Samakia : Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan 2024-11-17T07:28:31+00:00 Ach. Khumaidi Open Journal Systems <p>Samakia Journal is one means of disseminating information on research results and science and technology advancement in the fishery field managed by the Faculty of Science and Technology University Ibrahimy. Since 2010, journal issuance is done 2 times a year, ie in February and August. Since 2016 the publication was conducted in April and October.<br><br><br>&nbsp;ISSN<strong> : 2086-3861 - &nbsp;</strong>e-ISSN :<strong> 2503-2283</strong></p> Pemanfaatan Wolffia arrhiza Pada Ikan Mas Berdasarkan Evaluasi Pertambahan Bobot Badan, Konversi Ransum, dan Kualitas Daging 2024-10-29T18:28:37+00:00 Toga Mahaji Mhd. Aidil Huda J Shofian Nanda Adiprayoga Angelia Utari Harahap <p><em>Wolffia (Wolffia arrhiza) is thought to be a ration substitute for goldfish because it has a nutritional content of 34-45% protein along with essential amino acids, low crude fiber content ranging from 10-11%, starch content of 10-20% and fat of 1-5% . The aim of this research was to look at the effect of using Wolffia arrhiza on goldfish on evaluating body weight gain, feed conversion and meat quality. This research method uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experimental design with 4 treatments and 3 replications consisting of 4 tilapia fish in each replication. The parameters tested were body weight gain, ration conversion, and carp meat quality. This research shows that the use of fresh wolffia as goldfish rations has a good influence on body weight growth of 7.5 grams with a ration conversion value of 2.3 and meat quality based on meat protein content of 15.35%. The fresh wolffia formulation showed the best growth results in the </em><em>D</em><em> treatment with 20% fresh wolffia with 80% artificial pellets on goldfish.</em> <em>It is thought that Wolffia (Wolffia arrhiza) can be used as a ration substitute for goldfish because it has a nutritional content of 34-45% protein and essential amino acids, low crude fiber content ranging from 10-11%, starch content of 10-20% and fat of 1-5% . The aim of this research was to look at the effect of using Wolffia arrhiza on goldfish on evaluating body weight gain, feed conversion and meat quality. This research method uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experimental design with 4 treatments and 3 replications consisting of 6 tilapia fish in each replication. The parameters tested were body weight gain, ration conversion, and carp meat quality. This research shows that the use of fresh wolffia as goldfish rations has no significant effect (P&gt;0.5) on body weight growth of 7.50 grams with a ration conversion value of 2.31 and meat quality based on meat protein content of 1</em><em>4</em><em>.</em><em>59</em><em>%. . The fresh wolffia formulation showed the best growth results in treatment D with treatment of 20% fresh wolffia with 80% artificial pellets on goldfish.</em></p> 2024-10-29T18:21:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Toga Mahaji, Mhd. Aidil Huda J, Shofian Nanda Adiprayoga, Angelia Utari Harahap Identifikasi Mikroplastik pada Ikan Kembung (rastrelliger sp.) di Pasar Tradisional Oesapa Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur 2024-11-05T13:47:22+00:00 Devi arianty Kumala Sari Ulfatul Mardiyah <p>Pasar tradisional Oesapa terletak di kelurahan Oesapa selatan, kecamatan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang. Letak pasar Oesapa berdekatan dengan laut sehingga banya sekali aktifitas masyarakat yang menghasilkan peningkatan sampah atau limbah seperti plastik kemasan, botol-botol minuman, makanan sisa dan limbah ikan hasil penjualan. Sampah plastik dapat terurai menjadi partikel kecil yang disebut mikroplastik dan dapat terdistribusi pada bagian kolom air sehingga tanpa disengaja tertelan oleh ikan-ikan salah satunya ikan Kembung (<em>Rastrelliger </em>sp). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi tipe dan kelimpahan mikroplasti pada saluran pencernaan ikan Kembung yang dijual di pasar tradisional Oesapa Kota Kupang. Design penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan survey langsung dan mengambil sampel ikan dari beberapa tempat penjualan di Pasar tradisional Oesapa. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 30 ekor yang berukuran 16,4 – 25,7 cm dibagi menjadi tiga kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saluran pencernaan ikan Kembung pada tiap kelas mengandung tipe film, granule, fragment dan fiber. Pada kelas ketiga ukuran (23,6-25,7 cm) menghasilkan total mikroplastik tertinggi yaitu 3,40 partikel/ind. Sedangkan dari semua kelas ikan, tipe mikroplastik fragment menghasilkan nilai rata-rata kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu 0,69 + 0,57 partikel/ind.</p> 2024-11-05T13:47:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Devi arianty, Kumala Sari, Ulfatul Mardiyah Dampak Aktivitas Wisata Bahari Terhadap Kondisi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Di Gili Labak, Madura 2024-11-05T14:24:26+00:00 Nirmalasari Idha Wijaya Jacobus Wiwin Kuswinardi Bagus Kusuma Aditya <p><em>Gili Labak is a small island in Sumenep Regency. The area of ​​the island is only ± 5 ha, of which 2.1 ha is a stretch of white sand. The width of the white sand beaches surrounding Gili Labak Island is an average of 20 meters wide, with a coastline of 1,200 meters, providing a wide and comfortable beach tourism area for visitors. The coral reef ecosystem on Gili Labak Island, which is in good condition, covers an area of ​​80.99 ha. This research aims to evaluate the impact of marine tourism activities on coral reef ecosystems. Research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods. In this research qualitative methods were used related to tourism activities. The quantitative research method used is a survey method to observe the condition of the coral reef ecosystem on Gili Labak Island, and collect spatial data and attribute data. To determine the impact of tourism on the island of Gili Labak, a questionnaire survey was used to determine the demographics of visitors, their activities on the island. The results of observations of oceanographic conditions obtained in 2019 versus 2023 oceanographic data are not too different. The condition that is very different is the coral cover which tends to decrease. Coral life forms tend to be stable, but there is a decrease in the number of life forms at station 2 which is located on the west side of the island. The results of observations on habitat resilience show that all habitats have high resistance to natural disturbances, but changes in land area and habitat structure easily occur due to human activities, such as marine tourism and fishing boats. Marine tourism activities contribute greater pressure to coral reefs than fishing activities.</em></p> 2024-11-05T14:24:26+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nirmalasari Idha Wijaya, Jacobus Wiwin Kuswinardi, Bagus Kusuma Aditya Air Kelapa Sebagai Salah Satu Bahan Probiotik Yang Dicampurkan Pada Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Nila Hitam (Oreochromis niloticus) 2024-11-17T07:28:31+00:00 Firgiani Citri Rovely Nuhman Nuhman Nurul Rosana <p>Ikan nila hitam (<em>Oreochromis niloticus</em>) merupakan ikan air tawar yang banyak dikonsumsi dan memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Air kelapa merupakan cairan yang ada didalam buah kelapa, air kelapa memiliki kandungan zat gizi yang baik, Sehingga dalam penelitian ini air kelapa dijadikan campuran fermentasi probiotik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air kelapa pada probiotik yang dicampurkan kedalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan benih ikan nila hitam (<em>Oreochromis niloticus</em>). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa perbedaan penambahan air kelapa pada probiotik yang dicampurkan kedalam pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan berat mutlak, panjang mutlak dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila hitam. Untuk pertumbuhan berat mutlak didapatkan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan perlakuan E (5,47 gram), sedangkan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak didapatkan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan A (3,17 cm), dan untuk kelangsungan hidup didapatkan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan A (95%).</p> 2024-11-17T07:22:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nuhman Nuhman, Firgiani Citri Rovely, Nurul Rosana