JUSTIFY : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Ibrahimy https://journal.ibrahimy.ac.id/index.php/JUSTIFY <p>JUSTIFY is an open access peer-reviewed journal which is original research and published by the Department of Science and Technology of Ibrahimy University. This journal contains scientific literature on applied research studies in information systems, information technology and a public review of the development of theories, methods, and science in information systems and information technology. JUSTIFY: The Ibrahimy Information System Journal is published twice a year in July and January.</p> <p><br>e-ISSN : <strong>2962-3642&nbsp;(Online)</strong><br>ISSN : <strong>2962-3871 (Cetak)</strong></p> Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Ibrahimy en-US JUSTIFY : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Ibrahimy 2962-3871 SISTEM INFORMASI PROMOSI UMKM BERBASIS WEBSITE PADA WILAYAH KECAMATAN ASEMBAGUS https://journal.ibrahimy.ac.id/index.php/JUSTIFY/article/view/5017 <p>The rapid advancement of technology is very beneficial for humans, it can even open up job and business opportunities. Entrepreneurs today must always keep up with market developments due to fast business competition. To achieve the expected profits, companies must apply the marketing concept effectively. This indicates that the company's marketing must be better managed and harmonised. The use of information technology is very important in promoting products to be marketed; one of them is MSME products promoted through a website built with PHP programming language and MySQL database. This system allows MSMEs to promote products, find out the results of sales reports, and make it easier for consumers to order, especially in the Asembagus sub-district area.</p> Syah Reza A. Pahlevi Achmad Baijuri Nur Azise Copyright (c) 2024 Syah Reza A. Pahlevi, Achmad Baijuri, Nur Azise http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 1 7 10.35316/justify.v3i1.5017 SISTEM INFORMASI MONEV (MONITORING DAN EVALUASI) KEUANGAN PADA PT. SUMBER REZEKI JATIADI GENDING https://journal.ibrahimy.ac.id/index.php/JUSTIFY/article/view/3342 <p>PT. Sumber Rezeki is one of the relatively large places for depositing junk goods in the Jatiadi area. In the system for calculating the results of the scales, sales and purchases are still recorded in the book. This often causes problems, where data is lost due to damaged records/books, so transaction data cannot be found. Employee payroll is still conventional, there is no fact of reporting payroll so that the financial reports are not recorded. Without payroll reporting, business owners do not know the salaries given to employees per month as well as expenses from suppliers that add up and there are still errors in calculating the total transaction. Therefore, an Information System Application for Monev (Monitoring and Evaluation) of Junk Goods Business Finance at PT. Sumber Rezeki Jatiadi Gending with the aim of making it easier for junk business owners to make transactions, payroll according to attendance, monitor and evaluate business finances, and find out the results of recapitulation of financial report data every month, so that PT. Sumber Rezeki is able to compete with other scrap businesses. For the method used, namely the waterfall, the process is carried out sequentially or sequentially linear, for system design using Flowchart, DFD, and ERD.</p> Wali Ja'far Shudiq Copyright (c) 2024 Wali Ja'far Shudiq http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 8 15 10.35316/justify.v3i1.3342