualize, interact, communicate, and produce content for YouTube podcasts. The PkM successfully enhanced the students' creativity and broadened their insights into opportunities in the digital domain. Sustained efforts are needed to equip the younger generation with relevant competencies to face technological advancements and social changes. This PkM has made a positive contribution by complementing madrasah activities and promoting the increased utilization of technology among both the santri and students.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Robi'ah Machtumah Malayati, Sayidah Afyatul Masruroh IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS THROUGH THE USE OF HEALTH APPLICATIONS 2024-04-25T13:27:24+07:00 Ingenida Hadning Indriastuti Cahyaningsih M Rifqi Rokhman Nabila Uswah Riswana <p>The use of health applications is proven to improve the knowledge and quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients. The information on the application is useful in preventing complications due to diabetes mellitus and improving therapy adherence. This community service aims to socialize the use of health applications and discover their effect on increasing knowledge about diabetes mellitus. The method used by this community service is Participatory Action Research (PAR). The partner in this activity is the Pharmaceutical Installation of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul. The target of the activity is the elderly group assisted by PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital. Community service activities have been carried out on Saturday, May 29, 2023, at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul. Activities were filled with the implementation of gymnastics, recitation, counselling materials about Diabetes Mellitus and socialization of the use of health applications to improve the quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients. Activities were evaluated through pretests and post-tests and testimonials from participants and activity partners. Participants' knowledge of diabetes mellitus and understanding of health applications also increased, as seen from their pre-test and post-test scores. It can be concluded that this community service activity can increase participants' knowledge of diabetes mellitus and understanding of the use of health applications.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ingenida Hadning, Indriastuti Cahyaningsih, M Rifqi Rokhman, Nabila Uswah Riswana INCREASING THE FINANCIAL LITERACY OF MIGRANT WORKERS IN JAPAN THROUGH SHARIA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2024-04-25T13:28:23+07:00 Rachmania Nurul Fitri Amijaya Okyviandi Putra Erlangga Mohammad Zeqi Yasin Mohammad Nizar Anas <p>The necessity for financial management skills among migrant workers was underscored by the prevalence of a family member engaging in overseas employment within Indonesian households. This was evident in the imperative role finance played in encouraging migrant employees to maximize their earnings beyond what they could achieve in Indonesia. In this study, the ABCD (asset-based community development) strategy was employed to empower the Japanese IPMI community, utilizing existing community assets for sustainable development. The Indonesian Muslim Nurses Association, a supportive network, facilitated mutual growth and the establishment of ukhuwah Islamiyyah, contributing to a robust community fabric. IPMI served as a pivotal venue for enhancing the community's financial literacy through various levels of community service. Before returning to Indonesia, migrant workers took proactive steps in financial planning, including saving for retirement and other financial goals. Migrant employees, upon joining IPMI, actively recorded costs, tracked income, and projected investments for pension funds through direct practice. This past-tense abstract emphasizes the crucial role of financial empowerment and community support in the journey of migrant workers. The result shows after this community service, many migrant workers aware about financial management and gained a deeper understanding of financial management principles, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding budgeting, saving, and investing.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rachmania Nurul Fitri Amijaya, Okyviandi Putra Erlangga, Mohammad Zeqi Yasin, Mohammad Nizar Anas PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN SUPLEMEN HERBAL IMMUNOMODULATOR PADA SANTRI PUTRI PONDOK PESANTREN SALAFIYAH SYAFI’IYAH SUKOREJO 2024-04-25T23:10:53+07:00 Dewi Ratih Tirto Sari Ana Maria Ulfa Eliyawati Eliyawati Lailatus Sarifah Siti Dina Mega Arofah Pahirah Pahirah Riyatul Fitraya Fadilatul Aini <p>Acute respiratory infection is a health problematic in Islamic boarding school. Lack of student awareness in maintaining health causes an increase in acute respiratory infections. This community service aims to increase the knowledge, skills and awareness of students in improving immunity and preventing acute respiratory infection. The method used is participatory action research (PAR), which is divided into four stages, namely focus group discussions, education, making herbal supplements, and evaluation. Focus group discussion was participated by some element, including coordinator of santri husada, santri husada, basic health service and students. Education was presented as lectures, discussion and consultation about immunity elevation. Education was conducted in several days for student in A1, A2, B, and M’hadul Quran dormitory to encourage more students. The next step was training to make herbal supplement, which attended by 42 students. The Forty-two student were divided into six groups to make herbal drink and instant supplement drink. Based on training evaluation, the education and training increased the knowledge and skill of participants. In summary, this activity increase health immune knowledge and supplement making of students.</p> 2024-04-25T23:10:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Ratih Tirto Sari, Ana Maria Ulfa, Eliyawati Eliyawati, Lailatus Sarifah, Siti Dina Mega Arofah, Pahirah Pahirah, Riyatul Fitraya, Fadilatul Aini PENDAMPINGAN SERTIFIKASI HALAL DAN SUPPORT BANNER SEBAGAI PENINGKATAN DAYA SAING PADA UMKM DI DESA SUKOPURO 2024-04-25T23:15:50+07:00 A Rizki Munshif Sya’bani Arsita Indriani Salman Alfarizi Hayati Ridha Bilqis Nabila Sharfina Nur Amalina <p>UMKM are an important component in the economic structure in Indonesia, because of their significant presence in the economy and provide broad employment opportunities for enthusiasts. However, there are still many UMKM players who do not understand efforts to increase competitiveness, one of which is the need to have a halal certificate and also the importance of branding UMKM products. Therefore, this Student Work Lecture activity aims to be able to contribute to providing halal certification assistance and making banners for UMKM in Sukopuro Village, Jabung, Malang Regency. Assistance activities are carried out using the ABCD (Asset Base Community Developmenet) approach method. The results of this community service activity are assistance in registering halal certification and supporting banners for UMKM.</p> 2024-04-25T23:15:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Rizki Munshif Sya’bani, Arsita Indriani, Salman Alfarizi, Hayati Ridha, Bilqis Nabila, Sharfina Nur Amalina PEMDAMPINGAN PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PENGOLAHAN TEKSTIL DENGAN TEKNIK MAKRAME PADA IBU PKK DUSUN SIDODADI DESA CANGGU KECAMATAN BADAS KABUPATEN KEDIRI 2024-04-25T23:19:08+07:00 Ulul Azmi Muhammad Irsa Faisal Ulya Ika Mila Marcelya Toyibatussalamah Toyibatussalamah Emma Rahmawati <p>The article highlights the significance of macrame technique training as a skill that offers additional economic opportunities for PKK mothers, aiming to equip them with basic knowledge and skills in macrame techniques. It emphasizes the potential benefits of mastering macrame techniques, such as generating unique and economically valuable products, increasing productivity, and improving well-being.This article focuses on the implementation of macrame technique training to enhance the productivity of PKK (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) mothers in Sidodadi Hamlet, Canggu Village, Badas District, Kediri Regency. The community service method used in this research is ABCD (Community Asset Based Development). By applying the five steps of the ABCD approach, namely Discovery, Dream, Design, Destiny, Reflection and Evaluation. By mastering macrame techniques, PKK mothers can generate unique and economically valuable products, leading to increased productivity, additional income opportunities, and improved well-being. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that macrame technique training has brought significant benefits to the local PKK mothers. Through a series of activities involving potential identification, setting of expected goals, activity planning, and structured workflow, the training participants have successfully developed new skills in creating macrame handicrafts. The training outcomes also had a positive impact on increasing community participation, strengthening inter-resident relationships, and raising awareness of environmental sustainability.</p> 2024-04-25T23:19:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulul Azmi, Muhammad Irsa Faisal Ulya, Ika Mila Marcelya, Toyibatussalamah Toyibatussalamah, Emma Rahmawati PEMBENTUKAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN KELOMPOK PEMBUDIDAYA IKAN (POKDAKAN) UNTUK PENGUATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DESA SUMBEREJO KABUPATEN SITUBONDO JAWA TIMUR 2024-04-25T23:21:58+07:00 Ach. Khumaidi Abdul Muqsith Abdul Wafi Musyaffa Rafiqie Dimas Galang Prakosa Ach. Dhofyun Nufur Moh. Shahibussa’ Dayki <p>In order to strengthen the economy of the community in Sumberejo Village and overcome the limited stock to supply catfish, it is necessary to form a community business, namely a catfish cultivator group. There were twelve potential community members were gathered to be taught and assisted in the process of establishing and managing a catfish cultivation business. The members of the community were taught technically how to cultivate catfish right through to the marketing process, then facilitated the formation of farmer groups together with the Situbondo district fisheries instructor and the Sumberejo Village Head until the "Santri Aquaculture Ibrahimy" farmer group was formed. Assistance is provided starting from the process of building a pond, preparing the pond, keeping fish and harvesting, to the marketing process. The results of economic benefits began to be seen in the first harvest cycle, there was a profit of IDR 2,400,000, with capital issued of IDR 7,000,000,-. With the existence of the Santri Aquaculture Ibrahimy farmer group, it can be achieved at least to overcome the shortage of daily consumptive stock of catfish and to strengthen the village economy by opening up employment opportunities for the people of Sumberejo Village.</p> 2024-04-25T23:21:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ach. Khumaidi, Abdul Muqsith, Abdul Wafi, Musyaffa Rafiqie, Dimas Galang Prakosa, Ach. Dhofyun Nufur, Moh. Shahibussa’ Dayki INCREASING THE ONLINE SKILLS OF MSME PLAYERS THROUGH MARKETPLACE WORKSHOPS IN KENTENG VILLAGE, PURWANTORO DISTRICT 2024-04-25T23:22:40+07:00 Mun Yah Zahiroh Binti Mahmudah Ivan Reza Devani Purwanto Maya Roshidah <p>Marketplace is an application that connects sellers and buyers in online transactions in cyberspace. Using marketplaces is a business strategy in the business world, considering complex problems, increasing competitors, and demands to keep up with global developments that require always being creative and innovative. In this digitalization era, the marketplace has a very important role for MSME players in boosting marketing increasing online sales turnover for branding and increasing market accessibility to expand market reach easily and quickly. However, the problem that occurs is that there are still many MSME players who are reluctant to jump into digital platforms. This is due to the difficulty of accessing the marketplace. This also happens in Kenteng Village where the majority of MSME players have not utilized the marketplace in selling products. Therefore, the solution that can be offered is by holding a workshop "Improving Online Marketplace Skills for MSME Players in Kenteng Village"<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-04-25T23:22:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mun Yah Zahiroh, Binti Mahmudah, Ivan Reza Devani Purwanto, Maya Roshidah PROGRAM SANTRI FILANTROPI: PENDAMPINGAN PENGUATAN ASET PADA KOMUNITAS NU CARE-LAZISNU MWCNU KREJENGAN KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2024-04-25T23:23:40+07:00 Imam Syafi'i M. Sulthon Babur Rahman Nanik Paripati Qomariyah Siti Sholeha <p>The phenomenon of growing philanthropy, especially in sub-districts, Krejengan, Probolinggo Regency is an interesting study and requires assistance to increase its assets and potential. The aim of implementing this service is to explore asset potential, find asset development strategies, ensure the continuity of the Santri Philanthropy program, and expand partnerships based on the results achieved in the NU Care-LAZISNU MWCNU Krejengan community, Probolinggo Regency. In its implementation, this assistance uses an Asset - Based Community Development approach. Where the steps of discovery, dream, design, define, and destiny are carried out. In the context of this service, based on strategic analysis and how the ABCD method works, the general description of the implementation of mentoring includes the preparation stage, implementation stage, and reporting stage. As a result of the mentoring, the Santri Philanthropy Program is a potential asset for the NU Care-LAZISNU community in developing the KOIN NU movement. The NU Coin movement has been formed since 2020, and residents are enthusiastic about taking part because the majority of local residents are Nahdiyin residents, and the results obtained will be felt to be more beneficial given the existing potential. The strategy for developing assets in the NU Care - LAZISNU community from the Santri Philanthropy program is: planning, organizing, methods, and supervision. And the results achieved include uniform and organized program Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), control and management, scheduled reporting, and scheduled and planned tasharruf activities.</p> 2024-04-25T23:23:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imam Syafi'i, M. Sulthon, Babur Rahman, Nanik Paripati Qomariyah, Siti Sholeha TRAINING AND ASSISTANCE IN USING GEOGEBRA TO IMPROVE THE COMPETENCE OF HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS 2024-04-25T23:25:08+07:00 Darsih Idayani Wahyu Hidayat Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis Asmara Iriani Tarigan Sumartono Sumartono <p>Mathematics teachers must adapt to technological developments in the digital era. Among other problems related to learning mathematics, students tend to feel bored and uninterested in mathematics. At the same time, most teachers need help keeping up with fast technology developments. The solution offered is training and mentoring activities for using the GeoGebra software in mathematics learning in South Tangerang City in collaboration with the Subject Teacher Deliberation of Mathematics or MGMP. The material presented was about introducing GeoGebra, graphs, and function operations. Moreover, it was about solving linear programming, geometry, and calculus in GeoGebra. The pretest and posttest results showed increased participants' knowledge about GeoGebra utilization. This condition is indicated by the significance value of the t-test, which is less than 0.05 and less than 0.001. In addition, activity evaluation was carried out by filling out evaluation forms and interviews. The evaluation results show that the training and mentoring activities have enabled participants to gain new knowledge about the GeoGebra as needed in teaching mathematics in high school.</p> 2024-04-25T23:25:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Darsih Idayani, Wahyu Hidayat, Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis, Asmara Iriani Tarigan, Sumartono Sumartono PENDAMPINGAN PEMBERIAN MPASI PUDING LABU DALAM UPAYA MENCEGAH TERJADINYA STUNTING PADA ANAK 2024-05-02T02:08:31+07:00 Nina Hidayatunnikmah Novi Rahmawati Salsa Rifqah Nuraini Endang Tri Arsita Setyani Rivana Ardyanti Aulia Dini Anggraini Maria Rosalina Fono Yulita Gunu Ritan Alya Da Silva Umi Maulidiyatur Rochmawati Rafasha Hajarikhfar <p>Stunting is one of the priorities in Gading Village. Several attempts have been made to overcome this problem, such as providing highly nutritious food ingredients to stunted toddlers. However, in 2023 there was an increase in the number of stunting to 9 toddlers. Even when the Posyandu was held in August there were approximately 14 toddlers who were stunted. For this reason, efforts to eradicate stunting must continue. One of them is by giving MPASI to toddlers during the posyandu. One of the MPASI that is suitable for this purpose is processed pumpkin. The processed product we chose was to make pumpkin pudding. Methode that was used in the activity is Participatory Action Research (PAR) where both KKN team and the posyandu community are actively working together. Community service activities were carried out on 9-11 August 2023. This activity provided MPASI and posters that were well-welcomed by the community. It can be seen from the huge number of toddlers who attended the activity at that time. Also, from the data that have been collected we know that about 14 toddlers are stunting.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Hidayatunnikmah, Novi Rahmawati, Salsa Rifqah Nuraini, Endang Tri Arsita Setyani, Rivana Ardyanti Aulia, Dini Anggraini, Maria Rosalina Fono, Yulita Gunu Ritan, Alya Da Silva, Umi Maulidiyatur Rochmawati, Rafasha Hajarikhfar PENYUSUNAN PEDOMAN TATA NASKAH DINAS DI LINGKUNGAN BIDANG PENDIDIKAN TINGGI PONDOK PESANTREN SALAFIYAH SYAFI’IYAH SUKOREJO 2024-05-21T01:25:00+07:00 Maskuri Maskuri Ach. Zubairi <p>Here are two communication methods within organizational and institutional communities, namely oral and written communication. Oral communication is commonly carried out by everyone involved in the institution/organization, such as everyday communication without standardized guidelines, not bound normatively, all conducted in a relaxed and familial atmosphere. Meanwhile, written communication is conducted through standardized forms, types, and formats. Official documents serve as a written communication tool to convey information to stakeholders so that what is written can be understood correctly and effectively. Mistakes in composing official documents can result in misunderstandings for the message recipients. Through this assistance, the aim is for all involved parties, especially personnel within the Higher Education Division of Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo, along with all its coordinating areas, to understand the protocol for official document drafting. The absence of drafting guidelines prompted us to conduct this assistance. The method used in the assistance implementation involves guidance on technical aspects of drafting official letters, practice in creating official documents in various forms, types, and formats. Additionally, we conducted observations, interviews, and collected necessary official document samples. The expected final outcome is the development of a drafting protocol as a guideline for administrative management. All participants in the training workshops and discussions showed enthusiasm, thus facilitating the tangible realization of the expected official document drafting protocol draft.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maskuri Maskuri, Ach. Zubairi PENDAMPINGAN PENYUSUNAN ARTIKEL ILMIAH BAGI MAHASISWA TADRIS MATEMATIKA FAKULTAS TARBIYAH UNIVERSITAS IBRAHIMY SUKOREJO SITUBONDO 2024-05-21T01:40:28+07:00 Mohammad Tohir <p>Mathematics education student as prospective teachers are said to be professional educators if they have pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence. In this service activity, the focus of the activity is on students' professional competence as prospective mathematics teachers, namely the ability to prepare quality scientific articles. The preparation of scientific articles is carried out based on the components of complete scientific work, namely IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion). This mentoring is carried out offline with the target participants being Mathematics Tadris students, Tarbiyah Faculty, Ibrahimy University. The method used in this service activity is Participatory Action Research (PAR). The use of this method is expected to improve students' understanding and skills in compiling good and quality scientific articles. The results of the service show that students can compose quality scientific articles so that the majority of their scientific articles are published in Scopus-indexed journals/Proceedings and Sinta 3, 4 accredited journals, and non-Sinta journals.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Tohir